Hello. I am Katy from a small town near Moscow. I turned 18 two weeks ago. This is a very exciting opportunity for me. I am a virgin and what shame is there in sharing this beautiful fact with the world? This is the first time I am posing without any clothes in front of others. Let me tell you I did not expect it to feel so natural. I and my brother are the only children of our parents. My father and mother both work in a farm and I help in cooking and cleaning our house. Our home isn’t very big and I and my brother shared a room. Although I had a smaller bed to one side of the room, we often slept together... Read more >>>. My brother is three years elder to me. One evening, a couple of years ago, we both helped out our parents in the farm and were both tired. After taking a hot shower and dinner, we decided to watch a movie in bed. I remember it was a warm night and our window was open. The curtains were moving slightly in the breeze. I do not know when we both fell asleep. An owl hooted outside our window and I woke up. I was shocked when I realised my hand was resting on the place where my brother’s cock was. He was in his pyjamas, but I could feel that he was hard and huge. This was the first time I touched a man’s dick like this. I held my breath and lay stiff. I did not know what to do and my head was spinning. I did not remove my hand. It was as if a strong magnet held my hand. I had heard about a male erection from my girlfriends, but this!!! My entire body felt as if it was lit by electricity was very excited. I looked at my hand as it cupped his big cock. I stared at it. My brother slept soundly. As I looked at it, I imagined a similar cock touching my virgin, teenage vagina... As I thought of a big cock touching my virgin pussy, pushing against it and rubbing it, my vagina became wet and slippery. I put my other hand into my panties and began to caress my virgin clitoris...It was an incredibly erotic sensation. It was as if a thousand bulbs came on inside me. I had never experienced anything like this before. My pulse got quicker and quicker; my sensations were stimulated like never before. I rose high and then fell into the abyss. This was my first orgasm. It just stunned me. As I cum again, my hand unknowingly squeezed his cock. My brother woke up and saw my red face. I was blushing with embarrassment and with excitement. He saw my hand on his cock and my hand in her panties. He had to be a fool not to know what I was doing. My brother was three years elder but like me, he too was always busy with work and studies and had no sexual experience. HE was at that time waiting for his college results, waiting eagerly for a call to a Moscow college. When he saw me he did not know what to do now. We lay the way we were for some time, looking away from each other. My long T-shirt that I wear to bed had rolled up. My brother suddenly turned to me and I began to kiss him tenderly. I was completely aroused and did not think of what was right or wrong. I climbed on top of him and pushed my tongue inside his mouth. He started kissing me back, pulling my hair back with his hands and moaning a bit. I could feel his dick pushing through his pyjamas. He rolled aside and took off his bottoms. My hand could now feel his hot, huge, slippery penis. He rested his dick against my stomach. Both of us moved faster and faster. His penis was trying to get inside my virgin vagina, but I turned and did not allow it. My brother moaned and gasped and I felt something hot and sticky flowing between her legs right between her labia. It felt like eternity... It was beautiful...My brother got up and ran away from the room. I caressed my virgin clitoris though the sticky milk and my body shivered with delight. This was my first and last experience with a man. My brother went away to the University soon after and he made sure they never met alone after this. Today, after this photo shoot, I am ready for the next step. To lose my virginity. I told the producer my hope of being deflowered by Tommy. See you soon. Collapse
Hi, my name is Olivia Banderas and I’m from Italy. Grew up in an absolutely beautiful town called Sorrento. I enjoyed living there and I still do, because it’s located next to the sea. I really loved my family, especially my father because he had a yacht renting company and many many boats at the sea. I could always play there carefully and invite my friends to chill there and have some dinner with them. My mother was always out somewhere shopping or doing her nails and haircuts with her friends, sometimes even outside the country. I still loved both of them very much! Besides that I was attending the coolest school in the city called Sant’Anna and... Read more >>> I really wished to enter their guided practicum which includes an internship in a field setting as well as academic coursework to get all the possible skills needed to get on in life in my work field! This hasn’t happened though as I got transferred to another school called Nonna Rosa, where I fell in love with a girl and a boy. None of them knew that I was dating two people at once and it was really turning me on! I think a lot of girls do that and of course guys do too.. But my story turned out so that once we all started to sleep in one bed and it was really fun! This was also the place where I decided to do my first tattoo and my girl also did, till now we speak and always remember how we decided to do them. This was not just any normal institutions, it was a very specific school, where I learned how to become a cook. I always dreamed of becoming the best wife one day and cook in the kitchen in my lingerie or completely naked and then getting fucked either by my husband or my wife with a strap-on.. Honestly both of these options were completely fine with me and nothing has scared me! So… How did I meet my love? Let's start with the boy, him I med at the first school I went to and this happened while we were out on the field trip and were sleeping in very cool wooden modern houses located in the forest on tall trees. This was probably the most exciting trip of my life and I will never forget it.. The boys as always decided to drink there, so they brought a lot of alcohol with them.. Imagine that we were only around 14 or 15 years old maximum. This trip took us around a day and we went for a week, this was located in Piedmont and it was far away from us. Nonetheless, let's go back to boys trying to get us girls drunk! Well, as you can guess, they have succeeded in their mission! We didn't even know that we were drinking alcohol, because it was mixed up so well. Until the moment where I felt very light headed and I told everyone that I want to go back to my house on a tree, but I’m scared because it’s late night and we are in the forest. One of the boys, luckily the one I liked, suggested to take me there. As soon as we got there, he asked if he can stay till the morning, as now he was the one scared to go back, plus he was drunk like me. I told him to stay and so that he won’t freeze, he got me naked and himself and pushed himself next to me in the bed, so we will feel warm, his face got blushed, and then without hesitation he removed our clothes and even kissed me a dozen of times. Knowing that I was drunk, I kissed him and that’s how me and him began to make out naked in the bed, which actually just looked like a mattress on the floor and the ceiling was made out of the glass and with that clear sky that night, we looked at the stars. While kissing, I became wet for the first time between my legs and suddenly his dick was pushing against my pussy and I got scared and grabbed it with my hand. I can tell till today that I haven’t seen such a big dick ever. Well, maybe it will change sometime for me though. I offered him to pleasure each-other anyhow, but without sex, as I’d like to keep my virginity to lose it one day with someone special. You might even find out once… I gave him the best blowjob ever and even swallowed all the cum and sucked out every droplet from his penis until his body was shaking and he couldn’t take it anymore. Then he told me to spread my legs and get ready for something that I’ll never forget either. And I never did honestly till now, even my girlfriend couldn’t lick me as good as he did it. That’s how me and him began to date! Then there was the girl Anna, she and I began dating while doing a cooking competition in my second school and we got into a fight once, because the judges couldn’t decide who would win and gave us another time to prove who’s better. While fighting we even fell down on the ground and our mouths touched, suddenly her tongue was inside my mouth and we were sloppy kissing literally like lesbian pornstars. I got this new sense, because of my wet pussy with a girl and we both came after around 30 minutes of lesbian sex! The floor was fully wet and our bodies couldn’t stop trembling, as you see I was still a virgin at that point, just as I am now. One day though we all got drunk in a club and I mean my girlfriend and my boyfriend, without knowing that we all went there at once and woke in one bed naked and the next day I had to tell them the truth. They were both shocked but we all dated further on, without any second thoughts and it is very much fun until today. Well, now that I became 18 and decided to show in the studio of Defloration in Budapest, Hungary, I’m ready to prove on camera that I’m a virgin, to show the world how I masturbate and then perhaps lose my virginity with the famous virgin whisperer! This would complete my life dreams. Stay tuned and watch out for any video updates that are about to come with me and him! Collapse
Hello! There's nothing much to speak about today, because I grew up in a rather conservative family, and didn't have much else to do, but to focus on my studies and to not have much friends. I'm not even speaking about my relationships.. There were none, well, at least none that they know of, I mean my parents. I had to hide everything from them to the maximum level. I even bought two more phones, so to keep my friends and potential boyfriends as far away from them as possible. Turst it really works and I gotten to experience my first kisses this way too... Read more >>>. It was a family dinner and i was texting on my third phone that looked like my two others but had a different ringtone on it. So my parents noticed it when the phone rang during our family dinner and asked me why I changed the ringtone on it.. Even such little things... They notice them and that is very annoying, but I knew that I was getting lucky that night and after the dinner, I stack my whole bed with pillows and climbed out from out house window and ran away to this guy I was on the phone with. We spent the night cuddling in his bed and kissing. After that we were doing it from quite some time, but never dated as he moved away with his family to another city. Then I grew older and became 18 years old. I moved out from my parents and started living by myself and found a job as an erotical model and now I'm here telling you all about it. Collapse
Hi, I’m Galinka and I’m back to lose my virginity her and now with lovely boyfriend! It didn’t really take much to convince him to do it! I think just like any other he dreamed of such a moment deep down in his mind and heart and knowing how much loves me, he could never refuse me in this! I’m really glad that this day has come and I’ll be doing it not with a pornstar or any guy, but with my love and I count as my own pornstar... Read more >>>. We both came to this decision of making someone film us and just anyone but the world famous defloration.com and I couldn’t be more happy about it! Because this will leave us a video of us having our first real sex, that we can rewatch once we grow older. He first had no idea what the company was, but then I showed him the videos and he relaxed and got excited, even tried his best to get ready for it.. So the day has come and we are here. We started by talking on the bed and then making out. Then he licked me out and sucked him off and he inserted his big cock inside my young tight virgin and untouched by any dick pussy! It hurt at first, but then I got into it and we started to fuck quick and hardcore and we both had an orgasm, and it made smile and hug afterwards! I really want to express all my feelings to this company and the opportunity they gave us and then they invited us to come back and for them to film us having our first anal sex. We smiled and looked at one-another and told them to wait for us! Stay tuned to see us doing it. Collapse
Today is the day when I lost my virginity and I will never forget nor regret this decision. At least now I will have more experiences in sexual questions. As I came to the studio, I was worried a bit, or even a lot, my heart was pounding and I had a feeling that something might can go sideways. But I calmed myself down and went in, Tommy was already there waiting for me, so I went directly to the shower. After that I had a cup of water and went in to the filing location. The producer had a nice talk with me and Tommy, but then Tom decided to go first as a real man and started kissing me... Read more >>> and caressing my innocent virgin body. I really liked it and felt safe with him. All my worries disappeared in the thin air. Soon he was showing me how to suck his huge cock and I hope I nailed it right. He followed by licking my virgin pussy until the moment where he saw that I was ready to take the next step, which was him inserting his huge cock inside my small tight virgin pussy. It was very painful I might say, but soon the pain was fun and it started to feel good. Until suddenly a neighbor came down to complain about me being loud. But I suppose thats normal, anyone would be loud, and anyways its not of her business what I’m doing in one of my most valuable days of my life! I lost my virginity with something to remember at least, it was very fun riding his cock. I hope that I will experience some more of those hard manly big cocks later in life. But this is were it all started for me! Collapse
Oh my gosh, where do I even start? Hey, my name's Zabava, but my friends sometimes call me Zabi. Sounds cute, right? I've lived in Russia my whole life, and honestly, it's been kinda normal. Like, average Russian girl stuff. I'm not really good at this whole writing thing. English is tough! But okay, here we go. My life has been kinda like every other girl’s, except, well, there's this one thing. I've never had a boyfriend. It's not like I don't want to date. It’s just... I guess I've never really looked at boys that way. It's always been girls who catch my eye. I know, I know, it's not the "norm", but it's who I am. My hair is kinda my standout feature - it’s blonde and super curly. Think of those dolls you see in shops, but messier. I’m not the skinniest, but I guess I'm okay. Average, you can say... Read more >>>. I think I do deserve the attention of some girls.. Growing up, school was cool, I guess. I had my group of friends. We would hang out, chat, and do all the teenage stuff. But the one thing that set me apart was that I didn’t really have anyone special. It’s kinda hard when you know you like girls in a place where it’s not that common to talk about. Because in this country its not even officially allowed to do this and yet I never really cared about it that much and still was watching all the bisexual and lesbian porn and articles and pictures I could find on the internet or in the magazines! Anyways, fast forward to the big 18! Yep, I turned 18 and it was epic! My friends threw me a surprise party. The decorations, the music, the food – everything was perfect! And, the best part was that this really cute girl, Masha, from my class, came up to me and said she'd been crushing on me for, like, forever! I was shocked, honestly. She's smart, kind, and totally my type. We shared our first kiss then, I haven’t even mentioned this in the interview I had with this producer today..! We went to the attic to find something and then we just started kissing passionately and I grabbed her juicy tight ass and kissed her on the neck and we fell down and it was so loud that other decided to go up and check on us, but we managed to hear them and stopped it, not to get caught. So, yeah, that's pretty much the highlight of my life right now. It feels weird but in a good way. Like, I've found someone who feels the same as I do. Now, I don't know what the future holds, but I'm hoping for some good things. Wish me luck! Specially on my interview of me becoming the erotical model, I hope you can see my tryouts during the video and believe in me! Collapse
Nadya! Nadya! Nadya! I was sick to death of hearing the world revolving around Nadya at my school, especially since she lost her virginity last week to Tommy. Everybody at my school, well, just the girls, know of the Legend of The Virgin Whisperer and Tommy. They know that he is the expert one, the one to take your virginity respectfully and properly and that you can make a very nice stash of cash at the same time. Other girls have boasted of his prowess and their experiences, but Nadya has gone too far this time. Not only is it the only conversation out of her mouth, but on whispered confidences, Tommy has decided to give up his job, for her! According to her, Tommy told her that she was the best he had ever... Read more >>> had and that in that one brief coupling, he has declared his undying love for her! According to her, they are sneaking out together at night and talking babies and marriage. This talk of hers is just sickening and so very untrue and do you know how I know the truth? It is because that just 48 hours ago, Tommy took my virginity. And there was no mention of his "one, true love, Nadya". I wasn't too sure about losing my virginity, much less losing it to a well known porn actor. But, finally, at the age of 18, I had a boyfriend, an experienced boyfriend and I was worried that my inexperience sexually would be a turn-off for him and I really, really liked him. So, I called the producer at defloration.com and he assured me that my defloration would be tastefully done and the I could stop at anytime I wished for any reason at all. I would turn 18 in three weeks time, so I made the appointment and it seemed like it took forever for that special day to arrive, but it finally had and I was beyond excited that I was going to lost my virginity to the famous Virgin Whisperer, Tommy. The most fun fact was that I knew Nadya was full of shit and that I was being deflowered by Tommy in the midst of their alleged love affair. Tommy was there through my entire shoot. He flirted with me, kissed me, touched me and made me feel quite comfortable with my body and with his. We were both on sensory overload when it came time to deflower me and my pussy was dripping before he even took my breast into his mouth. As he fingered me to multiple orgasms, my body quivered and shook and I could tell he was taking as much pleasure from me as he was giving me. The next day I returned to school confident as a woman who now knew how to please her man. I only told a select few of my experience with Tommy and how good it was. Within 24 hours, word had spread about Tommy and his professional deflorations, with an emphasis on "professional" And Nadya had finally shut up! As it came to light a week or so later, it was discovered that she was already three months pregnant and that just did not make sense with her story of Tommy deflowering her. She had made the whole thing up! It was nothing but a pack of lies, a silly schoolgirl crush that went out of control. And, it was me, shy unassuming me who had the pleasure and honor of being deflowered by such a kind and considerate professional. My boyfriend and I continue to have a wonderful and satisfying relationship, on a spiritual level as well as a incredibly satisfying sexual relationship. And I owe all of that to Tommy and defloration.com. Collapse
I am an 18-year-old virgin from Moscow. I just turned 18 and this video shoot was kind of like my birthday present to myself. It was much more than what I had expected and I really enjoyed showing off my body and the freedom that comes with it! I am a very sensuous girl with lot of erotic fantasies but externally, I keep myself looking the part of a serious university student. I am good at my studies and have been getting great grades throughout so there is no problems in keeping up that appearance... Read more >>>. I get a thrill when I walk about without my panties with a serious look on my face in school and now in the University. I am a virgin in all senses of the word as I have had absolutely no experience with boys except one fantastic kiss. After gym class one day, I had stayed back to change from my sweaty kit. While going into the locker room, I bumped into a senior who was going through to the boys’ room. I had seen him around the school and had fantasized about him too so maybe I sent our some signal…I really don’t know what happened. He did not say a word but just pulled me near and gave me a slow, absolutely our-of-the-world kiss. His hands pulled me towards him and his finger encircled me, touching the edge of my teenage tits. He got carried away and it was mind blowing. Suddenly, he came out of the daze, got red and was very embarrassed and apologetic. I was too shy to tell him I loved it and that was the end of our story. I always have a serious appearance in school and that was the reputation that followed me. He avoided me after that with a red face.
Today was the first time I stripped in front of anyone, let alone a camera. I was scared of what I may feel or whether I would be able to do it at all but I could. I really had a ball today. Today was more for myself than for anyone else. At home I like to put on some romantic music and walk naked in my room. I sometimes dance with an imaginary partner, and I make believe that there’s someone with me, talking to him, caressing me, squeezing my budding teenage boobs. I close my eyes and imagine a strong, masculine hand moving down from my teenage tits to my virgin pussy. His fingers, separate the lips of my virgin labia and his tongue comes down from the belly button…down…down to where my virgin pussy awaits. His tongue slips into my virgin vagina, tantalizing me, his fingers still keeping the lips apart. His tongue penetrates further, and keeps flicking against my sensitive spots and finally tasting me fully. I would love to live my fantasy sometimes but people do not think I am at all into erotic fantasies. Boys treat me like I am made of porcelain. I am the only child of doctor parents who are always busy with their work. They would be shocked to know that I had gone in for a nude shoot but I feel I would love them to get shocked!! I am 18 now and am old enough to make this decision. I do not know whether this is what I would love to do my whole life but I need this outlet. Otherwise I think I may burst. This has opened the doors to a whole new world for me. I remember another incident. This one more recent. I was sitting without my panties in class in university. I enjoy the lips of my virgin vagina rubbing against each other. It gives the most fantastic sensations! As I said, I was in class and a substitute teacher walked in. He had a light beard and was extremely handsome. I went into a trance and imagined what it would be like if he came over to me in front of the class. He would pretend not to notice me but would casually sit near me while talking to everyone. He would then rub his leg against mine and then casually put his hand on my thigh and run his fingers closer and closer to my pussy. I had no panties on and his fingers would then go under my dress, all the while talking to the whole class. I would pretend not to know what is going on. My fantasy was so real for me that I did not realise that I was actually masturbating in class!! Luckily I was practically alone in the last bench. I shook myself awake and turned red in my face! Today, during the photo shoot at Defloration.com, I recalled this fantasy while touching myself. I really look forward to losing my virginity to a strong man one day. Collapse
My entire life I was addicted to one thing and one thing only and that is sport. My entire life was based on it and that was my goal to become the best at gymnastics and later at olympics as well. But one moment it all took a drastic turn of events. I had a huge trauma and had leave my sports career behind.. I did however have content moments, that I will never forget and one them being me having my first kiss ever and with a girl, with whom I was on our school Olympics which we won, and then we kissed. It meant the world to me. But sadly not to her... Read more >>>... I even confronted her about this later and she said, it felt cool for the moment, but never again. She really broke my heart that day. All my life I only liked girls and always believed that they can never be as harsh as guys are. So after that day, I didn\’t go out with anyone, had some friends, but that was all. Then my years were passing by… no sports, no relationships and no happiness in life. One day I was browsing the web at night, to satisfy myself with my fingers on my clit and I came across some videos with virgins and it really turned me on, I started masturbating really hardcore.. as I was done, I had to go sleep on my sofa, as my mattress was soaked. Then I found their website and sent them my application via email. They got back to me and here I am casting and masturbating now in front of your eyes and changing my life drastically! Collapse
Hi! I decided to come back a after a week of my initial casting, when I proving hat I’m a virgin and showed my hymen on camera and then me and the producer had spoken for quite sometime discussing my problems and ambitions about what I wanna do with my virginity and so I wanted to find a guy who would never in any way could resemble the picture of my family and make me remember anything about them! Most importantly he should be and atheist and from the looks, I’d love to see long hair, tattoos and find out that he has a huge dick! Well I got lucky! Because after the interview I decided to go visit and confront my parents about sex. They didn’t like it and we gotten into a huge argument with them! So I ran away and decided to go to a club where... Read more >>> I met the guy I was dreaming about and he changed me, I immediately decided to have sex with him but then got scared, because I’m still a virgin! Nonetheless he agreed to come with me to the studio and do it there on camera. It was important to me as well because the producer gave me confidence and I felt safer this way, but also my new boyfriend he was and is amazing and very helpful and cheered me up all the time, even before and during sex! We spoke a little and I saw that he was timid first but then opened up and we began making out undressing and he taught me on how to suck properly and he showed me the way a girl should be treated with the guys tongue and I almost came from that! He was amazing and when he broke my hymen too, although it did really hurt me badly! I knew that there’s not going back from this and it was my decision to come here and do it, so I just went with it and managed to have the best orgasm of my life! Better even then with girl they found me before my experience with my boyfriend! Collapse
My name is Louise Roche, a simple Russian girl with extraordinary dreams. I'm a gymnast, or at least, I used to be. Every muscle in my body breathed gymnastics, every nerve vibrated to the rhythm of a world-class routine. The balance beam was my kingdom, and I ruled it with unparalleled grace and flexibility. The gym was my everything. It was where I met her, another gymnast, radiant and sparkling. There was a spark between us, something more than camaraderie. I was captivated, drawn to her like a moth to a flame... Read more >>>. Our moments together were fleeting yet magical, stolen minutes in the shared intimacy of the showers, where the warm water would cascade over us, the hum of conversation a comforting murmur. I relished those moments, and not just because of her. I loved the admiration I felt from others, their gazes on my lithe form. It was a quiet affirmation of my hard work, my dedication to my craft. Yet life is a cruel master and when it came to choosing between her and gymnastics, my loyalty to my passion won. The sport was my first love, and I chose it without a second thought. Little did I know, fate had a cruel twist in store. The accident robbed me of my dreams, leaving me with a harsh stutter and a career cut brutally short. I spiraled into the abyss of loss and despair, my dreams shattered, my life confined within the four walls of my home. Yet even amidst the ashes of my life, the embers of hope still glowed. I realized that life wasn't just about gymnastics. I wanted to explore the world, to wander through the busy markets of Istanbul, stroll through the romantic alleys of Paris, experience the world that lay beyond my tiny Russian town. Even as I dreamed of these new horizons, I held onto my gymnastic roots. The thought of sharing my gymnastic flexibility in an intimate setting excited me. The idea of expressing love in the form of gymnastic poses fascinated me. It wasn't about the intimacy or the sensuality, but the unique blend of my past and the possibilities of my future. From the icy plains of Russia to the glimmering dreams of exploring the world, from the highs of my gymnastic career to the lows of a debilitating injury, from fleeting love to a future of exciting possibilities, it is my testament to the beauty of the human spirit. I stand here today, not just as a gymnast, but as a survivor, ready to embrace whatever life has to offer. Collapse
My name is Sima Rus. I was born in a small town called Ufa in Russia. Life here was always predictable, almost suffocating. I turned 18 last week, a milestone that brought with it the promise of freedom. Growing up, my parents were like shadows, always behind me. They monitored every aspect of my life. When I was six, I remember the first time I wanted to play at my friend Masha’s house after school. My mother said no. She said it was because I needed to study. At ten, when other kids were allowed to explore the town’s ice cream parlor, I was only allowed to go if one of my parents was with me. It wasn’t that they didn’t trust me... Read more >>>. They didn’t trust the world. High school was particularly hard. My friends would go to the local café, “Coffee Moose,” after classes. I was never allowed to join them. Instead, I had to come straight home and do my homework under my mother’s supervision. My father would review it later, just to make sure I hadn’t missed anything. Their control extended beyond my studies. They decided who I could talk to, who I could be friends with. Boys were absolutely out of the question. I wanted to make them proud. I did well in school, avoided trouble, and always came home on time. But inside, I was growing more resentful. The older I got, the more I felt like a bird trapped in a cage. I dreamt of flying away, of experiencing life on my own terms. Turning 18 was like a key to that cage. I moved out the very next day. The moment I stepped out of my parents' house, I felt a rush of emotions. Fear, excitement, and a sense of relief washed over me. I had no intention of living a life dictated by their rules anymore. I wanted to explore, to experience, to make my own mistakes. That's why I decided to join the adult movie production business. Not because I wanted to rebel, but because I wanted to break free from the image of the innocent girl my parents had tried so hard to mold. I didn’t want to stay trapped in a life where I had no control. I wanted to prove to myself that I could take charge of my own destiny. The decision wasn’t easy. It came with its own set of challenges and judgments from those who couldn’t understand my choice. But for the first time in my life, I felt like I was living for myself, not for anyone else. I was finally stepping into adulthood on my own terms and to go completely bold, I decided to join the adult industry, not to stay a virgin forever! I still had my hymen intact and I knew just the right place to go and start this exciting life! Collapse
I'm Fialka. Born and raised in the heart of Moscow, the energetic city that seems to never stop. But my life? Well, it wasn't as energetic or had any freedom in it. If you saw me on the street, you might see just another typical 18 year old Russian girl, with beautiful skin and striking body parts, but my life was everything but typical. Mom and dad were, how do you say it, "control freaks"? From what I wore, to whom I spoke, to what I posted online; every move was monitored. I once joked that they would have probably put a tracker on me if they could. They said I was... Read more >>> their 'precious jewel,' but sometimes it felt more like I was their prisoner. It was a world of 'dos' and 'don’ts', and mostly don’ts and that was really annoying me.. To the point were I become a erotical model and decide to do porn just to feel the freedom of my own actions and the stupid decisions made my folks. Now, you must be wondering how I managed my social life? The simple answer is - I didn’t. I mean, I did have friends at my university. Oh, those hallways! They were my escape. It's where I could be myself, even if it was just for a few hours. I had friends, and they were lovely, but they didn't really know my life outside those walls. I dreamt of experiencing the world, exploring relationships, having late-night conversations under the Moscow sky, or just feeling the thrill of sneaking out for a midnight run. It sounds silly, but when so much is kept away from you, these simple joys become treasures. You see, it wasn’t just about having fun or rebelling, it was about finding myself. With so many constraints, I often questioned, “Who is the real Fialka?”. At university, I had crushes. Both guys and girls. But, with my parents' aggressively annoying overlooking intentions always looming, I never acted on any of them. My 18th birthday changed things. As I looked at myself in the mirror, wearing a simple white dress with my long hair cascading down, I made a silent promise. This year would be different. Being 18 wasn't just another year for me; it was my ticket to freedom. It's funny how life works, though. On my birthday, as I was making a wish over my candles in our living room, there was a knock on the door. It was my neighbor, Yana. She had moved to our apartment complex a few months ago. I knew her, but not really. We exchanged smiles in the elevator, talked about university stuff, you know, just casual chat. But that day, as she handed me a small gift and our fingers touched, there was a spark. I can't explain it, but it felt like destiny. In the coming weeks, we grew closer. She became my confidante, my escape, my first real connection to someone outside my sheltered life. One evening, as we sat on her balcony, looking at the Moscow lights, she whispered, "Life is too short to be contained, Fialka." And as our lips met, I knew things were about to change. I still live with my parents. Some things are hard to change overnight. But now, I have a secret, a beautiful secret named Yana. As for my hopefully not so hopeless future? I am hopeful. For the first time in my life, I feel in control. Because today I escaped this personal hell loop and decided to become the erotical model I meant to be! I even registered for a casting and since I’m a virgin too, they got me right away and I really enjoyed so much that I even moved on the my second big dream, which you’ll know shortly about. Collapse
Hello! I’m here today, because I’m still a virgin and I really want to lose my virginity and this step is really important to me! You may wonder why.. Well, because I have went through some unpleasant things growing up and I really wanna overcome everything this way! To become stronger and not caring about others opinions. I thought it would be cool to come here and express all my feelings and emotions as well all the stories that happened to me in the school I went to and also I secret horny story of me and my friend, with whom I stopped speaking for years after a small accident. But for her it turned out to be a big deal for whatever reason... Read more >>>. Anyways, it was school time and I was going there with passion and studying like a nerd and everyone knew this and used me for tests and exams and lots of other things, of course I wasn’t doing all this for free and took a fee always, to save up now for my future. I never had a boyfriend nor girlfriend till this day and I really regret this. But I had no choice sadly, since everyone knew I was a nerd, no one wanted to really hangout with me and it was always upsetting me and I was really frustrated about this fact. Nonetheless, one day me and best friend Alena decided to spend the weekend at my place and watch movies and have some kids champagne and feel like adults, but I had other plans in mind and the second night of weekend, I hugged her and got really close to her and she started touching me in her sleep and called me a different name and I got even more frustrated about this and next day as we woke up I told her good bye and we stopped being friends. Yes, its selfish and I didn’t tell her why. But that’s just me. Then I finally tried to enter a relationship and in the beginning the guy showed me too much brutality and he was so abusive that I left him within weeks of us trying to date. This is very sad and I don’t really trust guys anymore! Maybe that’s why I love watching porn and satisfy myself with my hand, and my most favorite topic is couples porn. Perhaps of lacking it so much in my life I actually seek it in the videos and that’s what’s giving me all the excitement! Anyways, today I’m here at the studio and hoping to close down all the boundaries I put up to myself and start enjoying life like a real woman! Collapse
Hi. This is my interesting story, from the past, that took a turn in my adult life. In my younger days, when me and my family lived in one town, we had very great neighbor and my family became great friends with him. I think he was an actor of some sort, because he had a really cool house. Which I really enjoyed being at, it was very interesting and also it had an amazing, big, jacuzzi. My parents would go over to have some beers with him and have evening talks on the weekends, and they would always take me with. Whenever I used to get inside the jacuzzi, and swim in it and jump and have fun... Read more >>>. I would notice how the neighbor was peeping at me. I was smiling back at him, because I had nothing to be ashamed of with my body. This was all fun, but it doesn’t stop there, I wasn’t the only child in the family, I had also a sister and a brother. Me and my sister had the best contact any relative could wish for. She was two years older than me and over some time, me and her developed something more than a friendship between. It was a stronger bond, we definitely liked each other and sometimes, when I or her couldn’t fall asleep easier, we would do that together. We would cuddle together in bed and it would also reach us kissing on the lips and touching each other’s body, but nothing more. We thought it was normal and never cared to clarify it. I can’t say my childhood, nor my teenage years weren’t fun, because they definitely were! Theres a lot to remember from them. But then I turned 18 and got invited to professional modeling studio, where I found out what kind of an actor he was. Collapse
Hi! I’m back after a month. Last time I left because after telling my childhood drama, I felt very exhausted from trying to remember it and I felt like I just have to leave and be on my own. But then I was thinking about it and I came to a conclusion that I do have to come here again and lose my virginity, and I can’t live my whole life being a virgin! Although I did tell the producer that I haven’t watched or read anything, but I did watch a porn video just to have an example of what could happen. I liked it it was also one of the reasons why I came here today... Read more >>>. Although I did knew that it will definitely hurt me a lot and I was very scared of that! But then once the actor came in whose name was Leo, I felt that I was in completely good hands and he was Italian and a real gentleman and just a very nice guy! He was speaking Italian to me and I wasn’t understanding him but then he was also trying to speak Russian with some virgin sentences and that calmed me down and made me relax. I trusted him immediately he was like a real gentleman, the way he was acting with me! Then we stood up and he began undressing me and I was barely afraid. In some point it felt even nice and new! He was kissing and sucking on my tits he was slapping my ass and he seemed like someone who totally enjoys my body and it was a very nice feeling to me. at one point he told me to sit down so he can check my hymen. Ask him if he didn’t believe me but he told me it’s better to always make sure because girls can just come here and have sex and lie that they are virgins for real. The next thing you know after he checked my virginity I was sitting there holding his cock and sucking it as deep as I could to show him that I really want this to happen today. He was so pleased that he even complemented me by saying that I am very talented! After I finish sucking him off he laid me down and played with my pussy a bit with his fingers without inserting them! Then his tongue was almost inside my pussy and he was sucking on my clit and he was licking me out and it was very very passionate! After a while he started to play with his cock with my pussy and I had to suck him off again a bit, so that’s why my pussy is still wet his cock can be sloppy so he can answer easier inside of me. Then he asked me like a real gentleman if I was ready and I said yes and his cock just slid in inside and it did hurt me a lot but I got so used to the pain and it felt like it was gone! I was very curious if we were through the process so he spread my pussy lips and checked and then he inserted his fingers and started fingering me and I really enjoyed it! Honestly I was about to cum but then he stopped! He didn’t told me to suck him off again and I will do great because he sees the talented me for doing that and he thinks that I really enjoy this all doing reality it is kind of weird but it is kinda nice too! No we continued with another pose almost spooning, except that my leg was raised up, perhaps it is the spoon pose I’m not really sure about this.. after that, we continued with our last pose and that was the doggy style pose and I’m perfectly aware of it, because when I used to work on the WebCam and I still do actually work on it. I often touch myself and just enjoy this pose a lot! He came all over my ass I was spanking his cock on it and I was shocked because I never seen anything like this! I have really really enjoyed having sex for the first time especially with such a great guy like Leo! I do recommend trying out the first sex to any girl or a guy out there, does it help a lot on resolving my childhood drama that I built up in my head and could never let go but now it’s gone and I’m feeling free to enter the adult life! Collapse
Hi. My name is Ofelya Rubens. I am 18 years old I had my birthday around a month ago. This was one of my best birthdays I have invited every single person that I care about even my dog and all my friends and family and it was really really fun! I’m a very shy girl and in my past when I was a kid.. well not exactly a kid I was around 15 - 16, I met a guy online on the dating app... Read more >>>... Who has sadly changed me into the person I am today. And that time especially when the first time I met him I had no idea, although he was around five years older than I am and I was a very naïve girl and I didn’t know that he just wanted to take advantage of me because I liked him so much! So we met the first time he took me to Shisha Lounge, we also had our first kiss there and then we went out a couple of times, we also had declared that our relationship is official! Then he invited me over to watch a movie and all the three times when I went over he was trying to get to me by touching me and I didn’t like it and then I just stopped going to his place at all! So it was really hard for me specially that he broke up because of this.. I tried to explain that I’m not ready yet and he didn’t care he dumped me..! Then I thought with time that if I become a model perhaps this can change for me and I can flip it into my own good and not be so afraid of being with men. And as the time was passing and I became 18 years old and an opportunity came up for me to join an amazing website about virgin girls! I immediately took this offer and got in contact with the producer they have invited me over in the studio was very beautiful and this was my first ever casting! Also my first ever time when I was getting completely naked on camera or even in front of any person… we had a nice talk with the producer and then it was time for me start posing and they were doing snapshots of me explained also what does it mean that was was hyped about it and I haven’t even felt shy that much because the producer was a woman. She told me that I have very beautiful body and my hair is nice and my smile is very beautiful! Also I went into the business because my mom was also always persuading me that I look really amazing and I am really beautiful and I should try modeling business! It seems that I have chosen the right path would help with my mom and now with the help of the producer as well! Throughout the whole casting western into a photo shooting I learned a lot about many different sexual poses which were also erotica poses and it was really arousing and turn me on a lot!! It was very interesting I got to know a lot of new things and it was definitely worth coming here and I will be back for more! Collapse
Hi my name is Nina O`Neill. I am 18 years old, I have turn 18 not so long ago and today I am at the studio off defloration.com losing my virginity with world famous Thomas Stone! I must be the luckiest girl in the world considering my past and where I am now and where my career lays ahead! I am from Ukraine I’ve lived my whole life there but it’s been pretty fun because as a Ukrainian I could travel without visa anywhere in Europe and that’s what I did most of the time and it was an amazing part of my life and... Read more >>> still is! The only downside of my teenage days it was my brother, he tried to get to me at every possible moment, and I mean it in a way that, in the sexual way like sexual harassment almost.. definitely a big role on me and it became very hard for me to trust guys and to get into any relationships with them and the way this was showing, or actually started showing as when I was 14 and my body was developing really quickly and I had big tits and a very nice ass as well as legs... at one point I was taking a shower and she was looking at me through the door that was ajar. First I haven’t even noticed and this could’ve been going on for months but then I suddenly turned around because I heard a noise it was him tripping down bumping into the door and opening it and I saw his pants were down and his who directed cock was pointing at me and at this moment he was probably planning to cum and this is exactly what happen so I saw him falling down with his huge cock pointing at me cum flying in my direction.. I was shocked by this I didn’t know what was going on at first.. because of the shock of course I knew everything about sex and masturbation for guys and girls and the shock took me over I didn’t even scream I was just standing there looking he ran away quickly and pretended that this has never happened.. for a few days… but then I was left alone parents went away for a dinner and I watching my favorite tv show on the couch. This couch was pretty cool because it could extend for the legs so I was laying there under the cover and there are some sexual scenes in the TV and I started masturbating my eyes were closed and I was imagining myself in those parts of the series and suddenly I felt someone else’s hand under the cover and it reached my pussy and touched it I open my eyes and I see my brother staring at me and his hand being at my pussy I started to scream hit him and ran away to my room closed it and waited there until my parents came back.. as they came back I haven’t told him anything because I was scared of him he was way older than I was and I just let it go hoping that this would never happen again and to make sure it wouldn’t I left a note in his room that I will be moving out to soon as I hit 18 and if she’s trying to do anything like this my parents will know first things first about this and your other attempts! So then it was all gone and he wasn’t harassing me much, but sometimes he would steal grab my tits somewhere and slap my ass and that point I was already not giving it any attention so that he will get bored and stop doing this! You’re a spaz but he wasn’t doing much and then I once walked in on his room and he went out somewhere with his friends left his computer on and I saw my self naked on the pictures on his computer and this is when I knew that it’s time to for me to move out and I did and move to Budapest then I turn 18 immediately reached out to defloration.com and we agreed to do some videos and for me to lose my virginity with the best and the most professional actor Thomas Stone! This way I was hundred percent certain that my brother will never get to me first and I can be a real woman! And so I arrived to the shooting everything was amazing the producer was a very amazing person there laughing a lot and then I met Tommy he was a very generous person very brutal looking but very caring and professional acting and I felt myself completely safe with him and wouldn’t worry about a little thing! What does have a language barrier but there wasn’t much to speak about the producer help with translation he translated everything to me Dr. Tommy end it was amazing I was so amazed by this whole shooting that when I lost my virginity wait time is huge cock I barely even felt it although it was really hurting me but I wasn’t focusing my attention on this 100%.. all I can say is that I don’t regret coming to Budapest reaching out to Defloration and losing my virginity with Thomas Stone! Collapse
Hello everyone! My name is Lili and I’m 18 years old. Recently I started caring about myself more and more and decided that’s time for me to lose my virginity, but first I had to come to a casting and prove my virginity to the producers as well as to the viewers! It wasn’t the easiest, as I am very closed up and not really being open. Although I’m really trying on that! The reasons for this came from my past. As you can probably guess.. It came from the school I’ve been to.. I wasn’t the popular kid of school, in fact I was the most hated one and this has really taken a big part on my soul and heart and it made me the girl I am today! I don’t like my body, really care about the opinions of the others and... Read more >>> can’t really escape it, no matter how hard I was trying and this particular interview today was the first but yet the biggest step of overcoming my depressions and melancholiac lifestyle I’m living in. So, now back to school days. I wasn’t so bad in thinking about myself first, but then I got braces, my eyesight got worse and my parents bought really big glasses and I hated them with my full heart, but had to wear them, as we didn’t have much money and I didn’t want my parents to think bad for something that they bought me. Then, every morning my mom was making my hair and the styles were looking really outdated and weird and so I was getting too much hate, perhaps even more than the nerdy girls there in our school. My parents also always opted for the traditional marriages and told me to have one guy only in my life and marry him later. But I’m really against those types of marriages and I think they’re useless. So I tried dating a guy in school like everyone else, but just after we first kissed, which was by the way absolutely spectacular, I came back the next day thinking that we’re together, but everyone was looking at me and pointing fingers and I had no idea what was going on, until someone came up to me and told me that I was a whore! I was shocked and didn’t move anywhere for minutes, than started crying and ran away to the toilets, where there were other girls and they were telling me the same. Literally the worst day of my entire life. Also the city I was living in was so small that even if I wanted to become a whore that I was called in the school, anyone would find out the same day.. So one night stands weren’t an option for me. After some time I decided to try out with girls and failed miserably! One night my bestie came over to me for a sleep over and some girl talk.. But then as she fell asleep on my bed and I gotten really horny at midnight, I decided to caress her hot virgin body and kiss as well, she woke up and got really mad at me! She was yelling and throwing things at me. And so fail and after fail like this, my mental health and my libido gotten really down and I became the girl I am today. But hopefully these shootings with help me and will guide me onto the right path! Collapse
Hello and welcome back! Today is the day when I am going to lose my virginity! I am super excited and I couldn’t wait for this moment to happen finally! Or did I it already happen? Well, by the time you’re reading this, it did and it was fantastic! A veery handsome guy with muscles, good humour and with great enthusiasm took care of this and it was an absolutely fantastic experience and all the poses he showed me and taught me is truly satisfying and unforgettable! I did my casting with the studio, except... Read more >>> I didn't want to be on the video as it was too much for one day, but then the next day which is today I am ready to be there and I have to be on the video in order for you to see how the whole process was! What isn't there is this.. I arrived at the studio and nobody was there except the producer who came five minutes earlier as I arrived. He wasn't late, I was the one who got a bit nervous and decided to come way earlier as planned. So I smoked almost a pack of cigarettes and drank around 3 or 4 coffees until it was time. But even then it wasn't all so easy.. I went showering and then I didn't notice how the door got ajar. Not until the moment I got out of the shower. I was told then that it was the actor whom I chose for losing my virginity looking at me and preparing his dick to be stiff and ready once we go to bed with him. I dressed up really sexy and went straight ahead to the bed where he was waiting for me. We got introduced to one another and we didn't speak much as we just continued with the flow and got to making out right away and further on. By one moment we both were naked and I didn’t even notice how it happened so fast! One minute he was kissing my tits and the next thing you know his fingers are on your clit and they are rubbing your clit back and forth and the pussy is getting super wet and your body is slightly shimmering. Then he laid me on my back and checked if my hymen was still intact and safe, so he could break it with huge penis then he began kissing me all the way down till he reached my pussy then looked at me smiling and continued with full passion to lick it! After some time which has felt like an eternity to me, he reached to me and told me to seat down for him on the edge of the bed. I knew what would happen and I wasn’t really ready to take it deep inside my throat. What I didn't know was how big it was, way bigger and wider as it seemed at first. I sucked him off really good and sloppy even held it in my hand afterwards and stroked it while we were standing and making out with him! After a little while, he turned me around with passion and slightly bent me over, but just a tiny bit, because my perfectly shaped ass was really pushing against him and he easily enter my tight little virgin pussy this way! Then at one point which felt perfect for the both of us, he slid it in, really deep and kept it there for a while and told me not to move as this is how the process goes. I was scared, but I did believe him, and tried to act normal even though it was hurting me a lot at that moment. Then he continued to fuck me in this pose until he felt like I might be interested in some other poses too!! He told me to get down on my knees again and I was ready to take it back into my mouth, but instead he put me in the doggy pose and continued to fuck me. This pose just made it so much better and more interesting and I enjoyed it with a huge passion while being drilled by a huge cock of a professional pornstar. At the end he took it out and came on top of my ass and she cum was dripping down on my pussy even, by that time I already reached my second orgasm and probably couldn't take on a third one. I was glad that I could lose my virginity at such an amazing place with such amazing support from the producer as well the pornstar. Big thanks to defloration.com for this life changing opportunity! I hope that everyone has enjoyed watching me losing my virginity and got the full insight on this amazing virginity loss experience! Collapse
Hello, my name is Jeanne Mathieu and I’m 18 years old since last Friday! I’m a Russian girl, living in the capital Moscow, in Moscow City. In the school I really hated a few girls because they have gone to this place I’m at today and lost their virginities with the best men they could dream of. Some girls were nasty not only in a conversation out of her mouth but showing off the whole time about going there and how cool they thought they were for doing that. One of them says that... Read more >>> one of the pornstar guys has declared his undying love for her! According to her, they are sneaking out together at night and talking babies and marriage. But it’s all a lie. As I’m the one the producer said about that he even likes me and that I’m super beautiful and have an amazing body! The same day but at home In France in a beautiful little town called Aix-En Provence after taking a hot shower I stood naked in front of the bathroom mirror and tried to imagine someone standing behind me and touching me naked no matter if it is a boy or a girl. I touched my virgin tight pussy which was very tight, shaved and soft, I touched my big tits. I wanted to show my body to the world at this point. Early in the morning I woke up and heard sounds outside. This was actually in France when I flew to my friends house in a nice little town in France called Aix-En Provence. I was alone in the house in the morning as my friend and her parents had left the house to buy new garden furniture.. I knew the maid was coming and that she would start with my room, I got naked really fast and uncovered my half of body, to see what she did with me, because my friends parents weren’t at home. He came in, checked if I was sleeping and then began to touch my hot virgin body, every part of it, I opened up my eyes a bit and imagined dragging her in really fast into my bed and telling her, now you won’t escape me ever and I will make you cum fast! The housemaid wasn’t a woman, it was a guy who was around 20 or 25 years old and he was looking really smoking hot all the time. Trust me it was worth it, one the hottest boys I ever saw in my life and I had to imagine fucking him as a real step bro, because that’s what my fantasy is all about! Imagined as he pulled down my panties and he was really holding on to them with his teeth while taking them down. And I was sure he would have a perfect big cock, but I couldn’t even imagine how big it could be… There was a very huge erected cock hanging off and it turned me on even more! While I was imagining all this I closed my eyes and began masturbating and I got pretty loud and I totally forgot that he was cleaning the pool outdoors. Once I was ready to cum someone grabbed me legs from underneath my thighs and stuck his tongue inside my tiny virgin pussy and I had my first orgasm the same second and covered his face with squirt!.. After I returned home and he agreed to come with me to visit Moscow, I took him to my place to continue sleeping naked and waiting for him to sneak his tongue in inside my tight pussy and make me cum non stop all night long and he also promised to teach me how to such a cock and I even allowed him to fill my mouth with cum! My neighbours' daughters had their rooms just opposite mine and they were always on their computers. The first time I did this I wore a thin slip and let one side fall off as if accidentally and I saw them sliding their hands inside each other's pants and moving them, but then my boyfriend came from behind and his stiff cock was pushing against me and started to kiss me on my back and then my neck! This turned me more and more until I decided to take off the curtains totally and make them a real erotic show every day and all day! They were 100% lesbians as it turned out and seeing them doing that to one another made me very turned on with him. Then I planted some cameras in the room and recorded us doing all those sexual contact, only my ass and my pussy stayed virgin with him! I did so to keep my hymen for a real cock from a guy! Also when he traveled away home to France to his family I was watching us on the video and masturbating my tight pussy! Then suddenly I decided to show the world that I’m capable of and found a studio that accepts only virgin girls like me! I called them, got an appointment and now you see me on their bed rubbing my hot body and masturbating my tight virgin shaved pussy while grabbing my tits right In front of your face... Collapse
Hi, today I will tell you how I lost my virginity, with my childhood neighbor, but many years later. I came to the studio, and did my casting first, where I told all of you, about my story. Then I actually got the chance to lose my virginity in the best possible ways! It was with an amazing dude, who used to be my neighbor, and even though he told me that it will be hard for him to do it, because he remembers me as a little girl, and now he will be the one popping my cherry. But I just went through with it and it was the best moment ever! We began kissing first... Read more >>> while going to the bed and very slowly he started taking my clothes off and kissing my body slowly. I really enjoyed this and I saw in his eyes that he was having pleasures from my body. Then he decided to introduce me to his cock, and it was bigger than I ever imagined it to be! But I didn't hesitate and gave it my best to suck him off! He was moaning while laying back and tilting his head backwards, so I was doing a pretty good job! Then he licked my tiny pussy and checked my hymen, just to make sure that I was a real virgin! Then the penetration happened, and it was really painful at first a few minutes, maybe even 5 minutes, but then the pleasures took over and we tried several positions and all of them were very at it's best, so I can't just choose one. It all ended in the most interesting way, but you'll have to stick around to see this. Collapse
Hello, I’m 18 years old. I live in Russia and St. Petersburg. I have during the 18 not so long ago but I have some what I think critical life problems which let me to this amazing studio today! Don’t worry, I will tell you all about them! So first things first I grew up with my parents and I still live with them, but ever since I can remember myself I was always controlled by them and still am... Which means that my personal life got affected which a huge amount of overlooking from them. This bothered me... Read more >>> still bothering and I think until I move out and start living alone this problem won’t leave me. So a few examples, when I was in school and I tried dating my parents were really against it and they always told me that I need to have priorities in life such as studying and thinking about my future career and such things as having relationships can wait and they are not important in life! I find this completely wrong and I think that they are not allowed to control my personal life such as dating guys! But what can you do if your parents are as strict as mine are! Sadly this is how I was living in still am living now.. hold on not everything is as sad as it seems to be in my life because for example why yet I was too in school I was attending theatrical classes in school and their kids not only from my school but from other schools as well. And this one time I was in the dressing room and I was completely naked changing for an upcoming scene and some guys and girls walked in on me.. I was really really timid at that point and they came to me and tried to tell me that it’s absolutely normal and then they all got naked as well! You’re probably wondering what else I was feeling, I was very nervous but yet very excited to look at their bodies and after this when I came home and a little bit of time passed, I started thinking that it’s time for me to start exploring my body and all song all the sexual interest that came within! so I watched a few porn videos and try to masturbate, this happens actually pretty random to me so just whenever I get this part in my head and a feeling that I need to masturbate I just do it! But until now I did not have any success with it, I don’t know why, I do have some intense sexual fantasies, but I cannot let you know just yet! When I arrived at the studio when I finally reached the legal age of being in such video call mom I had an amazing chat with the producer and then I tried my best to masturbate and perhaps reach my first real orgasm on camera but this didn’t work out as planned and I was sad about it and also very timid! But the producer told me that it’s not a problem and the next time we see each other they will have their amazing assistant and I will spoil this for you, she’s a girl and I cannot wait for her to teach me all the sexual possibilities within my body and also perhaps expanding my vision onto other partners! I am hundred percent certain that she will show me and teach me how to bring this pleasure to myself how to properly masturbate and how to have an amazing orgasm, so stay tuned for these further events in my life! Collapse
Hello there, my name is Lena. I'm a typical Russian girl from a tiny dot on the map, a place called Slobodskoy, lost in the northern expanses of our vast country. Life in this corner of the world is like an intricate ballet of snowflakes that twirl and whirl in the frosty air outside my window. My parents, diligent as most Russian folks are, worked relentlessly, their sweat and toil devoted to ensuring our humble family had enough to eat. This left me with ample time to nurture my blooming curiosity and explore the world around me. Left to my devices, I discovered an all-consuming love for books. I would lose myself between the pages of these paper-bound realms, traveling to places I could only dream of visiting... Read more >>>. Growing up, I felt a subtle disconnect, an unvoiced discordance that echoed within me. While other girls would giggle over their crushes on boys, my heart skipped beats for a different reason. I held a special place in my heart for Katya. We were friends, and then something more. It was our secret, kept safe in shared glances and hushed whispers in the secluded corners of our school. This chapter unfolded in 7th grade, a tumultuous time of discovery and emotions. High school introduced a new set of challenges. Academic struggles, coupled with the simmering turmoil of my desires and my identity, made for a difficult phase. I felt like a lone wolf, traversing an unfamiliar landscape. But in the face of adversity, I found an unfaltering resolve. I started documenting my experiences, my dreams, and my thoughts. The pen became my confidante, the pages, a safe haven for my deepest secrets. As my 18th birthday approached, I underwent a significant transformation. I began to view my clandestine relationship with Katya not as a clandestine escapade, but as an integral part of my journey towards self-discovery. I realized that the rollercoaster ride of emotions that was my life was only the beginning, and I had just entered the realm of adulthood with countless experiences waiting for me. I’ve never ventured outside of Russia, never tasted the sweetness of a conventional romantic relationship. Yet, I’ve held on to my innocence, waiting for the right time and the right person. As I cross the threshold into adulthood, I continue to dream. Dreams of leaving Slobodskoy behind and exploring the world, of finding a love that resonates with my being, and of writing stories that encapsulate my journey. Collapse
Hello, my name is Sofia Merova and I’m a 18 years old virgin, who came here for a casting to speak about herself and stayed for all the opportunities, but for that you’ll have to stick around and wait for all of it by time. I grew up in a great family, where there was no family drama involved into my childhood, although later in life something did happen, but I’ll elaborate on it a bit later.. I have an older brother and he’s 5 years older than I am, we were always best friends and he would never let anyone hurt me or make fun of me and he would also take me to school on my early school grades... Read more >>>. I wish everyone to have the same relationship with their siblings as I had with mine and still do. I love taking showers and I was always spending hours in there, although the water and the electricity bills are pretty high in Russia, but I didn’t care and I was still doing it and my parents didn’t really care about nor couldn’t they do anything because I was still a child. Every time I was in the shower I was looking at body and discovering new arousing spots and looking and touching my tits, and my ass and my little virgin pussy. Once after the shower I went to my room and my family was away on the vacation and I couldn’t go with them, because my school did not have any vacations at this time for me. So I didn’t have to dress up and I was completely naked for the whole that they were gone from home. I enjoyed very much and then when I followed to my room after the shower, I took my little mirror from my makeup drawer, sat down on the bed and placed it in front of my pussy. Then I stretched my pussy lips wide and saw my hymen there. Next thing you know, I’m already up in the internet and researching what it is, then I learned all about virginity and also got to porn and learned what it was, and how important is it for me to keep my virginity, until turn 18. It’s because I discovered the website defloration.com This became my most favourite website of all time. It was all great until one day while going to the bathroom, I open the door and see my brother taking a shower and jerking off his huge cock in there.. It got me disgusted at first sight. Then it became worse as the size of it was so enormous that I started to panic and ran away to my room and took a walk thinking about it. But don’t get your hopes high, I wasn’t thinking about sucking it nor fucking it. I got really scared on the other hand and since I have this weird huge cock phobia! It makes me shiver once I try to think how can it enter my pussy without destroying it. Nonetheless now, when I’m old enough and have a boyfriend, who sadly has the same size cock as my brother does. I felt it once when I was making out with him and I got really horny and put my hand on his pants and felt it. This is also one of the biggest reasons why I came to the casting today. Because perhaps I can lose my virginity here and then I won’t be scared to have sex with my boyfriend or any other guy who have huge dicks! But my story doesn’t end here… Once I met a girl in school and she liked me a lot and she wasn’t a virgin, but I was and I was a tiny bit shy at the moment. It was probably just the period of time when I was getting older. My body was changing, in a good way, I was becoming more beautiful and more grown up looking. She came to me once, I mean my house and we started to make out one evening, and then caressing too. She definitely knew what was she doing and I was just a noob in all this, but she showed me around and since then I like girls too. Making out makes me really horny and then it doesn’t matter who it is a girl or a boy. But I have to admit that being with a girl is better, because they’re more caring. Hopefully now after my casting is done, they will help me to lose my virginity, and it won’t matter with whom a girl or a guy or even both. Collapse
Hello, and welcome back to the best and foremost important day of my boring and melancholic life!.. Oh well.. Not anymore! I’ve been to casting and had my first time lesbian experience and now its time to see and feel what’s its like to have a huge cock inside your vagina! I really look forward it! Until I looked at my watch and realised that I had to rush to the studio and actually made it there in time somehow. I somehow was so fast that I made it before the actor and got to chance to relax a bit. We began kissing and I’m not sure if I ever kissed anyone... Read more >>> so passionately as I did him, he really enjoyed it very much as well, because I have big beautiful lips and what guy wouldn’t enjoy kissing them! He was touching my lips and kissing them at the same time. While kissing me, he began taking my t-shirt off. I was moaning really intense and he loved it with a smile at me. I couldn’t keep my motions inside of me and let them all out for him to see! Im not ashamed in any possible way, and I’m very proud of myself, through everything I went through today! Specially the part when he penetrated my thighs virgin pussy and I became a real woman at that moment because I lost my virginity and my hymen was nowhere to be found! I enjoyed sucking his disk to a certain extent and him licking me of course! Rest was magic as I mentioned already. Many poses, great sex and very intense orgasm! Definitely recommending this incredible, but truthfully a little bit painful experience to all the girls out there! Better to do it with a professional rather than with someone who has no idea about sex! Collapse
Hi! My name is Juliette Bellamy and 18 years old. I live in Russia, from a town called Norilsk. Its a smaller town compared to all the other cities of Russia and pretty boring, there’s nothing to do here at all! Besides a few museums and galleries, you can’t even go anywhere else, unless if you grew up in a family like mine, who loves to go hiking, me excluded. Although it did make me have a good body now, specially my legs and ass. Plus skiing in winter is the fun you can add, even though, the weather drops to more than minus 30 degrees. I was often, or even always seeking for 2-3 weeks in the winter there and we used to take our friends with us, they a had girl of my age and it... Read more >>> wasn’t boring for me. She was my best friend and it really saved me from all the boredom this town had to offer. One time when we were skiing, we both ran into each other on the track and got some bad injuries, no, we didn’t brake anything, but still there was lots of pain. So our parents rented an extra room in the hotel and we stayed there for the next week and a half. They did so, so that we could still enjoy our time there while our parents were going to ski or go out during the night. So you probably guessed it and got it all right! We, from boredom, decided to teach other how to make out and while our parents we’re away doing night skiing and doing a movie about it, I decided to tell her that I wanna learn how to kiss and caress someone. Suddenly she looks at me and tells me, the same exact thing. We both smiled and I came over to her bed. But then we decided to move the beds together and managed, although our bodies still hurt from the accident. First she kissed me on my forehead, then my cheeks, and I kissed her back on her neck from the sides, like I’ve seen it in the Playboy magazines in my parents bedroom, under the bed. Slowly but surely, in one hour we decided to kiss on the lips and we both got mesmerised by this. Because it felt incredible, and the situation was incredible, because we both grabbed each others butt and then kissed. We got naked pretty fast though, in comparison to how long it took us to get to our first real kiss.. this was honestly one of the best moments of my life and I will never forget about it. Not only because of the adult like experience we shared with one-another. But also because at one moment I almost lost my virginity and I got scared and had to Anna, that she should stop, that she can kiss my only and caress my body. So, what happened is that, we were excited and by an accident of being carried away, she almost pushed her finger inside my hymen. But I managed to stop her at the right time, and that’s how I managed to keep my virginity to this day. Later when I became 17 years old, I managed to get it in an amazing university in Moscow and then I moved out there, and my life changed! It wasn’t easy to get used to such a megapolis lifestyle, but I did because I had the needs to! The year flew by super fast and suddenly I turned 18 years old, and I could find some free time in my everyday life to start earning extra money. The opportunity that came up through some modelling friends was, an amazing studio called Defloration. After I gave a call, they immediately answered and called me in for an initial casting where they told me, that I’m perfect for it, specially I told them about my story. So, I came there for the day of the shooting, we had a really nice talk on the camera and I told them why I’m a virgin, and that I do have a boyfriend, but we haven’t gotten to that point of our sexual life yet. Instead I love to pleasure myself and it brings me really much joy! Every time I get chance to masturbate I use it. During the shooting I had to prove my virginity, by spreading my legs and showing my hymen on camera, honestly it was interesting, because I have never seen one yet. So, then it turned into a masturbation, and I got so carried away, that I had an amazing orgasm and it was a huge blast! I think the producer really enjoyed what he was hearing and how happy I was during the process of masturbation! I loved everything about this shooting! Hopefully they can give me a call later if something comes up. I would totally love to come back here again! Collapse
Just like any other day would be in my life, I woke up at 8:00am, had my coffee and my vape at my balcony and then went to take a shower. While showering, I got horny and masturbated, which brought me shivers, cause I totally forgot that I have to be on set today at the studio, to lose my virginity, and I just had an orgasm in the shower.. I quickly got ready and called a cab to go there, came 30 minutes late.. they weren’t angry at me, cause this is an important day, and I told them that I was just very nervous and scared of it, that’s why I came later. The issue still stayed though, with my strong orgasm in shower at home... Read more >>>... I didn’t know what to do.. But then the actor came in and I met him and suddenly had the same sensations in my stomach and pussy as at home in the shower, so I knew I will give him all the pleasure in bed after his takes my virginity! We started filing and I was getting nervous and he saw it and made sure I forget all about it, he didn’t lick me, cause I always disliked this part of porn movies, but I did let him touch me everywhere and it felt incredible! Then we both got naked and were kissing and I met his cock. Oh my gosh! It was huge and fat, I didn’t know even if it fits me in any hole later on!.. But it did, starting with my mouth, I gave all my porn watching knowledge into it and he really enjoyed it, but it also made his cock bigger, which I didn’t realize at first, only then when he started pushing it through. But also not like everyone else, I lost my virginity riding his cock! This was absolutely insane, how I just had to seat down on such a huge cock! This was great and I really enjoyed it! Then he fucked me sideways and also when I was on my back, I don’t know what that position is called, but the way he was holding my legs, was absolutely insane and I came really hard and then he did too! It was definitely the best day of entire life and I will be fucking from now on as much as I can, I don’t know how could miss out on such fun activity in my life! Collapse
Adley Poupée
Hi, my name is Adley Poupée. I’m 18 years old. My birthday was just last weekend. I live in St. Petersburg, but now I’m visiting Moscow for my first ever shooting, and my first time ever being naked on camera. As I said I’m from St. Petersburg and I grew up there, and never left the city in terms of moving to another place. We always lived in the same town, but not in one apartment. But even then we moved somewhere around our district, as my parents really loved the neighbourhood and it was absolutely safe for me to hangout outside alone or with friends. I never had a boyfriend... Read more >>> growing up, I was always very closed up and never really wanted any attention. But don’t get me wrong, I still had and have a lot of friends, but they are mostly girls only. I don’t have a problem with that, but my parents started to think at one point that I might be a lesbian. I proved them wrong, when I brought home a guy and told him to act like he’s my boyfriend, and he even kissed me, which was actually my first kiss, and then my parents saw that, and all their thoughts became clear yet again. Although it turned into a small problem, this guy started to like me afterwards and he tried to get to me, but I made it clear to him that I don’t want any relationships at all. I might of made him really sad, but that’s life.. Anyways, I used to do a lot of things with my female friends. Just like going on a shopping spree, and then at home get dressed, do a fashion show and then also take pictures of one another, and this was so much fun, that I started doing it alone later too, and now my phone is full with my selfies. But I’m not letting anyone close to my phone, specially the pictures! Lots of those pictures are about me and my friends not wearing clothes. Not naked though.. In our lingeries or swimsuits.. That is my maximum on getting naked on camera or in front of anyone ever. Of course I do look at myself in the mirror in the bathroom and I love my body, and do touch myself too. I even masturbated a few times, but that was really awkward, because I had no idea what I was doing, so I couldn’t reach a proper orgasm. Which was solved today on my shooting. Coming back to no one seeing me naked, and I can add and repeat that I don’t have a boyfriend and never had one, so no guys have seen my naked body yet. But don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to live forever without having someone by my side. Now that I got 18 years old, and even half a year before that I already started giving it a thought and I want to find someone with whom I will spend my entire life with and also start a family. By that time I don’t want to be doing anymore erotics and be in such professional shootings as I’m doing today. It was all fun and I got really relaxed on it and the producer was very fun and calm and it got me really relaxed and this is very important for me, to feel this way, otherwise I wouldn’t open up to anyone and specially get naked and even masturbate! Hopefully they will call me for more shootings later, until I haven’t gotten any boyfriends in my life. This shooting, my first shooting and my first time being on camera, totally naked and have some strangers around me, probably pushed me on my excitement level a lot, to the point where I had my first orgasm and I will never forget it! I hope to surprise you all with more videos later on. Collapse
Hi. My name is Mimi la Mignonne. I’m 18 years old. I live in Russia, Moscow. While I was kid living in a good family, where I loved both my dad and mother.. My brother on the other hand always tried to get to me... Even while I was still a kid. I will elaborate just in a moment. Once me and my parents decided to go the sea for a vacation and we all went together of course.I planned to be an unforgettable trip, and it was, but sadly not in my favours. My goal was to speak to some guys at the beach to get some self confidence before school starts and so I could easily get a boyfriend! But the next day in the evening my brother and I are sleeping in one room and we even had to share a bed, he was older than me and knew how to kiss girls, how to touch them and so on... Read more >>>... So I was his target that night. As we were falling asleep he hugged me and got really close to me, that I could feel his cock against my tiny little ass! It was scaring me and I told him to turn away, but he said that he can’t fall asleep at the new place and this way hugging his little sister would be much easier for him. I told him then, fine, but make your cock go away from my ass. He didn’t listen and took it out and threw his boxers on the floor... I knew if I won’t act quick, I will lose my virginity with my brother at the age of seven and I definitely didn’t want that. So I started to scream, and luckily the walls of the hotel turned out to be thin and someone called the reception. So then my security came and my parents.. They asked what happened and I couldn’t tell them the truth as my brother told me, that if I do he will cover my mouth and will fuck me in my tiny ass and fill me up with cum. I was afraid and stayed quiet. As I woke up, I found brothers hand on my ass inside my panties and he was really grabbing it hard, although at this age, there was literally nothing to grab yet.. Sadly this trip turned out to be a complete disaster and disappointment for me, and how could I even trust men from now on?? If you think that this was it from my childhood, then you’re mistaking it.. The stories are not over yet. They’re just starting! When we got home and couple of years passed since that accident, the main situation after which I have such disappointment and I’m so discouraged to date men! I was home and I was watching tv, and everything was just fine, but then my brother came home and brought his friend with him. They ate food first, but I couldn’t stop noticing his friends looking at me all the time and telling something to my brother, so then they came close to me and sat near me. So I was in-between them and then my brother looked at this friend and grabbed me by ma hair and then my arms as well! Nobody was home sadly, so I couldn’t scream for help.. They undressed me really quickly and started grabbing my tits and my ass and even slid inside my panties and caressed my pussy until I fainted from my first but very disgusting orgasm.. On the bright side of this story, I stayed a virgin and now, today I’m here at the studio, trying to prove my virginity and to tell this story to the world, so that others could watch out, as they grow up! My parents have no idea about this either, I was afraid to tell them this! Although then I dated a guy, but we never came to nothing more than kissing and that was the maximum for me! Every time I laid down with him on the sofa, I imagined my brother in his place and the kissing was my peak! What really changed in me is that I tried and tried walking naked at home, specially when I moved out at age 17 and now living alone, near Moscow.. Once I noticed my neighbour watching me through his window and something fired up inside of me, it’s an unbelievable feeling of butterflies in my stomach! I got so horny from this that I masturbated on the floor in front of my window and I even squirted at the glass! My window was open and I heard how the neighbour fell down form probably being this and hearing my moaning really sexually! Now this is my all time favourite thing to do, specially on the weekends! Once I forgot that I wasn’t home alone and that my girl-friend was staying there too, after a drunken sleepover and I was walking naked and touching myself in bed, until I closed my eyes and felt her lips on my tits and then I came hard. We kissed! We caressed each other! But that was it for me after a couple of times! Now I’m fully ready for this moment of me showing my hymen on camera and perhaps even masturbating until an orgasm! Collapse
Hi! My name is Aletta Ginart. Throughout the video and my story you could probably say that I am a very different virgin girl, but that is who I am and I will never change it nor anyone else will ever change this in me! I will just jump straight into my life passions and yes I will tell you if I dated or not and I have and every time it was a complete disaster for me and I hated everything about all those relationships! But first let me give you a background on me so you understand those problems... Read more >>>... I am a girl who likes brutality I have watched 100 times the movies Fifty Shades of Grey every single one of them the movie Nymphomaniac and I absolutely adore those movies and I see myself as the character of those movies specially the girl and Fifty Shades of Grey, she’s very amazing and I totally love every single moment that was happening in the red room in the movie and I wish that’s how my sexual life will end up being! And since I like brutality in men and I want to be handled like the girl in Fifty Shades of Grey I want my first partner with whom I am going to lose my virginity here at the studio to be exactly like Grey! So now that you know my secret, I’m going to tell you how my relationships went which I don’t like to speak about much! I’m gonna speak about one specific guy which got into my head to the point where I could wake up at night sweating and being completely disgusted by him! In this relationship I felt more like a man than he was supposed to be, she wasn’t giving me what I wanted all do I have established my point of you on what I like in life and what I prefer… But he was always depending on me he was asking me what to do and he had no certainty in life and when we had any closure I was the man in our somewhat sexual experiences! But this will change because one part of me still wants to know how it is to be more feminine and the producers told me that they will take care of this, and I will know what it means after all our shootings here.. what I haven’t mentioned yet is I was brought up by my father and we were leaving always alone, I don’t want you to know anything else about my family except that my father has been always watching out for me and he became my idol in life! Basically he was taking care of me like as if I was his son, so he was taking me to manly sports also for some defense classes, which I’m not speaking about in the video but I am letting you know here and perhaps this has played a huge role on the person I have become today.. For me even when I was excited for my first relationships they have entered immediately after a couple of weeks some of the three even less because by the time I have already watched those movies and I needed the guys to be just like Grey was in that movie! I told him so but it has never changed, so I really hope that my wishes will come true in this studio! Collapse
All I want from life is love. I love myself, my body, everything and everyone. I love dancing. Oh! I forgot to introduce myself! I am Manon Artek. My mother is from the beautiful Mediterranean country of Spain and my Father is from a city called Győr in Hungary. We still visit there but our family has been living in Belgorod, Russia, for many years now. I am the girl you have to keep your eyes open for! 1999 was a great year! You know why? Because I was born…the most beautiful girl in Belgorod. My mom was always a beauty…a Spanish beauty and she taught me how to eat well, how to keep myself beautiful... Read more >>>. My dad is a handsome Hungarian, and my hero. I was spoilt terribly and still am and I enjoy this. All I have ever wanted was to be a film star. I want people to look at me, worship me. I want them to see my body. This turns me on like nothing else. Yes, I am still a virgin but there too there is a purpose. How and why should I give up my precious chastity to just anyone? I want the best and that is Tommy! I am not an only child, in case you are wondering. I have an elder brother, Dominik. He is six years elder to me and the most handsome male I have seen. And believe me I have seen quite a view…psst..I have a smartphone! Anyway, if I have to tell you my story I have to tell you about Dominik. He’s hot, he’s always got a following of simpering girls…yes, even my friends are all in love with him. But he…paah! He couldn’t care less. He’s an engineering student and is always engrossed in his calculations. Well, not always! That is a secret that I have to share with you. It was four years ago that I first discovered his secret. My brother too has some secrets. His computer is full of films that make him horny. We have a door in between our rooms and I used to spy on him for my friends. One night, it was pretty late, I had changed into my pajamas and was about to get into bed when I heard a weird sound from his bedroom. I peeked through the door and he was in front of his computer, almost sleeping on his chair and fapping away for glory. It was the first time I had seen a real-life penis and I was fascinated by it! It was then that I looked up to see what he was watching…I could see two sensational beauties with a man who was tied up. But that wasn’t very interesting for me. I couldn’t keep my eyes away from my brother’s organ. I t was beautiful. I went back into my room before he could see me, I was totally wet. Stripping all my night clothes off, I stood in front of the mirror. My hands ran down from my neck, over my teenage tits to my virgin clitoris. Hair was just beginning to grown and I sat down, bringing the lips of my vulva close to the mirror. I rubbed my virgin labia, flicking it with my fingers as I imagined my brother’s dick. I grew breathless. One of my hands moved automatically to my boobs. Squeezing them I imagined he did it. Was I a bad girl? I don’t know but I bloody hell enjoyed it and I do this everyday. Till now I would get turned on by bending in front of boys innocently, loving their blushing reaction when they tried to see my tits…now I knew how to give myself pleasure. I sometimes put on music and dance imaginary tango with an imaginary lover while arousing myself with my fingers. I cum again and again, and love the wet feeling on my fingers as cum oozes out. Doing this in front of others would be just the ultimate turn-on and so I hunted for best studios which can help me achieve my dream. This hunt brought me to defloration.com. I applied through an email and then phone calls followed. After school, I have just been going to night clubs, very undecided about my future. My parents are happy that I will go into modeling and films but what it is exactly I haven’t told them as yet. I am 18 now and they will not say no. That I know. My solo video has just made me hungry for more and my producer has assured me that Tommy is willing to deflower me if I am willing. I am. I would love to get my hymen broken by Tommy’s cock. In the meantime, watch my solo video and I am getting turned on knowing you are watching me touch myself. Till we meet again. Collapse
Hi, I’m back surprisingly and I’m finally ready to say goodbye to my virginity! This overall experience is very unusual but could being joy now and in my future as well, but that’s not the case with me, at least not today. I’m not even sure if I will ever have sex again, perhaps.. I came to the studio and they kept the actor that I chose by the pictures as a secret to me, until the moment after we spoke again and she called him in. He was looking exactly like the guy imagined him to be. He came in dressed up in a blue expensive suit and looked in my eyes! I loved everything about him, but understood that size difference in us was huge, as I’m just a tiny petite virgin girl and he’s muscled up and huge looking... Read more >>>. We began talking and he undressed me and then took his pants off, that’s when I got really scared and wanted to run away. I have never seen such a big cock anywhere, not even porn. He told me to give it a few kisses and then followed by a him pulling my head so deep on it that I almost chocked on it. After which he decided to pleasure me, and now me watching myself and overthinking it, I feel really disappointed, how my face was like a stone, without a single emotion, but probably because I was scared. He also checked if I was a virgin still and I was as promised! Then he laid me back and penetrated me with his big dick and it really hurt a lot, I wanted it to be over very quick and thanks god the producer told us to stop to my pussy if my hymen was not there anymore. Then we spoke a bit and I was happy to go. Nonetheless I’m thankful for all these professional experiences! Collapse
Hi! My name is Mila Utkina. I`m 18 years old, I came from Moscow. I'd like to try out the modelling business. My female friend has been posing for a year and she really likes it. This year she`ll take part in a fashion show in Paris. That`s great! That's what I would love to try too! We often dream with her that someday we`ll have an opportunity to visit different countries. And someday we`ll walk on the catwalk in beautiful clothes... Today is a very convenient case for me to start. Since this is not just casting. In addition, they'll pay me money because I'm a virgin... Read more >>>. This is really good since I live alone and study at Moscow College, so I need money. My parents live in the Urals. Which is very far from Moscow. I kept my virginity because after one incident happened to me, it's kinda difficult for me to communicate with the guys. Some time ago, I was spending time with my boyfriend at his flat. At that time, I was in school in the 9th grade and he was a university student. Then, a bit later, my female friend went home and I stayed alone with my boyfriend and his friend. Then they started pestering me. Got me on the bed. I wanted to break out, but they were much stronger. My boyfriend unfolded his zipper and took out his huge dick and began to stick it in my mouth. I was trying to run away, I didn't want all of this to happen to me. But he closed my nose to make it hard for me to breathe. I opened my mouth and he put his dick in my mouth and told me to suck it... His friend was pulling my panties off of me at the same time. I was very ashamed. I didn't want him to see me naked. My boyfriend was moving his cock in my mouth and telling me to suck it again and again... Finally I felt his hot sperm right in my mouth. It became difficult for me to breath and I started to cry. They let me go and I went home. This is my saddest story... But I`m still a virgin and that's good. Collapse
Hello. I am Shura from Vyatskoye village in Russia. You must have heard of my village. It is one of the prettiest in the whole of Russia! I love sitting by a hillock near a stream, watching tourists walking busily from one museum to another. I sometimes help out my father who is a guide and sometimes I help my grandmother in her fields. We are very poor and sometimes even my younger sisters have to work during the tourist season so that we have enough to eat in the off season... Read more >>>. Some tourists give me their clothes when they leave…such beautiful clothes. I love to imagine what life would be like in the USA or even in St Petersburg. I have just seen fur coats and would like to own one myself one day. I would walk down our village in style after getting rich, with a cigarette in one hand and a fur clock on my shoulders…sigh! Yesterday I did a photoshoot for Defloration.com. I could not believe my eyes when I got paid. A lovely lady from Moscow had come for a visit and the local grocery store owner sent her to me. I was thrilled. Felt like a movie star. She spoke with my mother and told her that my fare to Moscow would be paid. It was just a matter of a day. I had already done a few advertisements locally and knew how to model. She asked me whether I had turned 18 and was happy to know that I had my eighteenth birthday 3months ago. She would give me some time in a beauty salon too before the shoot so that my face and hair could be freshened. I was in seventh heaven!!! I haven’t done any major modeling assignments and love looking at the glamorous pictures from Italy and Paris in the magazines in the bookstall. In fact, Pyotr, the local book stall owner shouts at me almost everyday for flipping through the glossy magazines. “Keep your dirty hands off these or pay me for them”, he will shout. I just grin and run away. I have a crush on Pyotr and imagine that I will marry him one day and then I can look at these magazines all day. I went alone to Moscow as it was not a very long trip and no one had the time to come with me. I was given a hair treatment, facial and body massage and suddenly I was looking so glam. I couldn’t believe my eyes. “You were always beautiful just the shine wasn’t there,” said the lady. I love posing before the camera and had no hesitation in posing nude. I know my body is beautiful and love showing it off. My teenage boobs were taunt with excitement and my virgin clit was aching when the camera starting rolling. It was the first time I touched myself in front of others and it was a very erotic experience. Long time ago, my cousin Stella had given me another such experience. A tourist had taken Stella for a guide and she took me along. Stella was about nineteen at that time and quite worldly wise. After going around the museum, we went to the woman’s hotel. The lady told Stella that she wanted a massage and my cousin offered her services. When we entered the room, both of them forgot about me. The lady took off her clothes and lay on the bed. I was fascinated by her tits and the hair around her pussy. My cousin started her massage, which soon got very rigorous, I could see her fondling the tits and my own teenage boobs got aroused. As my cousin moved her hands low and gradually touched the pussy, she started moaning. It was the first time I saw a grown woman’s vagina. The lady pulled up her knees and arched her back as my cousin started rubbing faster and faster. I too could feel very strange sensations in my virgin pussy. Stella continued pulling at the nipples with one hand and massaging the pussy with another and the lady suddenly came with a shudder. She lay down quietly and I crept out slowly, trying to digest what I saw. I learnt how to touch myself after that. I love the sensations of my body. Sometimes I watch video clips on my phone and imagine myself being touched by 2-3 men. This is my erotic fantasy. During my photo shoot, I totally enjoyed posing naked in front of the camera. I love people looking at me, my boobs, my naked teenage pussy. I thank Defloration.com for the experience. I believe I have a long way to go and this is the first step of my journey. Collapse
Hi! My name is Agata Zezo and I’m 18 years old. Just turned 18 a few days ago. And I’m already here at this amazing erotic studio called Defloration and proving my virginity by showing my hymen on camera and doing something extra too. I grew up with a best friend and it is a girl, but we never did anything, so don’t think that it’s going to be another banal story of me fucking my best friend.. But maybe someone else yes.. You’ll have to wait to find out! This best friends of mine, she told me everything, she shared all her experiences in her life, and yes they are all and were all erotical... Read more >>>. This has always turned me on. She made me have my first masturbation, because I just couldn’t hold up all those stories in my mind. Yes, back to her, she told me once how she had her first time and it was totally awful and it hurt her very much and then it made me think that it must happen to me too, if it was like this with her. I was totally copying her in everything, or well I should say that I tried to imagine everything, like as if I was her. Nonetheless, I made it up in my head now that if I lose my virginity it will hurt me, and I won’t like and everything will be ruined for me and I won’t be able to lose this bad emotional state ever! I do have a boyfriend and I love him very much and he loves me too! But, all we got to is kissing, and I do like it and it even turns me, specially when we are laying in bed or watching a movie on the sofa at night with some drinks. But I never let him anywhere close to my tits or my pussy, oh yes and my ass. Because I know boys love anal sex too.. sometime ago I made a friend, she was my classmate and we decided to go to cinema after school, with our group of friends from the class. Then everyone went home and she asked me to come to my place and have a few drinks with me. I agreed, normally, without any motives of her being into me. I liked her, but not to the point where I would have sex with her. Anyways, she came over, we drank a bit, then we went to bed, or well it was a sofa in this case. We were spooning on it and my friend Anna decided to caress my body, as she was behind me. I was afraid first and it felt totally wrong, but slowly we have undressed each other and within no time we were completely naked and we were really pafsionalty caressing one another. It was getting excited and fun, but also to a certain point, because her fingers tried to slide in to my tight virgin pussy and I stopped her at the right time. Before she damaged my hymen. So I’m still a virgin to this day! I was also always shy of my tits, the only person who ended liking them was this friend who got pushy and naughty with me on the sofa that night. Even on the casting, you can see that I won’t take my top off, it’s because my tits are very small. I’m saving up money now at the moment, to make a surgery on increasing the size of them. This is also a reason of why I came to the casting and did a couple of videos with them. Hope you enjoyed my story as well my masturbation on camera while being naked for the first time! Collapse
Hi, my name is Juliette Bellamy. I am still 18 years old, and today me and my boyfriend decided to come to the shooting where we were invited for a few weeks now! Our relationship is stepping up a lot and we decided that it’s finally time to take the step and for me to lose my virginity and do it with the love of my life! So we arrived at the studio it wasn’t my first time here I already known the producer, my boyfriend didn’t feel shy or anything, we was pretty confident and he was rather to finally have his first sex with me. Don’t get me wrong he is already very experienced in this and I definitely know that I can trust him that it won’t hurt me because he knows what he’s doing! So after a little talk with the producer she told us she won’t disturb us and then we began kissing he started undressing me... Read more >>>... then he started kissing my tits took my skirt off and his hand landed immediately on my legs and then my pussy but my panties were still on. He was kissing and sucking on my tits really passionately and I really enjoyed it I got really wet his hands were already inside my panties touching my tight virgin pussy, but then the producer asked us to make the final confirmation of my virginity! Right after he checked that I was still a virgin he begin licking my pussy and sucking on my clit, I was about to orgasm! Then he stopped and stood up and I unzipped his pants took his huge cock out and started sucking it and kissing it! Seems that I was sucking him very good because it got you in more stiff and then he stopped told me to lay down and he was on top of me when he was inserting his huge cock inside my little pussy! It really hurt me at first I even had some tears but he was touching my body and kissing me and it made it a lot easier! We continue then in the spooning pose, but not exactly because here is my leg and was fucking me sideways and I was really enjoying that, until the time came to switch the post and then I was riding him and he was pumping my pussy with his huge cock! I must say it was one of my favorite poses but then the other post came in which is absolutely my most favorite one and I always wanted to try it and the name of this pose is doggy style! He was really going hard at me got over excited and came all over my ass cheeks and my back. I was covered in his sperm but I was super happy he was super happy and it was one of the best days in my life I am not sure if we will go home and continue right away because I still need to get over the shock off my hymen breaking... but then for sure we’ll continue have sex and we’ll get the best of it! Collapse
Hello, my name is Sole Sereno and I just turned 18 years old last Wednesday, but I am still a virgin! I consider myself a very hot teenage petite virgin babe! From the early age I was a very active girl, but my body wasn’t developing fast and my mind was going crazy, I just didn’t know what from.. At the age of seven already. Once I was surfing online in Twitter and found some girls posing there half naked and fully naked. I really liked it and decided to become a model myself once when I grow up. I then searched google for more and suddenly some porn sites came up and I didn’t know what it was, but got really wet suddenly between my legs and my panties became... Read more >>> soaking wet within some minutes. This when I knew that my mind was going crazy about it, specially when I heard my parents having sex during the day just beside my room. They have totally forgotten I was at home that day. I really needed it to happen to myself too! As I was looking through the lock on the door I saw my mother pushing her hands against the wall and my fathers huge cock penetrating her tight slightly hairy pussy. Then after 20 minutes she had her huge orgasm and her entire body was shaking and then after a few seconds my dad came inside her and her pussy was dripping with white liquid. I didn’t know what it was, until I read online about it, once on my next birthday my parents bought me and new computer with a huge screen and a plush toy, which was a cat. Ever since then I never go anywhere without, as it calmed me down and makes me sure to make the right choices also I wasn’t afraid at some difficult moments of my life. I started to pose naked in front my mirror, I even convinced my parents to buy me a huge mirror into my room and bathroom, didn’t tell them why I needed one, of course. And they haven’t figured it out till now. I was posing everyday and practicing my future modelling skills, I even sometimes put my cat onto the bed and posed for him, imagining that someone a girl or a guy is watching me doing it! That made me wet again and after watching enough porn, I knew that I can masturbate and it would super easy for me as I’m easy minded to get over excited and super wet. That was the exact rush that I got each time.. But it never came to this, because every time I was ready to slide my hand inside my panties something or someone has interrupted it. So, I started to just watch porn less and it actually improved my life significantly! Until I met a boy and he loved so much, he couldn’t get is hand out of my panties and I was cumming, almost two or even three times a day sometimes. But nonetheless, he wasn’t the one to teach me how to suck a cock like it usually happens. This guy teaches me how to kiss while we were on a date in a park. I didn’t like it as it was very unusual and not what I was used to from all the touches. That happened later and wasn’t with a boy.. That’s about me learning how to suck a cock.. By the age of 15 I got to my first shooting and the guy who was a super professional photographer, whom we had to book a year prior to the shooting. Agreed to do my first lingerie shooting and I was the happiest teenager in the world! Normally he would only shoot stars and famous models, but because of some of our connections in Moscow, he agreed to help me and make me fulfil my dreams. So, the day has come and I bought the best available lingerie from a very expensive company called Intimissimi. I spent all my savings for this. It was definitely worth it and the shooting went so well that some magazines and companies called me right away and offered me work. I had to agree of course and the experience they gave me is unforgettable. So this made me move to Moscow, but the life was very expensive here and I had to find a job besides modelling, as it wasn’t nearly enough to pay all the rents and live the good life. By the age of sixteen, I was dating a boy, whom I’m still dating and meantime also sleeping with a girl who’s not a virgin anymore and it makes me wanna lose my virginity even more and I can’t for that day to come. Specially at a place that I found and heard way to many amazing reviews about it and saw the production they’re doing and the guys have there. I always thought that losing my virginity shouldn’t be with a guy that I love, because he can be inexperienced and it would hurt me at some point or it can bring the relationship to an end. The girl I was seeing while having a relationship with a boy, she was truly amazing and on fire, with an amazing skinny petite body and brunette hair as well as big tits and round ass from all the fitness. I adore people who care about their bodies! Right now I’m 18 years old and do not have a boyfriend, but still seeing that one girl time to time. Not so long ago I tried kissing with her and sleeping over night, we both loved it and we want to repeat it sometimes in the future, but for that I want to lose my virginity here and today at the studio that I found earlier! The first day when I met that girl, we got a bit tipsy, I took all my clothes off while standing on the bed, where she was laying, got on my knees and started look at my naked body, and my plush cat beside me to feel safe.. She got really excited and wanted to join me in a very sexual way. But I stopped her and told her that it's not yet time for that. As first I want to lose my virginity with a professional guy at this studio, who would make me feel very comfortable and not afraid of anything. Then come to her and never stop her from anything, as well all the boys that try to get inside my panties. Honestly, ever since I turned 18 I wanted to lose my virginity and say goodbye to my little hymen, so I can enjoy all the pleasures that life can offer me. All my female friends, lost their virginities with some random guys they met clubs and it was very painful as they said. Now you have no doubts why am I here today at such awesome place, doing my first videos for defloration.com I can’t wait for you guys to see me in action and how wet I will get in my videos! Collapse
She has arrived exactly for our shooting from Russia! Like many other girls, she dreams about becoming a model. Her friend knew that she was a virgin, and recommended her our studio. She even had her first masturbation experience when she was at the age of 17! This has happened in a shower... The pressure of water has touched her clit and she felt something unusual... Read more >>>. After that she started to touch herself and explore the pleasures of her pussy, it became sort off unusual and she felt timid. She was ashamed of herself after this! But, the next time when she went to shower, she decided to try it again, and this time she liked what she was doing. With such a pace of exploring the possibilities of her pussy in shower she had her very first orgasm very quick. Then she decided to check her hymen in the mirror. It was very interesting for her to see how her hymen looks like. When she was studying in school, there were many boys, who always tried to grab her by her tits. She enjoyed it but was always ashamed in front of her female friends. Even tough she saw they're jealous of her. Now she is in our studio and she fully ready to spread her legs and show her hymen. Collapse
Hi and I am back to finally say goodbye to my virginity with the perfect guy as the studio promised me to find one and this man has come today to do so with me. He is a professional actor that the studio has provided me with and he must do everything as smooth as it possibly can get and that nothing will hurt me today although it can get a bit unpleasant! We both arrived at the same time to the studio and we spoke and had a cup of coffee with lots of milk, then we went to the bed and after just a few sentences he kissed me on my lips and kissed him and it was really joyful! He began undressing me by taking my t-shirt off and I didn’t want to stop, although he was going a bit fast, but I'm not a shy girl so I let him do what he does best! He kissed me a few more times and it was a passionate tongue kissing for a long time, what felt like forever... Read more >>>! He then pushed me down on the bed and he was on top of me kissing me slowly everywhere.. It was time when I got fully naked and he decided to see for himself and make sure that he was going to take a real virgins virginity away by breaking her hymen. I gave him this opportunity with full pleasure. After he made sure and was happy looking at me with a huge smile he decided to take his cock out and push inside my mouth and throat until I couldn’t really breath anymore… And now the fact that it will also be inside my mouth hand and pussy made me wanna cum rally badly.! I was stoking his penis with a passion and then sucked him off really good, I hope he has enjoyed it, I mean what guy wouldn’t, after you see how cute and sexy I am. He just asked me to play with it with my mouth and gave him the best experience ever, or at least I hope that he won’t forget me.. I even asked him if I was doing good and he said yes and closed his eyes from pleasure. While sucking him, he kissed my lips a bit and told me that it’s the moment it felt incredible and I was my own thoughts. I didn’t even want him to stop and kept his head there and almost came, but then he stopped and pushed his huge cock against my tight virgin small shaved pussy while I was laying sideways and it made my pussy very tight this way and then penetrated it without telling me to prepare for it mentally. He told me that there’s no backing down after this and we just have to get through it and he won’t stop. It was really hurting me a lot and I told him to stop but he didn’t and kept on fucking until it started to feel really good or me. Then I didn’t want him to stop. I guess it was for the best as I didn’t except him to put it right away and it didn’t hurt as much as some people say, but it was painful, yes. I was only sad that he was fucking me the entire time in the same pose and hasn’t changed it up. Would be cool to ride his big cock and make him cum inside me this way or in the doggy pose.. I did make him cum a lot at the end, it did feel weird and a bit disgusting, but at least he enjoyed my pussy a lot! We both came at once and it was incredible! Now as a real woman I have all the types of pleasure opened to me and I wanna become as professional as the pornstars and I have all time in the world to fulfil my dirty thoughts. Thanks again for letting me do this defloration.com! Collapse
Hi. I'm Dora. I arrived here to your casting from Belarus. I am studying in a college to become an art critic. In my free time I do dancing. Ever since I was 16, my dream was to become a model, but my parents were against that. They said that all models are prostitutes. Now I turned 18 and can decide for myself what to do. All my female friends say that my figure is amazing and that I should become a model. That's how I decided to do it. I even found this amazing website where they pay very good money if you're still a virgin. By the way my friends even say that my hymen is supposed to become a model. There's a funny story to that. My and my two best friends were talking on Skype about boys, sex... Read more >>> and virginity. Then we started to speak about how the hymen is being broken and how it looks like afterwards. So we decide to take pictures of our hymens and show it one-another. When I and my friends saw my hymen we were shocked. It looked special. We could even see the membrane. My friends became very suspicious about their hymens and what it means, but then they have relaxed about it)) I never had sexual intercourse with boys before. I was friends with three boys, but their only goal to fuck me. That's why our friendships never lasted long. I'm really easy going about sex and about it in general. I only had one very interesting experience and it was with my best female friend. We were speaking the same way on Skype and got to the topic of masturbation.. At the end we got both very excited and decided to masturbate at the same time on camera. That was a lot of fun and amazing. I had an orgasm really fast. My pussy was very wet. Not as wet as when I masturbate alone.. I had no other experiences except for this one. I think that once when I will have sex with a boy and my hymen is very strong, I think it will hurt a lot and will be really bloody. Collapse
Hi, I’m back here at the studio lose my virginity today! The best opportunity that I will have, because they have allowed me to choose my own actor and I chose the best and the cutest I could find and his dick size was also perfect for me. He was a bald and handsome guy. Exactly the type that I would date and once I came in to the room and sat down on the bed with him. I wasn’t really afraid of what’s about to happen to honestly, I had nice and comforting feeling in the studio and the producer was cool and the actor was looking at me with a smile. We began kissing and then pulled down my dress and kissed my tits and I loved the feeling. He was also kissing my neck and... Read more >>> it turned me on and eased up everything, continued down to the stomach and took my dress off completely. He didn’t stop there, he slid down my panties a bit and began licking my virgin tiny pussy, that was when I was gone in my mind and I didn’t want him to stop and he didn’t as he laid me on my back and licked me out completely. To the moment where I was about to orgasm, but then he took his cock out and it felt huge, I got scared and he helped me with getting it in my mouth.. I almost choked on it honestly. The moment when he inserted his dick inside me I got a lot of discomfort and it hurt a lot. But as we progressed and he was moving fast I really enjoyed it and came before he did. He suddenly took it out and came all over me. I can say that I’m a real woman and not a virgin anymore, we even checked and I wasn’t one! I’m super happy that this day has happened in my day, specially with such a professional! Thanks a lot to the producer, and to the actor and to defloration.com! Collapse
Hi, my name is Samanta Grom. I’m 18 years old, a virgin, and today I’m having my first ever casting. Where I got naked for the first time in front of someone and also masturbated until an orgasm. My life isn’t really that much interesting, because ever since I was kid, I didn’t really want to hangout in big friends circles or attend any parties or even school events. I always enjoyed being alone and do what I love doing best and that is drawing, but also taking pictures. Once I got a bit older my father got me my very first camera and it was a canon 50D, I was feeling as the happiest kid in the world to have such a camera. Then I started making friends and they were all girls who also enjoyed doing pictures. Then we decided to make a competition and print the pictures to make an exhibition in my fathers photo studio in Moscow... Read more >>>. The topic was about us traveling around Russia and doing pictures of sightseeings with animals, more like landscapes. I won the whole competition, but also found out that one girl as doing sexy pictures of me and even masturbating at them and thinking about me. The way I found out was me coming over to her and she didn’t know as her mom let me in to the house and once I opened her room door… I confronted her and she told me the truth and even tried to kiss me and pushed me down on her bed and was grabbing my body parts. Can’t say it was bad but also it wasn’t pleasant to me. So I left her place and then we ended up not being friends. A few years later, when I was 15, I was at home after school, I was super excited, because I got the coolest project ever for architectural drawing that I could send in to a few universities, for them to choose me beforehand, so that once I finish school I can enter there without any problem. So I rushed home quickly and started to draw right away, although this project was due the next few months.. I didn’t want to lose any time though, and I haven’t even noticed how I sat down on my chair.. I was sitting for about 30 minutes and then realized that something is pushing against my pussy, as I started to swirl around I started getting horny, I didn’t know what was going on, but the pleasure was rising, then I stood up and saw my marker there, first I took it away and sat down, but the feeling wasn’t the same and I wanted more! So I took my biggest marker and put it there, also I changed into a skirt and took my panties down. Started to passionately swirl around on it, until the whole chair was wet, and my legs were dripping wet too. That is when I had my first orgasm and I will never forget it. After that I kinda knew how sex would feel like, but I still wanted to get 18 years old first. Then find the right guy and lose my virginity with him and be with him. That marker was my first and my most favorite toy ever, but I was also using my fingers to pleasure myself and I love masturbating too. I do it pretty often and it clears my mind up from everyday stress and all the crazy architectural projects. I also like bees a lot, because when I was doing animal pictures, I first learned how to do macro shots and I practiced in the village house of my grandparents and they had lots of bees there, of course I did get stung a few times, but it was worth it, I’m saying this, so you know why am I very all my clothes with bees in the video, I think they’re cute and I am too. Collapse
Hi, I am Natsya. I am from Moscow, Russia. I am 18 years old and a virgin! Leave alone a photo shoot, this is the first time I have undressed in front of anyone. And the thing is I love my body…I love to show it off! I am finding it so erotic to be in front of the camera today, revealing myself in front of the camera, to touch myself openly, in front of the producer just as I do locked inside my bathroom. My mother is an ogre! I am saying that in public because she is. She follows me everywhere. She keeps an eye on my Facebook account, Instagram, chats, when I go out with my friends. It feels horrible. I am 18 and I still live with her because she wouldn’t let me leave her... Read more >>>. I know, I know, I can still leave home and very soon I will. I have been under her strict supervision for so long that it’s not so easy for me to stand up and do something she forbids me to do. So obviously I do not have a boyfriend. I do not even have friends who are boys! I see my girlfriends going on dates, kissing their boyfriends on the road and I feel so left behind. My teenage boobs ache for someone to hold them, to squeeze them. It was about two years ago when I started my Instagram account and I follow a lot of the models there. I love looking at the pictures of their beautiful bodies. My body is also not that bad, I tell myself. I did not have the courage to take pictures till now but in my room, I lock the door and pose naked in front of my mirror. I stretch my arm up and like to see my teenage tits moving up. I run a finger over the nipples and watch as they become erect. I look at my virgin pussy and love the little hair there. With one hand I caress my teenage boobs and with the other I finger my virgin vagina. I insert two fingers inside, touch my sweet spot and move them in and out, all the while grabbing my tits too. I love to see myself having an orgasm in the mirror. It is like seeing me as a film star. I imagine a dark haired hero looking at me and I try to seduce him. This makes me so wet and I cum all over my fingers. While travelling to St. Petersburg once with my mother of course, I saw a handsome boy sitting just across the aisle. I could see that he was interested in me but when he tried to talk my mother stepped in. So all I could do was look at him. He looked at me openly and I ran my hand over my teenage boobs, over my dress of course but I could see he got excited. I imagined he was seeing me without any clothes on. As it was the night bus, the lights went off and my mother went off to sleep. By the small light along the aisle I could see him rubbing his crotch. I felt so erotic that I slipped my hand underneath my dress and started touching myself. My seat was inclined and everyone else was asleep. I imagined him to be seeing my virgin pussy and I imagined his big cock standing erect, ready to get inside me. I felt so horny that I cum immediately. When I next looked at him, I could see him staring at my pussy area. He was totally aroused! Another time at school, while we were watching a soccer match from the stands, a classmate, a boy who was sitting near me just turned and hugged me. This was the first time a boy actually touched me. It was as if an electric current just shot through me. Maybe he did in the spur of the moment but for a girl who has never talked with a boy more than a couple of sentences at a time in her entire life this was a big deal. I kept thinking about it again and again. At night when I went to bed, I could recall the touch of his skin against mine. That night I had a dream in which the boy who sat across from me in the bus and the boy who hugged me merged into one and I started masturbating in my sleep. I suddenly woke up and realised I was all naked, without my panties on and I was rubbing my virgin pussy. I was so excited that I had orgasms three times one after the other. I imagined the boy making me sit on a couch, opening my legs. HE was on the floor with his head deep inside my thighs, his mouth on my virgin pussy, sucking me, licking me and making me so aroused. I applied to defloration.com the next day and here I am Off to a new start to my life. Collapse
Hello, my name is Helen and I am just 18 years old. My family lives on a farm outside of Budapest and I am just finishing my final school year. I have a mother and a father and a very protective older brother. Oh, and a boyfriend, too. I work hard on the farm to help my mother and father and my days are very busy. Money is very tight, so we all work together and our life is good. I get up very early each day and my brother and I do the chores to start the day. Then I go to school and study hard and when I get home, there is still much work to be done in the house. There is little time for fun in my life and what free time I have I spend in the company of my family and my boyfriend. Last week we went to the Cinema and... Read more >>> enjoyed a popular movie. As we sat in the dark, he put his arm around my shoulders and let his had brush down over my tit. At first, I was startled, but as the movie progressed, his brushes became stronger and more frequent and I could feel each brush from my tit down to my very core. When the movie was over, he pulled me hard against him and I could feel the hardness of his penis as he claimed my mouth with his. When he finished kissing me, we were both breathless. I had to push him away. I could not continue. I must remain chaste because I had sold my virginity to a photographer who would pay me good money for pictures of my virgin pussy. And even better money if I would allow him to photograph the loss of my innocence to a porn star. I agreed. I signed the contract and I really need the money. You see, I dream of becoming a veterinarian. I have spent my whole life on the farm tending to all the animals I love so much. I have watched our veterinarian work with our animals and I have learned a lot from him. But it will take money for me to be able to leave the farm and go to school. And when I graduate, I can come back to the farm and be an even better support to my family. Selling my virginity seemed like the only option I had. Even out here in the countryside of Budapest, Tommy and defloration.com are legends. I've had several friends who have lost their innocence to Tommy and they all said it was a good experience and all that he taught them made them to be better girls for their boyfriends. I wanted to be that better girlfriend and I needed the money. So, I hatched a plan and contacted the defloration.com studios and signed a contract. It was an early spring day and already it was warm, so I put on my favorite pink sundress and my favorite fuchsia panties and headed to the studios. I met Tommy and the producer and photographer and they couldn't have been nicer. We traveled a bit to one of their favorite locations and while we were driving, I got to know Tommy a little better. He was always gently touching me and he occasionally would give me a chaste kiss. I felt amazing to be the object of this man's affection. He was funny and had a good sense of humor and he was careful with me as he knew I was nervous. I had ample time to get used to his touch as his body before we began filming. We started with a kiss and that kiss became more passionate as time progressed. He started out gently stroking my breasts and as my nipples pebbled hard and straight, he took the entire breast into his mouth and sucked. Hard! Instinctively, my hands flew to his head as I pulled him into suckle first one nipple and then the other. It was a strange sensation at first, and my mind was warring with itself over what was happening to my body, but then sensation turned into indescribable pleasure and my body and my soul began to crave his touch for the pleasure it could bring me. He then began to finger me where no man had ever ventured before. It started as a little tickle, but the more insistent he became, the tickle turned into a burning sensation that soon had my legs weak and jelly like. His large hands held me up and soon his strokes became faster and more urgent as I gave into these strange and new sensations and then my orgasm hit me fast and unexpected as my eyes rolled back into my head and my body began to shake and quiver from the shear sensation of it all and as it reached its crest, Tommy sucked a nipple into his mouth and sucked with all the strength that he could muster and I began to fall, to float away from my body on wave after wave of sheer pleasure. Oh My God! This is amazing I thought and I wondered if all orgasms were like this or was it just an orgasm with Tommy? When I finally regained cogent thought, Tommy was smiling at me and I could have sworn I saw pride in his eyes. But here I was, all naked and having had one hell of an orgasm and Tommy was still fully clothed. When he finally revealed his manhood to me, I was in awe and scared that this defloration thing wasn't going to work. But Tommy was gentle and as he introduced his penis with pride, he taught me how to please a man with my mouth and Tommy must have been a very good teacher, too because he grew bigger and filled my mouth to its fullest. I had to concentrate to fit his very large, oversized penis into my mouth without biting him with my teeth, but his patience was complete and the moans that came out of his mouth encouraged me to continue my onslaught. It came time that my oral skills were making it difficult for him not to come, so he made it clear that the time had come to take my innocence. But he was and continued to be kind and gentle to me and he prepared me by bringing me to near orgasm before he put it in. By the time he did breach my hymen, while I felt initial pain, it quickly turned to great pleasure and through our experience, he brought me to orgasm twice before he came. I'd never seen sperm before and I was curious to see it, but my newly opened pussy missed his penis inside of me. He filled me so completely, that when he pulled out to release himself, my pussy felt cold and lonely. We spent some time resting together and then before I knew it, the time for us to get dressed and leave was upon us. Tommy gave me such an incredible experience that I wished I could come back and do it again and again; but then I guess, you only get once experience; one chance when you lose your virginity and I don't doubt for a minute that I had not done the right thing. I needed the money, yes, but I also wanted my first time to be special and it was. Today, I am apprenticing as a veterinarian and while I am no longer with my first boyfriend, what I learned from Tommy has made me a better lover and I am sure if my current boyfriend knew the truth, he'd send Tommy a letter of thanks. Collapse
Hey there! It’s so good to be here you can’t just imagine it, you will have to live through it with me. My name is Guzy Cabrera and I am 18 years old since yesterday! I love modelling and I am a professional model in real life. But today's shooting was something else. I was always a shy girl. My parents are the sweetest, they thought their daughter was an angel, but sometimes I was a real devil... I am from Russia, Omsk. But just a month ago I moved to Moscow and now I have a difficult new life where I have to go to university and study law as well as live with the life flow of this town and for that I really need to start making more money now!! I work now as a professional model, and I think that I’m already famous at least in Omsk and will be soon in Moscow too... Read more >>> and yes, I am still a virgin! That does not mean I have not experienced the pleasures of my body by now. My friend Diana and I have always stayed near each other…since the kindergarten. Once when I was over at her place for a dinner, where her whole family came and I met a lot of them that day. Suddenly while sitting at the table I decided to go upstairs to go to the toilet and ended up in her laptop and checked the mail which was opened on her welcome screen. There was a footage sent to her by her relative whom I found very handsome, I looked around and opened it, it was a sex scene which he made of them secretly while they had sex. I am not going to dive into what I did, but I did have a big orgasm and even squirted a bit. Then closed it and went down, said that I haven’t felt so good so I had to lay down a bit. After the dinner I went home and slept with this scene in my mind. The very next day Diana rushes me over and she drags me into her room, locks the doors and looks at me wild.. I knew exactly what happened and I thought that she was very mad, but no! We just all sat down and talked it through and decided to delete this footage, but then I bent down over his ear and told him that I really like him and want him to be my boyfriend forever! After her relative left I had serious talk with her and we decided to let it go and stay the same fiends we were before all this happened, I even allowed her to sleep with me without sex to keep my virgin hymen intact. We learned new ways of giving pleasure to each other…my favourite is when I lie down with my legs spread and she licks my virgin clit, her tongue moving through each layer, and I did the same to her pussy and I can even go deeper with my tongue since she’s not a virgin anymore. Then she let me finger her pussy with one finger only , but I managed to slide two in and she had such a strong orgasm that my entire bed became wet! Two girls from her relatives had become pregnant and we all knew that this is something that is foolish specially at such age of sixteen and seventeen. Virginity is not something that should be given away so lightly, like I did protect it back then at Diana place. Diana and I are clear on this now. On my seventeenth birthday my dad took me to ride the most amazing and rare horses and I was so happy for that day as I learned then while riding the horses how to ride my future boyfriend and that gave me the most excitement ever! The pleasure the riding of a horse gave me was so good I forgot that it was time to go home already. At home, I rushed into the bathroom, took off my clothes, sat on the floor and rubbed my virgin pussy with my fingers until I came hard and loud without caring if anyone would hear me. Later in life I did not want a regular, good boy. I want a man I said to myself. And when I applied to the shooting and came here, the producer asked me about losing my virginity and I sad that I will think about it, but me and my boyfriend really want to try it fast and I don’t know how long will I be able to resist it, because we talk about it all the time and it makes me like horny bomb that is about to blow! I really hope that I will be able to talk him in, so you might see us fucking on camera soon. Collapse
Hello everyone, my story is not as fun as everyone else’s, because my childhood was very competed to say the least… I didn’t grow up in a loving family with loving siblings.. I grew up in foster homes and the families that were accepting me, were also as quickly giving me back. So this has completely traumatized my childhood and so affected my entire life as well. It is close to impossible for me to go into relationships, because I have a strong fear or being left behind at one point. And I could never commit to any of which I tried to have... Read more >>>. I also never had any friends in my life and never experienced any sexual activity with boys nor girls. Which apparently I really want to try and even told the producer today about it. My dream is to lose my virginity as fast as possible and I really truly believe that it will change my life perspective! It will give me this freedom I’m dreaming about daily! I believe it will make me speak to boys and girls more easy and dense. Coming here to the set wasn’t easy for me, but I had to do so. I don't even have much to share with you guys at this point.. Although wait.. I do love masturbating, and I do it quite often to be fair with you. I love looking at pictures of naked men and women, but also to enjoy some sensual and very soft porn that is all about feelings. I will show you today some amazing poses that I also want to try in sex with the guy. But what about girls you might ask.. Well.. I have something special planned for it, lets just give a small hint away. 69. Collapse
Hello. My name is Szilvia. I am 18 years old and a virgin from Moscow. I am extremely excited and happy after a long time. It has been my dream to be a model and show off my beautiful body and today, Defloration.com has given me the chance to do just that! It was an erotic and sensuous experience…just magical for me. My father had left me and my mother when I was very little and my mother raised me on her own. She is a talented artist and tourists come to get their portraits drawn. My teenage body had always fascinated me and I love to touch myself, and come every time! I would really like my mom to paint me but she doesn’t ever have the time and a couple of times when I asked, she says that I do not need to draw more attention to my body... Read more >>>. My mother remarried a few years ago. My stepfather is pretty young and quite handsome. He and my mom could hardly separate when they first got married. His hands would always be on her tits or sometimes clutching her pussy in front of me. A couple of years ago, I asked my mom to put a large mirror in my room. It is huge…from the floor to the ceiling. I lock my room and take off my clothes. My teenage body looks so good. I caress my teenage boobs, run my hands through my hair and touch my virgin pussy. With my legs spread in front of me, I open my virgin pussy lips wide with my fingers. Pushing myself as close as I can to the mirror, I look at the unbroken hymen. This makes me feels so horny you can’t imagine. I push my little finger into my virgin vagina and imagine that it is a big cock pushing inside me. This make me wet with cum. I go into a trance and it all feels like a dream…my body trembles, my back arches and as I pull my finger out and in of my virgin pussy, my body rocks and I get a strong orgasm every time. A few months ago, I was alone in the house. My mother was working in her studio next door and my stepfather was out on an errand. I was feeling so horny that I forgot to lock my door before removing my pants…I fondled my teenage boobs with one hand and rubbed my pussy with the other. I did not hear the front door open and suddenly, my stepfather opened the door of my room. He saw me in this “shameful” act! He said nothing, just smiled and left the room. I turned red and quickly dressed. He was in the kitchen, making tea. When he saw me, he asked if I wanted tea. He came from behind me and caressed my hair, pulling me towards him in a hug. I was expecting a scolding so this was unexpected. He whispered in my ear and asked me if I was ashamed of what I was doing. I nodded my head. He told me there was nothing wrong in what I was doing as all girls did this…and boys. “Do you have a very sensitive part of your body here?” he asked, and laid his hand on my panties from below my dress. I froze and just nodded my head...This is normal he said and gently stroked between the lips of my virgin pussy with his fingers. He said boys also do it and they also get pleasure from it. He then took my hand and put it on his hard cock, which was bulging out his pants. I felt dizzy. My virgin labia was very slippery and I realized I was beginning to cum. My legs gave way. I felt his dick and gently squeezed him with my hand. This is the first time I touched a man’s cock and my clit began to swell and grow in size. My stepfather was silent and breathed languidly in my neck, gently caressing my vagina. After a minute, slippery fluid flowed between my legs and his fingers made a squishy sound. I began to moan a little and felt like a massive orgasm was beginning. My stepfather was extremely excited by now. He unzipped his pants and my hands were suddenly holding a naked, huge, real dick !!! He was hot and throbbing...I groaned and experienced my strongest orgasm! My stepfather abruptly bent her into a dog's position and rubbed his cock against my anus and suddenly, he shook and warm sperm began to splash over my ass and lower back...It was awesome! I waited for it to happen again the next day but he told me that it was no longer possible ...And that he could not cross this line. Two weeks later he had a row with mom and they parted...I really missed him. Today’s shoot reminded me of hs touch and the experience I had. I am ready to lose my virginity if I meet someone strong and big like him. Collapse
Hi. My name is Amy Clark and I am 18 years old. Living in Russian, in Moscow. I’m a really sexual girl and always was like this. I was I guess around 5 when I found out what sex was and since then I wanted to have sex both with guys and girls. So I wasn’t really picky on who ever would be that first lucky guy or girl with me. I have an amazing body and I know that. Anyone would want to have sex with me. Even I want myself all the time. If someone asks me about porn, oh well, watched so much that I most probably know all the pornstars and all the poses as well as all the categories... Read more >>>. I also love masturbating it makes me feel very hot and I love that feeling. I masturbate almost everyday while watching porn in my room. Well, there’s one actor whom I really adore and my first times to be with him, but he doesn’t know me of course. So when I came to the casting, told the producer about my desires. She told me that she will surprise me with him after our casting video is done. So during the shooting I gave it everything I could to be the best of the best! Because watching all these porn videos, made me into a girl who doesn’t like banal, normal things and I want my first time to be as memorable as it is happening out on the professional shootings! Otherwise there’s no joy and nothing to remember. I had some guys whom I dated, or even I was always the one who initiated the talk and made guys kiss me, or even kissed first. Already in first grade that happened, and parents were called in, because this boy got really scared of me kissing him with my tongue and not letting him run away. Parents didn’t know what to do with me, but weren’t agree at the same time, because they thought that I was just growing up and maturing faster than everybody else! I guess it might be partially true too. This experience I gathered from kissing so many guys and even girls will definitely be the biggest flex once I decide to do erotical videos as my future. One will even stand close to me. I always feel too much arousal while making out with a guy, specially during a sloppy kissing and body part grabbing. Like for example in the fish grade a guy I liked came over to watch a movie with me, while my parents were on their vacation on Cyprus. We had my parents wine and Champagne, got drunk, got a cover for ourselves on the sofa and I told him that he’s wearing too many clothes and he should get rid of them. Well he did, really quickly! He looked at me and I was still all dressed, he asked me why, and I told him that it’s his job to undress me, and that I don’t want to be a teacher tonight, to tell him how to do everything. He got it really quick, and within minutes I was naked and we were cuddling on the sofa while the movie was on and we were under the cover. It was getting warm between my legs, and his cock was hard and hot. He almost penetrated my pussy and I almost lost my virginity. But, boy… we were making out very sloppy and then I turned to his cock and swallowed it in my throat. He was so socked that he came right away and I swallowed every single drop of it! It tasted good and I will do it to anyone..! So, yes, that’s how horny I am all the time with everyone. Today at the casting I gave it all and then met my dream pornstar and we could discuss, how I want to lose my virginities. I want to thank Defloration a lot for this opportunity and the ones to come! Collapse
I'm from Hungary. I'm 18 years old and believe or not I'm still a virgin. My girlfriends say, that I'll stay a virgin until I get old and will never experience the feeling of a cock entering my mouth and pussy as well as my butt, because I'm too shy and afraid to go out with guys. They're right about it, when they tell me so.. That’s how I made my self thinking of it all because of them. I was raised by my grandparents. Almost my entire life I spent growing up in a smaller town. My mother is an artist and is always gone painting some art pieces in her studio. That's why for me my grandma has replaced my mother. I have always missed her, but with time I got used to it... But around a year my life has turned sideways after my grandmothers death... So I moved back into with my mom. By then I was already 17, and it was alright to stay home alone, when she was away. My mom at one point has cancelled all her appointments... Read more >>> and deadlines, just to stay home with me and spend more time now that the person with whom I basically grew up with was gone. Every night my mom was visited by her friend Tamas. They were having fun, drinking red wine and staying up till midnight watching movies and cuddling on the couch and making out, sometimes even more than that… I have always left to sleep, as I wasn’t interested in seeing those things. Although once, I woke up at 12am to go to the toilet to pee. While walking, I froze for a second because I heard moans coming out of my moms room, of course I had to stop and go check it.. I slowly went close to her room and looked down the lock hole. What I saw then got me into a shock! My mother was standing naked on her knees and was sucking the huge cock of Tamas while he was grabbing her hair and pulling her head over it and keeping her until she would choke and I didn’t understand why was this good at all! She was loving it and moaning from it and her pussy was dripping.. I immediately felt like my blood was getting hotter and hotter and it was boiling through my veins and I felt almost drunk in my head from it. I couldn't believe my eyes. After this, Tamas turned my mom with her back towards him and bent her over roughly, he spit on her ass and inserted three of his fingers and she jumped up with a painful moan. Then he slid his huge cock into her ass and started moving it fast with his whole body. My mom started to moan more intense from the pleasure and screaming from what felt like lots of pain… I ran to my bed right away, and had no idea what to do next. My head was exploding from what I saw, as I never saw anything like this in my entire life, I never even watched porn! At the same time I felt that my pussy got fully wet and numb. I put my finger inside my panties and started to caress myself, then I took them off and felt more freedom. This was new, exciting experience for me. Because I also I also imagined my boyfriend whom I dated not so long ago and I was picturing him doing the same to me for the first time ever. I also imagined then that it wasn't my hand nor my ex boyfriend anymore, but Tamas with his big cock instead. Right away after imagining it, it felt like I fell down in an abyss and lost my consciousness. This was my first real orgasm! After this day my life has changed completely. Tamas was still going to my mom every night. I have always waited for this moment, to watch them in the lock hole and masturbate my wet tight virgin hairy pussy. Yes I kept it hairy as I liked how it looks like, but I never over exaggerate with having it too hairy! I heard guys don’t like it, incase if anything ever happens. From that moment on my whole thinking process of sex and guys has collapsed and changed drastically and all I wanted from now on is to lose my virginity and so I browsed the web where to do so. Of course only with a professional and then I found out about defloration.com the place where any virgin girl could apply to and lose their virginities with a professional pornstar. I made a little more research on it and found out that their pornstars name is Thomas which is Tamas in Hungarian. This was the day I sent my inquiry in right away and got an answer the next morning with an approval. Also I would get payed a lot of money and chose my own pornstar to do it with. Also another point was to prove my virginity on camera and to masturbate if I will so.. Well… What do you think I did? I came and did I could to show them I’m ready to lose my virginity with the most perfect man in the world Thomas Stone! Surprisingly I didn’t have to speak in the casting video but it was even better this way, I showed them all my easy and opened up for the first time to the whole world and it was an incredible feeling! Watch and enjoy me undressing my self on that huge amazing bed and then slowly caressing my way down from my tits to my pussy and making myself orgasm on camera for the first time! Collapse
Hi! My name is Nina. Im 18 years old school student. And yes, I'm still a virgin. I came to the casting, not only to break up with my virginity, but also because I want to tell my story. Perhaps my story will help young girls avoid such unpleasant situations that I have experienced. My first sexual experience wasn't quite normal. I was very young then. I was walking home after school. I was always going home through the park because it's the shortest way. Suddenly an unfamiliar man approached me. He was much older than me. But I immediately noted that he was very attractive. He had large brown eyes and tidy dark hair. And he was also very tall. He seemed like a giant to a little me. He smiled at me and asked me which school I was in. At first, I was scared that some stranger was trying to have a conversation with me. But he looked kind and I thought he was good and that I might not be afraid of him. We started talking about school, he told me a couple of funny stories about how he had fun at school with his friends and something else... Read more >>>, I don't remember exactly what. Then he suddenly interrupted the conversation and looked at me carefully. After a few seconds, he smiled again and said that I was very beautiful. He had a nice voice, probably I would have recognised this voice from a thousand now. I was glad he said that. My cheeks were full of shy blush. He noticed my embarrassment and said he wanted to give me a gift. You know, it's really easy to get into a little girl's trust. By this point, I already fully trusted him and was ready to go anywhere with him. We walked around the park for a little while, and then he took me under the bridge. Not far from the park there is a large bridge along which trains run. Under this bridge was always quiet and deserted. And he brought me there. I didn't understand or suspect anything wrong. Then he took off his jacket and put it on my shoulders. After that, he quickly opened his zipper and lowered his trousers. He told me to pull my hands forward and then put his dick right into my hands. I was completely confused. Until then, I had never seen a dick, much less held it in my hands. He didn't try to rape me, he didn't try to put his dick in my mouth or anything. He just made the little girl holding his dick in her little hands. His head was thrown back, and there was a wide smile on his face. He must have been very good at that point. I was staying there, holding his dick, maybe three minutes. Then he silently hid his dick back and put on his pants. He was shaking. And then he took a bar of milk chocolate with nuts out of his pocket and handed it to me. He guessed it well, it was my favourite. After that, he walked me home. All the way home, I was eating chocolate, biting off small pieces to stretch the pleasure. He was walking nearby and did not say a word, only sometimes he was gently touching my hair and smiling at me in silence. Only a few years later did I understand and realise what happened that day. Yes, it took me several years to realise that that man was out of his mind. I don't know, maybe he was some kind of maniac or onanist, or just a psycho who had a boner on schoolgirls. I don't know that and I don't want to know. I'm just glad he didn't do me any physical harm and that he didn't have to rape me to get the pleasure. The awareness of all this greatly affected me. In the end, I began to be shy away from men, maybe even fear them. And I never spoke to strangers on the street again. If some stranger approached me, I was immediately frightened and just ran away from him as quickly as possible. Even if this person was just trying to find out how to go to the bank or to the store. Despite this pathological fear of any relationship with the male sex, I had a boyfriend. We knew each other a long time ago and studied at the same school. It so happened that at some point we began to communicate more and more often, we began to spend more time together out of the school. Eventually we started dating. We both enjoyed spending time at his house and watching movies. We both liked comedies. It was very nice to watch all kinds of comedies together and laugh. I felt comfortable and safe next to him. Sometimes we were kissing. But these kisses were innocent and childish, they did not mean anything more. We just kissed and we both liked it. And everything was wonderful until one day. At first everything was as usual, as always we were sitting at his house and watching some film. But then he kissed me and that kiss lasted a long time. Still continuing to kiss me, he took my hand in his own and slowly put it on his dick. I felt something big and stiff. When I realised that it was his dick, I was immediately frightened, jumped sharply from the sofa and ran out of the room. I closed in the bathroom and started crying. My face was all in tears. I was crying and couldn't stop. It all seemed to bring me back the day I was under the bridge with that man. I stayed in the bathroom until my mom came to take me home. After that night, I broke up with my boyfriend. It must be weird that I came to the casting, given my fear of men. But I am no longer a little girl, I want to try sex and experience the pleasure that friends tell me so often. Besides, I know what masturbation is. And I often masturbate when I'm home alone. It's really nice. I think losing the virginity at the casting is a good idea. Because an experienced adult man who knows what and how to do is unlikely to cause me harm or pain, besides in front of the camera. So I think I'm absolutely ready to get my first real sexual experience. Although probably not today, I will think about it, for now just enjoy my first virgin casting. Collapse
Hello! My name is Frosya and I just turned 18 years old and I’m a very shy girl. I like being alone and spend time alone too. I have only dated Ione guy till now and the reason being for this, is me walking home one time from school and it was really late at night and I was walking home through another route and not the one I always took before. I was walking with music playing loud in my earphones, but one of them was almost broken and I could easily hear the outside world, it was helpful for not getting robbed or hit by a car at one point. And so I was taking the walk and then I heard someone screaming really really loud and I rushed there to see on what was going on and this was located behind some houses with their outside garages. By the way I live in Russia, Perm. It’s a small provincial city... Read more >>>. Back to the topic now, as I rushed there, I saw a girl being raped by some big men and I got really scared! I immediately dialed the police and told them what was going on and where, then I think one of them saw me on the phone and I got scared, and ran away immediately! Since then I really mistrust boys and guys and I think that they’re all liars and can’t be trusted! I started watching a lot of porn videos since then and really gotten obsessed with them, and with that came masturbation as well and many different fetishes like using the vibrator or watching dominative porn where guys have more power than the girls they’re with during sex! But also pleasuring myself in public places! For example once I was going home from school and I was using the subway. I got so horny there that I took my small vibrator out of jacket pocket, placed it quickly inside my panties and controlled it on the phone to a maximum power and had a fantastic orgasm on the subway! But also in some other moment as I was a student of the high school, I spent a lot of time studying in cafes after school and also used the pleasing method but only after I got busted from using my hand there. This was really embarrassing and it sadly happened in one of our most popular cafeterias called K16. I came there for a breakfast and then to spend half a day there by studying on my laptop and drinking a few liters of their amazing Raf Coffee.. but I got carried away by looking at some hot girls and guys who were coming and leaving and suddenly my hand was inside my panties rubbing my clit and I didn’t realize that I was moaning too and the waitress came to me and she realized this, and once she told me about it and I felt really embarrassed and my face was blush, I wanted to run away, but she told me that she too would do the same with me even! So I tried to date her, but failed, because all the people of this town would look at me weird for being not normal and not dating guys. So I had to breakup quickly with her sadly! But now I turned 18 and I’m starting to enter these business socially this one as the best push and start into my future porn career! Collapse
Enzio Ricci:
Hey there! It’s so good to be here you can’t imagine. I love modeling and am a professional model. This was something else though. I feel excited, and Alive! And Sergey spoke about Tommy too so that’s another adventure that I am waiting for…but I am moving ahead of my story… I was always a bad girl. I mean I don’t kill people or anything like that but you know what I mean! My parents are the sweetest darlings and they thought... Read more >>> their daughter was an angel. In fact my mom made me sit down on my 16th birthday and tried to speak to me about the birds and the bees…and I tried to listen with a solemn face! I am from Hungary where I work now as a professional model, and yes, I am a virgin! That does not mean I have not experienced the pleasures of my body…as I said, I am a bad girl! My girlfriend Christine and I have always stayed near each other...since first grade. We went to the same school and danced together and frankly speaking, we didn’t need anyone else. It was a long time ago, I don’t exactly remember which grade we were in but once her cousin had come for a visit. He used her computer while he was there. And then suddenly, one day after he left, I get an excited call from Christine asking me to come over. I rush over and she drags me into her room, locks the doors and shows me a film on the computer that had been left behind perhaps by mistake by her cousin! OMG! We watched open mouthed. I loved the way the man sucked the tits of the girl while another was licking her pussy. And then the men too removed and undies and we squeezed each other’s hands as they revealed the largest dicks we could have imagined. I felt so aroused and I knew Christine too felt the same. The door was locked and I slowly took off her top and moved my hands around her teenage tits. They were just budding and she did not say anything…just lightly moaned. She then pushed me down, took off my dress and touched me from top to bottom. It felt so good! This was our beginning. As I said we never needed anyone else. We learned new ways of giving pleasure to each other…my favorite is when I lie down with my legs spread and she licks my virgin clit, her tongue moving through each layer, and she too has her clit over my face and I do the same thing to her. We come at the same time and then fall back on the bed. Sometimes we both masturbate at the same time, the sight of each other arousing us all the more. We do not use anything like dildos and just our hands and lips are enough…gentle but full of sweetness! My 16th birthday was a big day. My mother as I told you, made me sit down and listen to how I should be careful..but this is something we girls all already knew. Two girls at school had become pregnant and we all knew that this is something that is foolish. Virginity is not something that should be given away so lightly. Christine and I are clear on this. I hated good boys anyway…want my man to be bad and more adventurous while the boys at school were so super polite! Anyway, I couldn’t say all this to my mom and so listened to her while nodding my head and then my father came in and announced that he had a surprise! I was so excited because I love surprises…and he said he had to take me driving for this one. I was all the more excited. We drove down to the suburbs and then entered Marcell’s Stables! Riding lessons! That was my surprise… my dad was covered in kisses by me! Marcell himself was there, grinning to see me so excited. He looked tanned and muscular and for a while I went off dreaming… My first lesson was that day itself. I was introduced and then put on a horse while dad watched from far. First a walk around and then a gentle trot. I wasn’t scared at all but I experienced a different kind of feeling. My virgin clit was quivering with the new sensations. I shifted myself to allow the lips to open, bend a bit forward and aaaahhhh…the pleasure the horse gave me was so good. I forgot about Marcell and my Dad and went into another world from which I was rudely awoken when Marcell pulled the reins and stopped the trot. I went home in a daze and did not even tell Christine about this. At home, I rushed into the bathroom, took off my clothes, sat on the floor and rubbed my virgin vulva with my fingers until I came with a rush! On the third day, I discovered that if a moved my pelvis a little to the left, I get a position that was sheer heaven. As the horse jogged at a gentle canter, there were electric waves moving from my virgin clitoris inwards…I don’t know to where…I barely held on as the waves stunned me. The next day, I experienced the same but as I came around the corner, coach Marcell wanted to help teach me my landing and he held my waist, his fingers slightly sliding on to my bare bottom beneath my breeches. I was already overcome with the weird pleasurable sensations after riding and his touch made me blush with intense feeling. The blood rushed to my head, making me dizzy with excitement. I am sure he didn’t notice as he was also shouting something to someone else but I was lost. I experienced the strongest orgasm I ever felt and fell off the horse!! It was so embarrassing but I was still not in my senses and coach too was feeling it was his fault for not holding on to me properly so everything remained unnoticed. I no longer go for horse riding but the memories and sensations I experienced will stay with me forever. Poor Coach Marcell…he never knew what was happening…haha!! I then moved on to professional modeling after school while Christine went to Paris to enroll in a course for Interior Design. I still dance on and off whenever I get time but somehow life had become dull. I pose for products and my figure shows off dresses very well and I am paid quite well too but there is a fire in me that needs some kindling. I touch my pussy while I dream…my unshaven pussy for I don’t like to shave down there unless of course there is a lingerie advertisement the next day that I need to shoot for. Men of course have made passes but it makes me feel embarrassed. I do not want a regular, good boy. I want a man. And when I applied to defloration.com and came for the shoot, the producer asked me about losing my virginity with Tommy…and boy, was I ready! He is exactly the man I look forward to breaking my hymen. He is experienced, will be gentle as well as forceful at the same time and yes, I look forward to the next adventure with all my heart! The best part is Sergey says, we’ll keep it a secret from Tommy till the last minute... ssshhhh! Collapse
Preevyet! I am Jessica from St. Petersburg. I was the only child and my parents wanted the best for me. They are both teachers and as a family we are very polite, well read and frankly speaking, very boring. I was not allowed to listen to music of my choice, was forced to study hard, to attend skating practice every weekend and of course dance school. I was a talkative child and did not hesitate in making friends. I hated staying at home and making polite conversations... Read more >>>, of performing in front of my parents’ friends when they came home for dinner. The area around our locality is full of trees and wide roads. I love being outdoors and used to spend most of my holidays cycling with my friends. Dominika and Lidiya were my besties and the three of us were always busy making mischief which my parents did not like. We used to get wet in the fountain at the park, play handball and then skate down the walkways. As soon as I turned 10, I was enrolled in ballet classes for rigorous practice and discipline, which my parents felt I needed in great doses. Girls from many different schools came to attend this class. In our age-group, there were 15 girls. We were all more or less beginners. Our teacher was very famous and there was a waiting list to get into his classes. Parents of those who got admitted were thrilled. As soon as school got over, I had to run for my after-school dance program. We all brought our clothes in our kit bags and there was a rush in the dressing room to get dress up for practice. We soon had a set routine, and got used to each other. We started off with exercises for flexibility, strength and stretching. Our teacher was excellent but a thorough disciplinarian. He made us repeat over and over again till our legs ached. My parents were very happy to see me following a routine. Sometimes we made faces at our teacher behind his back and did not dare to giggle. One day, our teacher had to leave St. Petersburg for six months due to a program in another country and we had another teacher coming in. Viktor Mikhailov was our substitute teacher (I m using a false name). He was completely different from our previous coach. He was funny, made us laugh and we had a great time. He also started a new massage therapy session after class. Girls were called to his locker room. We were asked to remove our leotards and lie down on the benches. I felt very awkward the first time as it was the first time I was naked in front of a grown-up person. He told us he was going to massage our muscles and make our legs strong. This was part of the dance training program to help us become more flexible. My teenage breasts were just developing and that first day I tried to cover them but he took my hands and made me lay down straight on a bench. My chest and hands were massaged. He would then take my legs and rub them from feet upwards. He would lift the leg high, make it touch my head and rub the underside of my thigh in this position. His hand would casually touch my virgin vagina and move on. My legs were opened wide and he would stand in between, rubbing them smoothly with his hands. I would feel relaxed. When his hands touched my pussy for the first time, I became stiff. He did not seem to notice and I was very embarrassed. After my massage was done, I quickly moved down and put on my clothes and ran home. Feeling very ashamed, I did not tell anyone. May be he was only touching me there. Afterwards when he touched me on my teenage virgin pussy, I felt wet and slippery. This was a sensation that I had never know before. I felt both ashamed and guilty. Lidiya was in the same class with me and we suddenly spoke about this to each other. Hearing us, one more girl said the same thing. We decided to tell our parents. I cannot forget the look on my parents’ faces. At first they did not believe but later realized I was telling the truth. In shock, our parents met the director of the academy immediately and Viktor Mikhailov was kicked out that day itself. Our parents all agreed not to sue as that might also bring a bad name on their girls. Viktor was out of school but he had started something passionate in me. My ballet classes went on but I could not forget the feeling I had when he touched me. I felt guilty but started looking at myself in the mirror and posing. As I was 18, I got in touch with defloration.com. The producer and photographer made me comfortable and I was proud to show off my virginity. I know I have to become a top erotic model and will soon reach my goal. Collapse
Hi. Like I mentioned before, I got the chance to meet actor of my dreams, right after my first time casting at the studio of Defloration. Where honestly I stayed with till now and will stay more. I love their production and they way they are with models, like me for example, I have total freedom and I can just be me. My actor for today is the most experienced actor in the world, some might disagree and say it should be Thomas Stone, but for me this one is the best one! Anyways, I chose him also because he has a huge cock and I love that... Read more >>>, always wanted to experience one inside the different parts of my body. Yes, yes I’m still horny even now, or well better say I never was as horny and excited as I am now! We sat down, had a little talk and finally began making out and undressing and it was getting more and more exciting by the second, then he taught me how to properly suck a cock, without acting like a slut while doing it. Licked me out properly, I even had a tiny orgasm… Then came the part where I lost my virginity and I have barely felt for excitement, he was doing me in the doggy pose and its my number one most favourite pose ever. I enjoyed very very much, until he decided to put me on top of him and make me cowgirl for sometime, I did ride his and felt deep inside, it’s fun, but not as much as when he was fucking me hardcore from behind and my tits were bouncing and my ass pushing against him. I was so much horny that I managed to give the my most hard orgasm ever. And I saw how much he enjoyed sex with me, and he probably fucked me in all the possible poses in his mind, because I sure did! So, yes, I loved it all and I’m eager if I ever get another opportunity to come here and step into something new with him. Collapse
Hello. I am not new to Defloration.com. I have already done my solo casting video here. I am 18 years old and have come a long way from my home that is in Nizhny Novgorod in Russia. I do not trust boys and the producer arranged my virginity to be taken by a girl! I was amazed that this could be done and it was a once in a lifetime experience that is very special for me. I have been poor all my life... Read more >>>. As both my parents were killed in a bus accident long ago, I was adopted by my aunt as a little girl. Even though she loved me, I was also made to look after the house and her children. I did not mind as I got good food to eat and good clothes. I did not continue my studies after college and worked as a maid in the home of a local politician. It was his wife who showed me defloration.com. I ran away from home one day to come for the solo video shoot after I turned 18. It was my first professional photo shoot and even though I felt very awkward at first, I relaxed with the producer’s encouragement and masturbated in front of the whole world. It felt free and erotic and I was ready for more. I had a boyfriend at that time but I was still a virgin because I was scared of pain. All my friends had lost their virginity and I was the last one. My boyfriend was having an affair with the politician’s wife. I came to know about this later when one of my friends told me. Both of them were making a fool out of me. I spoke to the producer at Defloration.com about his offer. I was ready to lose my virginity in their studio with a professional but not a man. I hated men and couldn’t trust them anymore. I got a message very soon. The day before I lost my virginity I had a spa session with hair treatment and a fantastic relaxing massage. My masseur was so good with her fingers that I managed to cum several times during the session. It was embarrassing for me but she helped me relax. As I waited in the studio on the special day, I had no idea of what to expect. I had only seen videos of deflowering by men and I hoped my producer would keep his word and bring in a girl who I can be at ease. He gave me the most pleasant surprise of telling me that it was the same girl who massaged me, Candy or Amy Ledenez. Amy too had earlier lost her virginity here and was familiar with my feelings. I was relieved and happy to see her. Amy was amazing. I am awestruck with her beauty. As she hugged me, I could feel her boobs through her top and immediately I felt aroused. I was still nervous about losing my virginity but Amy managed to calm me down. As she undressed me, I felt as if a lover was caressing me. I forgot about the cameras. She sucked on my nipples and pulled on them with her tongue. Aaahhh… it was mazing. It was the first time someone did this to me. As he tongue went down, down and down, I couldn’t stop moaning. It was most erotic!! She removed my panties and then sucked at my virgin pussy till I could not control myself any longer. My God! This girl was everything I was looking for in a lover. Her boobs touched me as she moved down and the sensation was amazing. When she thrust her fingers inside me, gently at first and then faster, I came again and again. I too pleasured her and it felt so liberating. I never felt this way about a man ever. We did the 69 position and I became a bit bolder, following whatever she was doing to me. I could sense that she too enjoyed my fingers and tongue at work. Amy asked me to go doggy style, with my legs folded under me and she flicked her fingers in and out of my virgin vagina, till it pierced my hymen finally. It was painful but I had so much pleasure that I did not realise the pain until it was over. The experience was exhilarating and super sensuous! All my life, I felt insecure because of my small boobs and because I was very poor. Today Amy managed to make me feel like the most beautiful girl on earth. I feel like I would be able to become a top model. I felt I could do anything. I touched her face, I think I am in love with her. Our producer too must have realised that and left us alone to lie down and make love to each other again. Collapse
I had I difficult past, but I did what I did to recover from it and move to this day and today I lost my virginity and it was absolutely insane! Too bad you weren’t there to witness it all with your own eyes! Honestly it was all great, except that, you know I’m a gymnast and I really wanted to have my first experience with acrobatic positions, but sadly the guy I was fucking with, didn’t share the same beliefs, and I only managed to go raise and spread my legs a couple of times sadly! Nonetheless... Read more >>>, sex was great, the part where his dick pierced my tight pussy hymen, wasn’t too painful, but then the pain followed it a little bit later and I didn’t know what to do.. I wasn’t a virgin anymore, and suddenly I just gave in to pleasures of it and forgot about the pain, it only reoccurred when we were changing positions. Oh, and before all of that, I sucked him off really well, or at least I hope it went well,, he really enjoyed it, I felt it, his dick head was even pulsating time to time, when I spent time with my lips and tongue playing with it tightly! I saw it in some porn movies before. He was really gentle with me at first, but the sex, but then he got really wild, first I didn’t know what to think of it, but then I really enjoyed it, specially in the last position we had, I came really strong and he did too! I will never regret coming in here and agreeing on such amazing adventures of my life! Collapse
I’m from Saint Petersburg, Russia. I’m 18 years old and I’m really a virgin. I got to this casting in a very interesting way. My friends are not hymens anymore, and they said that they gonna make me a surprise. They took me to a studio where they work with virgins only, and literally pulled me into this.. I had no idea where am I.. First I was in a shock, but then they told me how much money I will get if I prove my virginity. And that they don’t trust me neither. It was a funny mood, so I agreed to it. Strange things are happening in my life. I was never ever nude in front of any guy or girls before. But at this moment my shyness has just disappeared. I have a boyfriend and... Read more >>> I know that he wants to have sex with me. He’s always trying to get inside my panties. But I never let him do that. I also want to have sex, so I do with myself alone. I sleep completely naked. I always imagine how a boy from my class or my boyfriend is caressing my tits, and my clit. That really makes me horny. I always have strong orgasms. But I never tell this to my friends. In fact I tell everyone that it has no interest to me. I’m afraid of the first sex, just because I think that it will hurt a lot. It will definitely hurt a lot, because I have a very little hole in my hymen.. I looked at it in the mirror. But I know, that time will come, and I will do it. Collapse
Hello, I am back to finally lose my virginity with the perfect guy besides my boyfriend! I chose him, because he reminds me of my boyfriend and it will ease up the situation today. I really wanted to give my virginity away to an experienced man, and my boyfriend does not qualify as one for this job. I came to the studio today and met him before the shooting and we spoke a bit and then followed to the bedroom, where it all happened. I talked with the producer and then she made the official introduction of us and we started to make out with him, meanwhile he was undressing me starting with my blouse and down.. I enjoyed it and didn’t want him to stop and then kissed my tits and neck and wit his other hand masturbating my virgin pussy... Read more >>>, I got really wet! He then stood upland took his cock out and asked me if I have ever seen one, I told him no, not even my boyfriends dick and he was surprised but happy. I started to suck him but without any passion in my eyes started to glow after a minute approximately. After a while he laid me down and licked my pussy, there you can see on my face how much pleasure it brought me, specially when he touched my clit! He told to get ready for sex and I was more then ready but still very scared like probably any other girl would be! Nonetheless he entered my and my hymen broke, that was the most painful moment and he kept on moving and it was hurting me more. But then it went away and I even had a little orgasm and he did too. In summary I got everything I wanted and came here for and now I’m ready to go out to the whole world as a real woman and enjoy all the pleasures that life bring me, I will always be thankful to defloration.com! Collapse
I am what many would call a bad girl. I am not bad actually but just curious about my body. I love my body. I am 18 years old and a virgin from St. Petersburg, Russia. Defloration.com finally chose me after I sent my application for the third time. I was excited and thrilled to be part of it all. Sergey was such a great photographer and I had seen his work earlier so I was stunned when I saw that he was there. I hope you like the video. It was five years ago that I learnt that my body can give me pleasure. Once, after school... Read more >>>, I was taking a shower. I soaped up well and the was using the hand nozzle to wash it off. Accidently, the jet of water touched my virgin labia and a weird sensation flitted through my body. It was as if an electric current has passed through. I took the nozzle and this time directed it intentionally at my vaginal lips. It happened again, that electric jolt and I had to hold on to the wall for support. I finally sat down and kept adjusting the jet so that I got the most pleasure. My mom works as a cashier at a nearby store and my dad is in marketing. He works in a big company in the city. We are comfortable but not rich. My grandparents come and stay with us sometimes. They live in a village very near St. Petersburg. It’s beautiful and I love going there for my holidays. I don’t have any sisters or brothers but I have three friends who re extremely close. The four of us have been together since kindergarten. We go to the same school and live near each other. Annalise, Lisa, Rita and me. Lisa’s father has his own business. He does landscaping for rich people. After I had my first orgasm like I told you, I was extremely eager to share it with my friends but didn’t know how to do it. After almost six months, Lisa came to school excitedly. She couldn’t wait for the lunch bell to ring. As soon as class was over, she pulled all of us to our secret lunch place and told us what she saw in a house of a rich client of her father’s. She had gone with him on one of his assignments on the weekend. He had to work on the lawn and some flowers and it would take time, and Lisa walked all around. She suddenly stopped when she saw the mistress of the house laying on a mat in a small secluded patch of the garden. Completely naked. Lisa took a deep breath and continued. The lady was rubbing her big boobs and had her fingers inside, you know, her pussy. She was making moaning noises. Suddenly she shuddered and then lay down asleep under the sun. She did not know whether her father saw the lady or not but she was fascinated by what she saw. I now told them about my experience with the showerhead and they were wild with excitement. We planned to meet after school. We had of course swam together but had never seen each other naked. It was awkward at first but Lisa was our bold girl. As soon as we got into my room, she stripped. With a lot of pulling and some pushing, we were all down to our undies in a short while. As we started soaping each other, it turned from fun into something more erotic. It was the first erotic moment in my life and most probably for all other. As our hands touched each other’s teenage tits, I felt my body stiffen. I turn the shower on and pointed it at my virgin pussy and it felt so good. The other girls too went in for it and we all lay back exhausted on my bed later. No one spoke about it but we were all deep in our thoughts. All four of us were very curious what happens to our body when the water hits. What’s inside our virgin vaginas? We were besotted. Rita got us some booklets from her mom’s hospital where she worked as a nurse. We went through books at school. We also had a sex education class in school but that too didn’t help. We never did the shower thing together again but we girls met everyday after school. One thing led to another and one day when we were at Annalise’s home for stayover, Lisa pushed me over and said she wanted to see what’s inside. My panties were removed and I spread my legs and the three pf them peered into see what’s inside. Anna was next as I too wanted to see. We pushed her virgin vagina open with our fingers and could see a pink skin covering the opening. We used our fingers across this and on the lips of her labia trying to figure out which spot gives us the sensations. Anna started trembling as as we moved our fingers in and out and suddenly she shuddered. This was fantastic and we tried on each other. We tried it with mirrors and torch lights to see better. This was fun and erotic at the same time. My friends and I are still close. We are all in different occupations. Rita and I are interested in modelling and I applied to defloration.com from the time I was 16 as one of my seniors told me about it. They were very strict about me being 18 and this time I was accepted. It was all I wished for. I hope I showed off myself well as I tried my best. I am interested in both ramp modelling as well as in films. I am still a virgin and hope to become a woman soon. Sergey was pleased with what he saw and that was very important for me. I now look forward to what’s going to happen in my life next. Collapse
A month ago I turned 18. My friend, Tasha, gave me a surprise. She told me I too can become a model and gave me the information for my shoot. Being a very shy girl and a virgin, this is a big step for me. Today, it’s a bit too exciting for me and I am a little nervous because it is the first time I tried to do something bold. It is my friend actually who... Read more >>> had always been interested in modelling. She always shared photos with me of famous models who looked super sexy and gorgeous. This got me very interested in modelling too. I do not know much about it but want to try it out. I have never done a photo shoot or worn beautiful clothes. I see how some of these models wear almost nothing and I keep looking at their body. Can I do and look the same? When I came for the shoot, the producer let me know that I had to take off my clothes. He asked me if I was ready. I felt very shy because I had never taken off my clothes in front of boys. As a model I know I will have to do it but it made me nervous. What if they did not like my body? I felt very awkward and conscious. Revealing my teenage boobs and virgin pussy was a very bold step for me. My nipples were erect as I got very self-conscious and I felt very erotic. I have often wondered about my hymen… Maybe it is like a thin film that blocks my vagina? I don’t really want to think it because I am too scared. I know what happens when I lose my virginity…how the cock of a man will penetrate my virgin vagina…I sometimes dream of a rugged, handsome man walking into my room and undressing me in my sleep. He will then take off his clothes. I will still be drowsy and half asleep. He will then kiss my teenage boobs, slide his hands down my body to my virgin pussy. His hands will push my knees apart and with his tongue he will lick my virgin vagina and climb on top of my. I will moan in my sleep as his big cock goes inside me. However, I am so terrified of the pain that I heard about that at this point my dream ends. I am really scared that I couldn’t bear the pain. My mother is a nurse in the local hospital and she brought me up by herself. My father was a security guard and died when I was about eight years old. Mom spoke to me about what happens when I have sex and she told me how I can become pregnant if a boy has sex with me. She warned me to keep away from boys and I have always done that. I haven’t even kissed a boy till now. In our school, after gym, we used to change in the dressing room. There was a window behind the room and boys used to peep in through the curtains. I am very shy about my body and I used to be very embarrassed. Once, while I was changing alone in the room, I caught sight of a boy peeping in. I had removed my top and was standing in my bra. I immediately covered myself and ran to change in the toilet. While walking in school, boys sometimes tried to touch my teenage boobs but I did not allow and walked fast. Even now, sometimes while travelling by bus, men sit near me and try to touch my tits with their hands. One day, I was reading a book sitting on the bus. I was bending over the book and a little bit of my teenage tits could be seen. A man stood near me and after some time, I could feel his pants rubbing near my face. I looked up but he was looking somewhere else. I looked at his pants and I was so embarrassed. It was big and bulging out. I knew his dick must be big and erect. He seemed not to know but his dick kept rubbing my face. I did not know what to do. When the lady near me got up, he sat down. After sometime, I could feel his hands slowly touching my breasts. I did not know whether it was by accident. I moved away but he sat very close. When my stop came, I rushed out of the bus. Today’s photo shoot experience was something very new for me. I had never masturbated in my life but I know it will give me pleasure. I am happy to discover feelings that I did not know I had. I am 18 years old now and I want to know more about the world. This is a good decision that I made and I thank the producer for giving me the opportunity. Collapse
Hi! My name is Tara, I recently turned 18 years old. I'm still a virgin and I'm gonna preserve my virginity for my boyfriend. We have been dating for more than one year. He is very conservative and adheres to the old views that young people should start having sex only after the wedding. I'm old enough and I know enough about sex. And what I know, I really like and I'm very interested in it. I have long wanted to say goodbye to my virginity and finally try this fascinating activity for real and in full force. But on the other hand, I really strongly love my boyfriend and for his sake and for our love, I'm ready to wait as long as it takes. However... Read more >>>, my great and long-standing desire to become a professional model is still with me. That's why I'm here today. I came to my first casting, which is to get a very important experience of posing on camera, especially naked. I believe that if I can cope with this rather difficult task today, all the other difficulties that will arise in my way will no longer frighten me so much. I worry a little that my shyness will interfere with me. I want to feel comfortable and I will try very hard to look natural and free in front of the camera. When I was asked if I had any sexual experience, this question did not bother me at all, because I really have something to tell. Everything I ever tried in sex happened to me with my boyfriend after we started dating. A few months after the start of our relationship, we already had too few simple kisses, we just began to go naked in the bed, hugged, kissed, touched each other and received satisfaction simply from the fact that we were together. But soon this was not enough to satisfy each other's wishes. Okay, one day my boyfriend asked me what I thought about oral sex. Then this question very confused me and I even blushed with embarrassment, not knowing what to answer. Seeing my embarrassment, he tried to relieve the tension in the air, and said that if we had oral sex, it would be a great pleasure for both of us, but at the same time we would not actually violate the rule not to have real sex before the wedding. That was the first time I felt a dick in my mouth. When I sucked him for the first time, I felt really embarrassed. I was a little ashamed of the fact that I could not do anything at all, and must have sucked really terribly that time. But this did not upset me, but rather, on the contrary, I had a motivation and a desire to improve my skills and bring our oral sex to the highest level of enjoyment. Well, I can proudly say that I did not have a shortage of training. For me it was something like a competition with myself, sometimes I could not even sleep when I thought that I still do not know how to suck well enough. I must say that I was not deprived of oral pleasure. I love it very much when my boyfriend slowly pulls my panties and begins to greedily cover my body with kisses, descending lower and lower. And then he starts at first just kissing my pussy, and then, when I just burn out of impatience and desire, he starts playing with my pussy with his tongue, sometimes interrupting to give me a long hot kiss. I once suggested that my boyfriend add fingers to his tongue. At least one finger. At first he thought for a long time, but then he still refused. He justified this by the fact that he was afraid to accidentally go too far. His fears were caused by the fact that he has very long fingers. Actually long. He, as a guitarist, is very comfortable, but still he does not want to add fingers to our sexual games. I must say that his refusal really upset me. I again wanted something more from our relationship in bed, but arguing with him was useless. I did not clash or fight with him, I just found for myself an excellent occupation that completely satisfies all my needs. I started masturbating. Of course, I'm making sure my boyfriend doesn't see it. Before I began to masturbate, I watched several dozen short porn films and, it seems, I completely learned all the subtleties of masturbation. Most often I masturbate in the shower, when no one can stop me. Masturbation was even more enjoyable and interesting than the oral sex I had before. I liked to touch myself between my legs and find out where I have the most sensitive place, and where I have the least. In the end, I already knew my body so well that I could bring myself to orgasm in five minutes. It was amazing! Orgasm is generally, in my opinion, the most pleasant part of sex or masturbation. I liked how during an orgasm, an electric wave rolls through my body and then for some time this pleasant feeling of pleasure that happened remains in me. So if you summarise everything I said, I have quite a stormy and active sexual life for a virgin. I do not see anything wrong with this, and in general what is wrong with simply wanting to receive satisfaction? I believe that very soon I and my boyfriend will be able to have sex for real and then a whole new world of pleasures and feelings will be opened for me. In the meantime, I am ready to devote due time to my dream of making a career as a model. That's why I'm here today. So let's begin? Collapse
I am an 18-year-old gymnast from St Petersburg. Right now, however, the only thing on my mind is S-X! I am too shy to actually go ahead and meet a guy on my own but that is all I think of at night and during the day. Last week, I got the perfect opportunity, a stepping stone to my dream of a career as a porn star. I approached Sergey, the producer of Defloration.com, for help. How do I lose my virginity... Read more >>>??? I was called for a casting video to prove my virginity. I was more than willing to do this. I told him of my dream of becoming a porn star. There is a lot of competition nowadays. I have seen documentaries in which porn stars are interviewed and they tell of the large amounts they earn. I want to be one of them, one of the best. Money of course is a charm but I want the experience. Nothing seems to me to be more erotic than sex in front of others. I had an incident when my coach touched my virgin pussy. This made me feel so horny that I rushed off immediately to the locker room and masturbated. I pushed the crotch of the leotard aside and put my fingers into my virgin vagina. As I rubbed the lips, I immediately came and my leotard got wet! This was my first experience. After this, I would touch myself whenever I got the chance. I was always so busy with school ad practice that I never got the chance to actually interact with boys. When I masturbate, I always dream of someone touching me, squeezing my teenage tits, grabbing my ass and kissing me deep and hard. I would feel his hard cock, in my dreams, pushing against my virgin pussy. I would imagine his tongue exploring my virgin clit, pulling my lips apart and making me cum again and again. I am too shy to even dream about him penetrating me. Now, with this casting video, if the producer is impressed enough, I will get the chance of actually losing my virginity in front of the camera! That will be a great thing for me. After I revealed my virginity to the world through the video today, I touched myself like I do at home. I imagined being touched by my mysterious guy, imagined his big dick touching the lips of my virgin pussy. I touched my teenage boobs, my virgin clit, my smooth teenage body, my rounded ass. Suddenly the entire couch was wet! I also showed how I did anal masturbation. I couldn’t control myself. It was a thrilling experience. It was awfully erotic. It was fantastic! I could see the bulge in the producer’s pants and knew what that meant. I was thrilled to have aroused him! Seeing that, I got even more aroused. There will be a day soon when I become a pornstar. I will have a difference. Being a gymnast, I am very flexible. I would love to have my guy lick my pussy while I am doing a split. As I do a bridge, my tits get stretched and sometimes my coach touches them then. I somehow find this extremely sensual. I would love to try out some moves like this with a man. Oh! There are so many ideas in my mind once I lose my virginity! My parents are not aware of my fantasy. My grandmother was also a gymnast and it was because of her that I was enrolled. We are both similar. She had broken many hearts and had many lovers. I am very shy right now but I am sure I too will learn to entice men and make them fall in love with me. Right now I need someone strong and experienced to take me in his hands and take control. I am ready to let go and almost bursting with the sexual energy inside. I feel one time won’t ever be enough for me. I have told my parents that I want to have a career in modelling and films. With time, they will come to know. I am sure they too will support me some day. I realized in my casting video that I come alive in front of the camera. My senses are all aroused. My teenage tits, my virgin pussy, everything became super sensitive, I wanted to cum again and again. As a gymnast, I do not have much inhibitions about removing my clothes. I love my body. Each part of my body: my tits, my fingers, my belly button, my toes, everything! I am also sure no man can resist my body. I just need to overcome my shyness. And if I get the chance to lose my virginity in front of the camera, there will be no looking back for me! Collapse
Well, it seems that this studio has given me all the support and joy that I needed and of course confidence as well to return and enjoy myself for the final time! Although I wasn’t so sure that I will enjoy myself, but yes I really did at the end of the day. I came to the studio being vey happy but also scared and excited and it turned out to be painful at first, especially after everything started to passionately and tasty and I was really going at his high cock and sucking him off like there was no tomorrow! Of course... Read more >>>! I’m like a nymphomaniac who never had all these pleasures and fun and now I’m off the chain and can do anything I want with anyone I want and this guy he’s not young and very cool looking like a boss! I really liked his looks and his huge cock too! It was something else when it was inside my mouth and throat and then I knew that I have no gag reflex and he’s lucky for this and of course all the future sexual victims! It came to sex then and he put in really fast and rough, but I guess it was for the better best in this moment, it actually went through so fast that I suddenly haven’t felt any pain anymore and we checked if my hymen wasn’t there anymore and I was so happy to hear that its gone and now we can continue fucking until orgasms! That’s what we did and it was out of this cold feeling for me, specially that he showed me all the best poses with a big variety of them! Collapse
Hi, my name is Natasha Bénie and I’m 18 years old! I grew up in Russia, Moscow. I always loved to travel around and try all types of different national clothes of all countries I’ve been to. My dad had his own business and my mother was always helping him with it. So, technically my parents never had to ask anyone for a certain vacation time and we could just travel around at any time of the year, with a few laptops and that’s all! I loved this about my family. And I was very grateful not only this, but for two more things.. One was that my was awaiting another baby and it was supposed to be a girl, so I could have a younger sister to look out to. The second is that the business was going very well and we were living in a house with a huge garden and even had a small lake with a bridge on it. On my 9th birthday I got a very interesting surprise.. My parents brought me a box and when I was about to open it, it started to move around and I got a bit scared. Once I got enough courage to open it and little dog jumped out and it was my most favourite dog ever! It was a three months old Jack Russel! So... Read more >>>… In a few months, we had to travel and I took my dog with me to the trip. We went to Scotland and that’s when for the first time in my life I started to wear skirts and I do till now, which is great, but still weird, as I wasn’t used to wearing something for a long period of time. I even bought some of that Scottish material for clothes and made a dog suit for my dog, so that we could match. My mom used to tell me that she never met anyone in her life, who could wear the skirts than me, as I had the most beautiful legs in the world, and that made me blush, at the same time I knew that I had them! My father was always convincing me to start going for photoshoots and to become a model, but I always refused as I knew that without having sex with someone it wouldn’t really work out for me. Also. I’m a shy girl, but not too much! I love hangout with people, but in the moments, when I hanged out with a few guys and they took of their shirts in front of me at home, when we stayed alone and wanted me to do as well, it literally took them an hour to connivence me to follow them. Even then, only in the complete darkness. After around a year, my shyness got less and it became super easy to convince me to do almost anything, except of course for sex or anything like it.. Nonetheless I still haven’t dated a single guy and never had any type of sexual intercourse with anyone, except for myself and my lovely hand! I’m a type of girl that likes teasing you and no matter who you are a girl or a boy. Once me and a girl a hot blonde that I just met at my new fitness where I signed up for. The girl who actually worked there as a coach, hook up right away during our first session. That’s a story you might enjoy to hear! I wanted to have a better looking ass so that all boys would break their necks when I walk outside on the streets of Moscow in downtown in some leather pants or some tight fitness pants. So, there was an exercise where I had to do squats and one other to strengthen my thighs.. I asked her at one point to hold my ass in some exercises to feel it and tell me if I’m doing it right. You won’t believe how wet I got the moment she grabbed my ass. She was a 18 years old, petite looking super fit with big tits and blonde hair looking babe. And I wanted her to become my babe and she did, but only for sleep overs and making out, this is my little secret that nobody knows about. Well at-least until now. As I mentioned before I was hooking up with some guys and you should now that I’m a very easily trusting person and in my life that has never ever hunted me with anyone, I think I must be lucky for this. Even with this sexy babe I hooked up with, and I think I make the impression on people to trust me easily as well! Not so long ago, I have turned 18 years old and now it has come to my mind that maybe I should try something new and where I can be easily open minded, but also play and tease some people. The first thing that came to my mind was porn, so I searched and I found a perfect studio, I watched some of their videos and the voice of the producer made me extremely wet, so I texted them and told them that I would like to start my model or well a pornstar career. I sent in my pictures and videos, and it hasn’t been an hour as they called me and told me that a world famous producer from defloration.com would like me to be in his videos. I immediately agreed and now I’m here, doing my virgin casting and perhaps even something else.. Well, most definitely I will come back for more as I felt amazing here and got everything that I could dream of and even teased the producer with my phenomenal body and replies. The next day I came in here for masturbation and I gotta say, that it was a fun and tempting experience and I definitely want more! Collapse
Thank you defloration.com! I want to become a model or to be in films but till now I was too shy to do anything like this. I am 18 and I am a virgin. My name is Glasha and I am from Pushkin, near St Petersburg (Russia). My village is beautiful and many tourists come here but I would do anything to be able to go out and see the world. Usually in school, I was very shy and would not talk much. But I love basketball and on the court I became a different person. We had a good basketball team and we have been to Moscow... Read more >>> too to compete against a school there. We lost but the experience made me really want to travel more. There was one incident that made me grow up and I must share it here. Once we had to go with the boy’s team to another school. We travelled by bus all together. I sat by the window. Just before we had started, the captain of the boy’s team sat by me. I felt goosebumps all over. As soon as the bus started, all started singing and making jokes while I kept looking out of the window and singing to myself. This boy put his arms around my shoulder. I got a shock. He kept his head close to mine while talking to his friends. I could feel his muscular body rubbing against my teenage boobs. I could see his big dick bulging in his pants. His hands moved down from the shoulder and grabbed my waist. I felt uncomfortable but at the same time strange feelings ran through my body. My virgin pussy felt warm and aroused. His hands brushed against my teenage tits and I do not know if he did that intentionally. He already had a girlfriend in school so I was puzzled. After some time he walked away to another seat. In school, I couldn’t help looking at him and his girlfriend when they made out together. I once followed them to a storeroom behind the auditorium. They didn’t even know I was looking in. No one came that way and I could see him pulling off her clothers, grabbing her boobs and sucking them hard. She pulled down his pants and took his erect big dick in her mouth and started sucking. I began to touch my virgin pussy under my skirt as I was so aroused. I felt hot and wet. He grabbed her hair and pushed her against his balls. She licked and pulled his cock in and out of her mouth. Her boobs jiggled as she did this. I put one hand under my shirt and rubbed my boobs. As they started moaning, I too rubbed my virgin clitoris faster and faster and suddenly a big tremor ran over me and I sat on the floor. It took some time to come to my senses and I ran off. This was my first orgasm. From then on, I would lock myself in my room and touch my virgin vagina lying on bed. I imagined his face pushing my hands away and licking my virgin pussy and then putting his tingue in. In my imagination, he would suck me hard and my back would arch towards him. I inserted my fingers in my virgin clitoris and would bring them in and out again and again and would cum with a rush. I still do this. I now look at myself in the mirror while masturbating. I love my body. I sometimes like to spread my legs and take pictures of my virgin labia. I like to film myself masturbating. Once I also put on a webcam and joined a chat group where I showed my teenage boobs. I realised I am not so shy in front of strangers. Till now I haven’t shown my face but men love it when I love my nipples for them. One time I also masturbated in live chat. It aroused me so much. Cum spilled over on my fingers and the man I was chatting with also showed me his dick which was big and erect. He said he wanted to pierce my vagina. He was very horny. My teenage boobs are firm and round and I want someone to hold them. Till now I have no boyfriend and I am scared of losing my virginity. Maybe through defloration.com I may get this opportunity. I have seen Tommy in action so maybe he will enter me and make me a woman. I am ready. My virgin pussy is ripe for some action and as I am 18 now, and all my friends have lost their virginity, I want a man to enter me and make me a woman. Collapse
I am blond, innocent and 18 years old. I am also a virgin. As many other girls, I want to become a professional model and I am willing to work hard for it. This was my first video shoot and I am grateful to Defloration.com for giving me the chance. I stay alone in Moscow as I had come away from my family a long time ago. My parents are still there in our village, about five hours from here. We are four girls... Read more >>> and my father is a helper in a farm belonging to the local landlord. My father used to plough the land, and look after a portion of the land like his own with all of us helping. In the end, he would get a small share of whatever were the profits of the crop. Apart from this, the landlord used to give him a stipend. We had a very hard life. My father blew off a big part of this money on booze. He would get high and hit my mother and force himself on her, sometimes in front of us. My eldest sister, Maxime, has a sewing machine that was given to her by the landlord’s wife. She takes sewing orders and does all kinds of stitching jobs. My mother cleans a few houses and it is with this money and that given by my sister that our house is run. There are days I remember when we had to go hungry to bed. I could not bear this life. I dream of becoming a model and seeing the world. I hardly had any friends. My sister had saved some money and one day, she gave it to me and told me to run away. She said if I earn money, maybe I will be able to help the younger ones. I did not even say goodbye to my mother. Kissing my younger sisters in their sleep, I hugged Maxime and took the bus to Moscow. It was the first time I travelled outside our village. I had the address of a salesgirl in Moscow. She was from our village and worked in a departmental store. I came and stayed with her for the first year. She got me a job in the same store. I soon got a second job for the evening in a tattoo studio. It is now my fourth year here. I started renting a room on my own and am very independent. I also send some money every month to my sister for the house. She doesn’t tell my father about this. My younger sisters now help out a lot and are also doing well in school. Maybe someday soon I will bring them also here to study. I no longer work in the departmental store. In the morning I now help out in a restaurant kitchen and then rush off to the tattoo studio where I clean and organise things and look after the counter. As a special bonus I got a tattoo drawn on me. I did not get the chance to model for anyone till now and when I got the chance from defloration.com, I grabbed it immediately. The producer has given me good money for my work. I am now thinking of only trying for modelling jobs. I am hardworking and can adjust to all situations. This will help me I think along with my beautiful body. I love my body so much that I really want to show it off. As our father used to sometimes force mother in front of us, I know about sex from an early age. I learnt to give pleasure to myself many years ago. One day when I was taking a shower when I was very young, the force of the water from the shower touched the lips of my virgin pussy. This excited me a lot and I experienced such sensual feelings and I adjusted the water jet to the point where it gave me maximum unbearable pleasure. I sat down on the floor and got lost in another world. Suddenly I came with force. I love to touch my teenage tits while masturbating. As my fingers move up and down my virgin teenage pussy, I get all kinds of erotic feelings. I sometimes imagine a big man’s huge dick moving inside me. As it will push itself into me, I will push myself up and this imagination makes me very horny! It gives me a very hot and wet feeling. I am very excited about doing the video today. This money will really help out both me as well as my family. I also want more such work so that I can travel and also look after my family. I have big dreams and want to touch the sky. Collapse
I'm 18 years old and I from Russia. It is going to be my first time to pose nude in front of a camera. For me it's a big shock, but I have to get through it. I'm very emotionally shy. My girl-friend is a psychologist, and she says that I have to changed it drastically. I have found a studio called defloration.com where they have invited virgins for a naked posing. I have thought, that it would be an amazing start for my change. In addition I always wanted to become a model like other girls did... Read more >>>. Yes I am a virgin. I don't even have a boyfriend.. Such a dumb girl deserves exactly this. Before I used to have a boyfriend. I had a situation.. Which happened exactly on his birthday. There were a lot other guys. A guy came across and put his hand on my knee and tried to flirt with me. But since I was very shy I just went away from him.. But he was very persistent and was getting closer to me. At the moment when he went under my mini skirt and touched my panties, I stood up and ran away from the party. Why have I done so!!! I'm suffering so much from too much shyness... Plus I'm very afraid of pain, in-case if I lose my virginity once. At the same time I always think about sex. My first masturbation happened, when I was very young and still was in school. Ever since then I masturbate at least once or twice a day. I can't live without it... I'm ashamed of this, but I had to tell this about myself, this will most definitely help me overcome my shyness in life. Collapse
Hello everyone! Today is my second day at the studio I am very glad that I could join for a second shooting it is probably because I am so unbelievably beautiful and perfect that the producer decided that I should have a second chance and come here to the studio for basically a sex video but not just any where is my first time sex and yes I am losing my virginity here at this amazing studio! Not just with anybody the one and only the most professional actor whose name is Thomas Stone and I cannot be more amazed to be so lucky to lose my virginity with this guy! first I was a little nervous when I came in but also happy... Read more >>> at the same time for the reasons that you already know song then know that I am Hungarian and he started speaking with me in English first and then as we started talking and getting to know each other he realize that I can actually speak Hungarian and we immediately turned over to this language because it made more sense for both of us and made everything way easier and even funnier! So if you’re getting to know me better he slowly started caressing my body and then I didn’t even notice how but he undressed me completely and started slowly and slowly kissing down my body from my tits to my stomach and then to my pussy.. he started caressing it with his fingers and also licking it it felt really incredible but then he decided to check my hymen if it was still intact and there for him to pop it with his huge cock! After checking it will we begin kissing again and he was caressing my pussy again until the moment were decided to take his huge cock out and I was shocked but also amazed at the same time and I really wanted to touch it and you will probably see the video how much I enjoyed stroking it while he was touching my tits and kissing me and then I realized exactly at the moment when he told me that I need to suck it and I did it without any hesitation although it was something completely new to me and interesting! I was enjoying it and I think he was enjoying it even more and I will surprise how much it was actually fitting inside my mouth which could be very useful for my future sexual life! Then he told me that I think it’s time to take the next step and we did so he was laying beside me and caressing my pussy and it felt really incredible then he was doing the same with his penis’s the moment he just slid it in! You have no idea how much it actually hurt me but all those overwhelming foreplay feelings took over and soon enough I haven’t felt any pain and I actually started enjoying it it was incredible I really advise every girl in the world to try and because there is no such feeling that you could’ve ever experienced before an actual real cock! I was pretty sure that this wouldn’t be the only polls will be fucking in although I felt incredible and I felt like this was already enough because I could easily orgasm even from this but we decided to step it up and I ended up riding him and not just riding but I was also leaning backwards and he was also pushing his cock a lot and it sounds good, but… Not too comfortable.. and I think he felt it so he took me and placed on top of him my firm tits were touching his body and those emotions are also very important and I was basically doing nothing just laying on him and he was pushing his cock in and out in and out and I’ve already experienced my orgasm twice and I was waiting for him to cum! What do you plan something else for this so I climbed down from his huge still erected cock, and he told me to jerk him off faster and faster and he then came all over my amazing big tits and we rubbed it all over them this is something out of this world! I am still and always will be amazed by this first sex experience and I’m not sure if I will ever ever have anything better with any other men... Collapse
During my casting video, I told the producer about my dreams of Tommy and that I wanted to be deflowered by him. I was not just ready, I was eager. When I got to know that I would be paid too, it was like an extra bonus. I would be able to help out my parents. I would also be able to travel abroad. The money I earn from my dance was very little. For the past few years, I had dreamed of Tommy. As I go off to sleep, I would imagine his big cock entering me... Read more >>>, his body against mine. As I said earlier, I and a few girlfriends used to have masturbation parties too where we would see his videos and touch ourselves. Now, suddenly, my dream was coming true! Tommy would soon be inside me. I stayed in the studio overnight as I had told my parents I would be with a friend. My skin was glowing. I was given a warm bath by an assistant who scrubbed me nicely. As her hands moved over me, I already felt aroused. Candles were lit around the bath and I was soon completely relaxed. As I moved out of the bath, I felt very sensuous and the water drops that were flowing down my body tingled me. Wiping myself dry with a huge towel, the assistant asked me to lay on the bed and massaged a silky lotion on me. I had on just a pair of hot pink silk pants. As she left the room, I thought I would lay down for a few more minutes and then wait for Tommy. I am so embarrassed that maybe because of the warm bath followed by the massage, I fell asleep! I did not know at all when Tommy came in. I felt someone touching me gently and then I had the most erotic experience as his lips moved down my body. Almost in a daze, I realised my pants were coming down and his lips were doing the most amazing thing on my virgin pussy. I was still in a drowsy state and felt as if I was in dreamland. Although I had signed for this and had dreamed of being seduced by Tommy for many years, the real experience was way more erotic than what I imagined. He lifted his lips and rubbed my virgin clit with his fingers. I could not imagine someone could arouse such sensations in me. I came again and again. My body was stretched and my teenage tits straining themselves with delight. I clutched at the bedsheets to control my trembles. I pulled his fingers to stop as I could not bear the tremendous pleasure that was overcoming me. As he looked at me and smiled, my heart went into seventh heaven. I was well and truly in love. Gently he turned me on my side and lay down behind me. His dick was huge! I had never seen one in real life before and could not believe that this big thing was going to go inside me. I was a bit scared. His gentle hands reassured me. Rubbing his cock behind me, he eased himself into me from behind. I gasped. Very gently, he moved in and then out, gradually speeding up. As his cock moved in and out my pussy, my hymen broke and I experienced intense pain along with extreme pleasure. The sensation cannot be explained. In the back of my mind, a voice was telling me you are no longer a virgin. You are a woman now! Tommy then moved on top of me and entered me from front. He was so strong but yet so gentle. I could see his face as his cock went inside me this time and I was ecstatic. He sucked on my teenage boobs and this made them tingle and aroused so many different sensations. He too should get a reward and I wanted to please him like no girl has done earlier. I had seen how a cock is sucked and got on top of him to give him a special treatment. I took his big dick inside my mouth. My tongue rolled over his cock, relishing it, almost swallowing it. I know he was happy because I could feel his warm cum inside my mouth. It was one of the happiest moments of my life. I had made Tommy Stone happy. Exhausted, I lay down on his arms and fell asleep. Was it all a dream or was it real? Collapse
Hi again, I’m back and I’m ready to introduce myself to more pleasure! After losing my virginity here, my sexual life became really wild and I became very very sex loving and all I do with my boyfriend is having sex daily and sucking him off too! All that is thanks to defloration.com and the opportunity they gave me to break up with my hymen. I’m probably one of many other girls who really enjoys the pleasure of having sex and that’s how I’m back here and ready to say goodbye to my anal virginity! This time I got really excited, specially that I’m going to do it with the same guy and I love him! We sat down a bit on the bed and talked and then started to kiss and touch each-other... Read more >>>, I asked him if he could fuck me first in my pussy and only then in my ass and he said yes of course! I was very content with that. We got fully naked and he fucked me hard in my pussy after which he asked if I was ready to take it in my virgin ass and leave it all behind, I told him yes I’m ready. He told me that he will finger me first in the ass, so it won’t hurt me much once he puts his big dick in it and he was right, I even felt aroused by it and most probably will do it myself later too maybe even with toys. He then took his cock into his hands and slid it inside and it really hurt me first, but after a few minutes I started to enjoy it as much as I probably could! This was one of the best experiences in my life, specially that we both came at the same time and it’s a very good memory to have! If I had to express my feelings about it, I would say that it did hurt a bit, but the pleasure took it all over and it was very uncommon first but good! Thanks a lot again to Defloration and to the producers for all these opportunities which I will never forget in my life! And to opening my mind to new sensations! Collapse
Hello, My name is Julia Lepenyhal. I live in a town called Voronezh in Russia. I'm from a very strict family. My mother and father are doctors. My dad is a surgeon and my mom is gynecologist. My entire life they were keeping me safe and my mom used to tell me all the time how to behave myself with boys, and that I should never stay with them one on one. But the destiny always turned in a way were I always stayed one on one with them.. They always tried to take my panties off... Read more >>>. I don't understand why though. I was always worried about it. Once I decided to tell this to my girlfriend. She told that, this happens because I act like a kid and that I'm very shy, guys see this and feel that they can get in easy.. In my Russian school, there were always two students who stayed after classes. Once it was me and the boy that sits next to me at the table. We began to clean the class. I poured some water into the bin to wash the floors. We did not have a mop, so we did it with our hands while kneeing down. I knew that my school skirt was very low and everyone could see my panties. I realized that he wasn't looking at me as he was also shy and busy. But then I felt that something was off.. I looked back and saw 4 guys who sneak in to the class and were looking at my butt in panties. I became red and turned the other way to continue washing the floor. But two of the guys ran to me and one of them grabbed my head while the other one was taking off my panties.. I screamed: Stop, please! But my mouth was closed by his palm so I couldn't scream loud. My panties were somewhere around my knees and then he grabbed me by my virgin pussy, and began to spread my ass cheeks as well as my pussy lips. While nervously repeating: Who do you like it? Lets fuck? So? You want to right? I was moaning because I couldn't scream, because the hand was blocking my mouth. One guy was pulling down his pants and his voice was trembling as he was nervous too. He took his boxers down and everyone began to laugh as his dick wasn't erected at all. He was mad and went aside to ask, who wants to be first? But then they got scared as they heard someone in the hallway. They got scared and released me. I pulled my panties up and ran away from the class.. This is one big bad story that happened with me. Collapse
Hi! I’m very excited to be here today. My name is Tina la Farfalla and I’m still a virgin. Although you might get a different expression of me, once you watch the video or read everything I have to say here today and about my life in general. Or how I fell in love and still am with him and how romantic it was and so much fun till now! I grew up in an amazing family, with no siblings and I like that because I never had to share anything with anyone. But maybe if I’d have someone it would be different. Honestly I don’t care and it’s fine with me this way. I was very fast growing kid... Read more >>>, in a meaning where my body started to shape at an early age and I enjoyed sneaking out to watch porn with friends and even started to drink alcohol along side smoking when I was 14 years old. Nobody knows about it and that’s good. Specially for my parents who were strict about these things. First time I drank alcohol I got really wasted and then I also got to know my future boyfriend. With whom I got together once I was 15 years old and it was all fun, until her started calling me over for movies while his parents were away and he was kissing me there and touching my body. I dint really et him anywhere closer, but he managed to caress my legs. But that I loved really a lot and I enjoyed it, I was getting really horny all the time. But, lets get a bit back first and let me tell you how our first kiss has happened. I will never forget it and it happened romantically in a village on a sunset. We were taking a walk there and he saw a very vintage looking and old fence, so went there he pushed me against it, put his hands on my cheeks and kissed me for the first time and it was most romantic kiss ever! I will never forget about it! Also when I was a bit younger at age of 12 I was playing on my moms phone and doing selfies, when once I got inside the album with photos to see what I did and found nude photos of her and also many erotical pictures and this was the day when something has switched in me and I got wet in my tight small virgin pussy and started to caress my pussy slowly and it turned into hardcore masturbation and I even had my very first orgasm at age of 12. Nobody knows about this, or at least about the age it first happened. Once I started dating the love of my love, I noticed that our relationship always progresses in a good and fun way and it always involved erotics. He wasn’t a virgin anymore, but I was and I was keeping it for something special and it turned out to be so, but for that you’ll have to stick around for a bit later to see what I mean by that! We even tried mutual masturbation, in two different ways, once we we’re masturbating separately and one I was jerking him off and he was caressing my pussy. One time I decided to suck him off and this was the breaking moment of why I’m afraid to have sex with him. The size of his cock is unbelievable big and I’m honestly very afraid of it! I can’t imagine how something this big can fit inside my pussy or even ass sometimes in the future if he agrees to have anal sex with me. He even offered to lick me out a few times and wow! I had multiple orgasms in a row and he wouldn’t let me get off, but he was holding me down and licking until I almost passed out! This is what love is for us! Today on the other hand is the first day of something huge that is coming into our lives, and starts today with just a casting at worlds best porn studio called Defloration! Collapse
Hey there! This is Masha from Ufa, Russia. I turned 18 just two days ago! This is all so exciting for me. I have always wanted to get out of frigid Ufa and now I think I have managed to do just that! Soon, you will see me as a professional model. Well, what do I tell you about myself? My story is probably a bit boring. I come from a place that is very, very cold. I hate it. My father works as an assistant to a scientist in a university here. I stay with him. He is so absent minded that sometimes he forgets I am there. I like it this way as I can mostly do what I want to without anyone interfering. My mother no longer stays with us... Read more >>>. My friends too love coming over to our house as they feel very free here. Despite all the freedom, I did not know much about sex till quite late. I learnt about masturbating only a couple of years ago while most of my friends were already masters of the game. My girl friends have always said that I am beautiful and my lips are like Scarlet Johansson. I hope to be a superstar in modelling just like she is in films. I was always popular in school and boys liked to make friends with me. Some took the chance to sneak a kiss in between but I was not easy. I had my ground rules and have always known these boys are not for me. I wanted someone bigger, no pun intended! When I turned 16, I went for my first fashion show…well kind of. I t was organised by a local youth group to raise funds. Some designers had come and I and some other girls got the chance to work as models. I was thrilled. In my case, I got over excited by being around such fancy people from Moscow and it was just by luck that nothing serious happened to me. One of the designers, I won’t say the name now, was always paying me attention during the rehearsals. I was modelling his clothes and despite a seamstress being there to make alterations, he was the one to fit me. Well, the first day at rehearsals, I had no clue of what happens. I was assigned to the designer and he took me off to a corner and showed me the design I would wear and told me about what he wanted from me. We were sitting close to each other and he his hand went around the waist and stayed there. It would move a bit up once in a while but frankly speaking I liked it a bit and felt important so I let it be. I wanted him to think of me as a professional city girl. We were given a studio for fittings and I was asked to strip down so that he could measure me. I kept my panties on but had to take off my top. He took a long time measuring me out and in between I could feel his hands move slower as they moved across my teenage tits. The seamstress too was present and she too touched me a lot while adjusting fabrics etc as I suppose she had to but I experienced all sorts of feelings each time their hands moved over me. While measuring the area between my legs, my designer caressed my virgin pussy and I got all wet. I think he immediately knew how he was affecting me but I tried hard to remain professional. That night I couldn’t sleep. I kept running my hand over my virgin vagina. I got completely naked in the bathroom and touched myself everywhere looking straight at the mirror. My teenage boobs were erect and as I rubbed the lips of my virgin labia, I felt wave after wave of sensation overcoming me. It was my first orgasm. From the next day, I enjoyed each time the designer ran his hands over my teenage tits. The day of the fashion show, during each change backstage, I was totally naked between dresses and he stood behind me and pressed my teenage boobs with his hands while pressing his big cock against my ass. With one hand he rubbed my virgin pussy. Luckily the seamstress rushed in and he quickly let go of me. I was very nervous. Even though I enjoyed his attention till then I did not want to lose my virginity. Immediately after the show, I left and did not see him again. However, now I have made up my mind to become a model as I know I can do it. And I can handle men now and have enough will power to lose my virginity to only someone I want to. Thanks Defloration.com for this opportunity! Collapse
Hello, My name is Natasha Tutu. I live in a town called Sopron in Hungary. I'm from a very strict family. My mother and father are bankers. My dad is the main manager and my mom is a secretary there at his office. I’m pretty sure from all the movies I have seen that there's something going on there in their free time and that’s why he has an option installed on his windows where he could easily tint them and fuck her on the table and cum all over her. How do I know that? Well, I saw them doing that once... Read more >>>... My entire life they were keeping me safe and my mom used to tell me all the time how to behave myself with boys, and that I should never stay with them one on one. But the destiny always turned in a way where I always stayed one on one with them.. They always tried to take my panties off and fuck me. But I never let anyone close to me. I don't understand why though. I was always worried about it. Once I decided to tell this to my girlfriend. She told me that, this happens because I act like a kid and that I'm very shy, guys see this and feel that they can get in easily.. In my Hungarian mid school, there were always two students who stayed after classes. Once it was me and the boy that sits next to me at the table. We began to clean the class. I poured some water into the bin to wash the floors. We did not have a mop, so we did it with our hands while kneeling down. I knew that my school skirt was very low and everyone could see my panties. I realized that he wasn't looking at me as he was also shy and busy. But then I felt that something was off.. I looked back and saw 4 guys who sneaked into the class and were looking at my butt in panties. I became red and turned the other way to continue washing the floor. I took the mop and scared them off by hitting them with it. They took off fast, all of them and ran home. Somehow this made me horny and my pussy wet and I thought of my parents having sex in the offive when no one can see them and I was all alone in the class room and all the doors were closed and the windows were too with shades folded down. I was moaning because I couldn't scream, I understood I was in the school and some staff was still wandering around and they could hear me easily and would call the security. My masturbation skills and stealth self pleasuring skills have improved a lot that day, because one hand was blocking my mouth and the other was sliding on my virgin tight puyssy until the enitre floor turned wet and I even slipped on it. At one point I already was experiencing my third orgasm and I knew that after this I will still have to grab the ugly old, nasty smelling mop and do the cleaning off the classroom and the mess I made with my super wet virgin pussy. While squirting all around and imagining to lose my virginity in such a place too! Once I was done and cleaned the classroom fast I pulled my panties up and ran away from the class really fast.. So, this was my life story and very sexual and intriguing in a way, hope you enjoyed my little secret. Now wait and watch and read my next story of me losing my virginity with a perfect blonde guy and the biggest cock I have ever seen in my entire life! Collapse
Hello! I am Manya from Ukraine. Thanks to Defloration.com, I am here in front of you. I come from Ukraine, and am eager to become a model. I want both fame and money. This is my first step and I hope you enjoy my video. I was asked to write my story. Well, I am just an ordinary girl but I want to reach the stars and do so many things, For now, my dreams are simple: to be a model and to make a name so that producers look for me... Read more >>>. I am 18 years old and a virgin. Well, a lot of people are surprised when they hear this, not that I go about telling them. Actually what happened was, one day all my friends were exchanging stories about how they lost their virginity. We were spinning the bottle ad whoever it pointed to must tell the story. When the bottle pointed finally at me, I got so red and nervous that everyone in the room knew I was not a virgin. I was teased like anything and by the end of the summer, the entire town must have known this about me. And it wasn’t funny. Some friends thought I was weird. One of my neighbours asked me if I was a lesbian. She was one, and she loved my body! Well, she was elder to me and well, I got a bit attracted but that’s another story. What happened is I now made up my mind that I want to take advantage of this. And then when I do lose my virginity, I’ll do it in style. What these girls don’t know is that even though I am still a virgin, I know and love a body. I know every inch of it. From a very long time. I do not know but I have always had erotic sensations. My room is almost like an attic and there is a small window leading out to the roof. On summer nights, when I was very young, I used to sit here, with my feet on the roof in a tiny slip. I used to enjoy the sensation when my slip got loose and fell off a shoulder. There was a boy who live in the house opposite and I don’t know whether he saw or not but I used to pretend that I was a movie star performing for him. I would let my slip fall, exposing my little tits just as the actress in a movie I saw once did. This would give me the greatest erotic thrill. This was when I learnt about this sensation. I told you I was precarious. I was about to enter my teens when my hands accidentally touched my pussy once at night. I was half asleep and this almost gave me a jolt. I then removed my clothes and lay under the sheets naked, enjoying the sensation. My hands touched my smooth pussy slowly, first with hesitation. I explored every part. My hands moved up to touch my tiny tits. It was erotic sensation. I got fascinated by this and would later stand in front of my bedroom mirror, with the window open and touch myself. My hands would move over my budding tits, my rounding butt and my tummy. I still didn’t know whether that boy watches me but I liked to imagine he did. When I crossed him outside sometimes, I would walk demurely with my eyes on the ground. Even now, he still lives in the same house, and is just a year senior to me. He’s very serious though and works hard on his computer. My mom told me he works as a game designer from home. Well, these geeky kind of boys have a lot of secrets and I am hoping he does watch me when I undress, slowly and deliberately, especially for him. I stand and stretch naked, giving him ample chance to see my well-toned body and my beautiful tits. My virgin pussy sometimes aches for a masculine figure but I use my hands. My fingers are magic and if I ever use them on a man, he will cry in ecstasy. I am 100% sure of that. For the time being I just use the magic on myself. Just a month ago , a lucky thing happened. An agent found me. A modelling agent. She had many kinds of offers but I liked what she mentioned about defloration. It seems, in Ukraine itself, my shoot could be done. I gave her my details to give to the photographer she knew. Someone called me over the phone and asked me many things about my age, my virginity, my height, etc. I told them I am ready because I heard they gave a lot of further opportunities. I wish to get out of Ukraine soon and go to France or USA perhaps. Watch my shoot and tell me how you liked it! Collapse
I have saved my virginity until now, because my mother used to say, that only respectable girls do so in life. She said that only prostitutes lose their virginity before the age of 18. That I should keep myself to the one and only man, with whom I will fell in love with. Thereby I kept myself for the “one”. Until now I haven't met anyone like him yet. It's very hard in our time to do so. At the same time I see my girl-friends going out with boys, they're having sex and not like prostitutes at all. This has changed my mind with time... Read more >>>. A year ago I have been dating with a guy. We held hands with him. Our first kiss only after a month of dating and it was on the cheek. He tried to make me have sex with him during our relationship. But I had to explain to him that I can't do it. My sexual fantasies and thoughts about sex have awoke at the day when, I was in a sauna with girls. Everyone was naked there. I felt very awkward. The shower cabin was very small and tight. It had 4 or 5 girls inside at once. Our soapy and slippery body have been touching one another. I have felt hard nipples of another girl on my back. My pussy got pressed against the tight ass of my girl-friend. This has really made me anxious. We have all laughed about it. But our minds and eyes were away from excitement. That evening I have masturbated twice and both times I had a big orgasm. I have imagined that scene in the shower, where I touch with my naked body, the body of my girl-friend, and we caress each-other. How she's licking my wet pussy. Until now this my most desirable memory in my life. But now I have decided to change my life. I want to become a model and I want to become a more open and outgoing girl. Collapse
Hi. My name is Mila. I'm from Russian. I'm 18 years old and I'm still a virgin. My girlfriends say, that I'll stay a virgin until I get old, because I'm too shy and afraid to go out with guys. They're right about it, when they tell me so.. I was raised by my grandmother. Almost my entire life I spent growing up in a village. My mother is a scientist and is always gone on her business trips. That's for me my grandma has replaced my mother. I have always missed her, but with time got used to it... But around a year my life has turned sideways... Read more >>> after my grandmothers death.. So I moved back in with my mom. By then I was already 17, and it was alright to stay home alone, when she was away. My mom at the time has cancelled all her business trips, just to stay home with me. Every night my mom was visited by her friend Nikolai. They were having fun, drinking white wine and staying up till midnight.. I have always left to sleep. Although once, I woke up at 12am to go to the toilet to pee. While walking, I froze for a second because I heard moans coming out of my moms room.. I slowly went close to her room and looked down in the lock hole. What I saw then got me into a shock! My mother was standing naked on her knees and was sucking the huge cock of Nikolai! She was adoring it and moaning from it.. I immediately felt like my blood was getting hotter and hotter and I felt almost drunk in my head. I couldn't believe my eyes. After this Nikolai turned my mom with her back towards him and bent her over. He slid his huge cock into her pussy and started moving it fast with his whole body. My mom started to moan more intense from the pleasure. I ran to my bed right away, and had no idea what to do next. My head was exploding. At the same time I felt that my pussy got fully wet and numb. I put my finger inside my panties and started to caress myself. This was new, exciting experience for me. I also imagined then that it wasn't my hand but Nikolais big cock instead. Right away after imagining it, it felt like I fell down in a abyss and lost my consciousness. This was my first real orgasm! After this day my life has changed completely. Nikolai was still going to my mom every night. I have always waited for this moment, to watch them in the lock hole and masturbate. Collapse
Hello, I am Victoria. I am an 18-year-old virgin from St Petersburg. I am studying to be a veterinarian. There is not much to tell about me. Nothing very out of the ordinary had happened in my life till now but it is all changing. Suddenly I find myself in the middle of excitement! I had a nude photo shoot and I am about to lose my virginity... Read more >>>! As the only child of my parents, I learnt how to keep myself busy from a very young age. My parents are very serious and both work in a hospital near our home. My mother’s a nurse and my father works in the pharmacy as an accountant. They have long hours and have always wanted me to study well and become a professional. We do not have much parties or social gatherings as my parents hardly get time. They even have night duties at least twice a week. As a result, I am very shy. I have friends but unless I know them well, I cannot open up well. When I was fifteen, a friend of mine asked me to go out with her and her boyfriend as she did not want to go alone. We went for a picnic in a lovely spot near a river. It was a deserted area and we were alone. I went for a walk and when I sat down and turned back, I saw my friend laying her head on her boyfriend’s lap. He bent his head and kissed her hard on her lips. He then pulled up her blouse and slipped his hands up. As I was watching all this, I could feel a tingling feeling run through my body like electricity. He rubbed her tits hard and my friend was moaning. He then got up, put her head on the grass and pulled down her skirt. My virgin pussy came alive. It was as if he was touching me also. He lay on top of her and they rubbed each other sensually and in the meantime, I had my first orgasm. I did not know what it was but I felt out of this world. The feeling was sensational. It touched every cell of my body. When we went back home, they dropped me at my door and I rushed into the bathroom. I locked the door and opened my bra. I rubbed my teenage tits, remembering the scene in the picnic, then touched my legs and then my fingers went into my panty and touched my virgin vagina. Oh my god! It was as if a fire was burning there. No one needed to tell me what to do. My fingers knew what to do and my body responded. As with one hand I rubbed my small, teenage boobs with the other I rubbed my virgin pussy. I came with a rush and as my fingers got wet, my body shivered with pleasure. I have gone for dates but have not even kissed a boy in the French style till now. Last year, a boy with whom I had gone out for two dates from school came to my house for studying with me. He sat down near me. His hand brushed against mine and slowly he came nearer and nearer. As he turned towards me, and was suddenly almost on top of me, I realised where this was going. My body too responded but I was too scared. As I said I am very shy and timid and pushed him away. Needless to say, I broke up with him and am still very shy in front of him. I meet him here and there but I try and avoid talking to him as I blush hard when he comes in front of me. With most of my friends losing their virginity, I realised I needed someone masculine and who knows what to do. I heard of Defloration.com and I approached them as a professional is just who I need to take my virginity. For that I had to prove my virginity in a photo shoot and I was ready for that. I had never undressed in front of anyone else and it was very embarrassing for me but I did it. It was a big achievement for me. The producer said my teenage boobs were beautiful and I felt so good. My nipples were erect and tight. I closed my eyes and touched myself as I did when I was alone. I was almost about to come when I got very conscious and stopped. I could not go ahead in front of the camera but I was reassured that this is ok. I pulled the lips of my virgin vagina apart and showed the world that I was a virgin. Now, as a next step, I am ready to lose my virginity in front of the camera. This will also be a special memento for myself. I have some time to prepare myself mentally. Wish me luck! Collapse
Hi. My name is Mila Lukoshkina. I'm from Belarus. Perhaps you already know that the rules in my country are very strict, and making of any erotic production is strictly prohibited. That's why with barely any posing experience I arrived to Hungary. Not so long ago I became 18 and now I feel total freedom. First thing I thought of is that now I can legally have sex :-) I always speak about sex with my girl-friends and watch porn sites in the evening. At first it looked all weird and unusual, but... Read more >>> then it got interested and even made us excited. Me and my best friend are virgins. Although we had “erotic moments” in our lives like all girls. After that you can only think about sex, and that makes you really horny :-) When I was practicing professional underwater swimming, my coach used to love to hold me on hands and show how to swim. We also spoke a lot in the pool while he was holding me on his hands, and my virgin pussy was touching his palm!! Yes, yes.. In water everyone is very light, so I could easily seat on his hand. This has always made me horny, because of his strong manly hands! Once I noticed that his cock got hard and was pointing out of his swimming shorts. You have no idea how much I enjoyed doing this to him.. By this moment I already knew much about an erection. I was 16 at the time, and my will to have sex was huge already! After swimming I ran to the bathroom and masturbated there while imagining his strong masculine hand playing with my pussy. If he would get stubborn and would wanna fuck me in the pool I wouldn't stop him from doing that. But he was afraid that I was only 16.. Damn!!! For example by bestie had similar moments with her gymnastics coach. But it also ended only on him grabbing her everywhere. Me and her really enjoy making out naked in the bed. We are caressing each other and telling such perverted stories to one another. Not so long ago we have found a website, where they pay good money for virgin girls to pose naked. We have decided that I'll go first to check it all out :-) If everything goes as planned, she will join later too. I was offered to do a virgin casting as well losing my virginity on camera. Of course, I said – yes! Collapse
Hi and welcome back to the day when I lose my virginity with a tall handsome man with big muscles and a big cock! I was really preparing a lot to this day and I wasn’t disappointed in the outcome of it. I got an invitation as I said so in my sexual secrets life story in the previous story from Defloration studio asking if I still want to lose my virginity and if so they have the perfect actor for me... Read more >>>... I asked them to show me some videos of him fucking virgin girls, they said no problem and within an hour I had it in my email. While watching it, I had multiple orgasms from how hot the guy was, that he was bald and had a big cock and big muscles as well lots of tattoos and I couldn’t wait to call them and tell them I agreed to lose my virginity and so the same day. Only 10 minutes passed and I was already getting ready for my next shooting. They were happy to hear that! I arrived at the studio, it was a sunny summer day, a perfect day to spend it outside wandering around the Prague where I had never been before, but I didn’t care, I just wanted to see him and as I entered, he was the one who opened the door and kissed me on my cheeks! I also asked if I was correct to see his motorbike outside the house. He would totally look like a guy who would drive a bike and be even more brutal! He told me yes and I was happy looking at him. We spoke and had a cup of coffee, then we went to the sofa and after just a few sentences he kissed me on my lips and kissed him and it was really joyful! He began undressing me by lifting my pullover up and kissed my titties which were firm and pointy from excitement! He then told me to stand up and began taking my jeans off and kissing my little virgin pussy through the panties. Ps. “I had cute pink panties on me’’ I didn’t want to stop him or say anything that would make him stop, rather just let him do what he does best! He turned me around and kissed my ass and then my leg and took my panties off completely! Caressed my pussy, told me to seat down and spread my pussy lips to see if I was still a virgin! He kissed me a few more times and then asked if I wanna meet his friend finally and I said with my excited voice, yes sure… He took it out and it was gigantic for me and I always wanted to see and hold such a dick.. And now the fact that it will also be inside my mouth hand and pussy made me wanna cum really badly..! I was stroking his penis with a passion and then sucked him off really good, almost like a real pornstar, I hope he has enjoyed it, I mean what guy wouldn’t, after you see how cute, petite and sexy I am. He just asked me to play with it with my mouth and gave him the best experience ever, or at least I hope that he won’t forget me.. I even asked him if I was doing good and he said yes and closed his eyes from pleasure. While sucking him, he then took my hand and told me to stand up and start sitting down onto him in the reverse cowgirl position. I have to say that it felt incredible and I was in my own thoughts, just like I was at home while watching him doing it to other girls. I didn’t want him to stop and kept his penis head there and then I sat down and lost my virginity in this amazing city of Prague with the best pornstar in the world, Thomas Stone, it is incredible what he created in my life and how how much he changed it with this pose, but then he stopped and pushed me down on himself. I was laying down on him and he was fucking me harder and faster! His huge cock pushed inside my tight small pussy and it felt a bit painful but really enjoyable. It was all great, but then he turned me sideways, my pussy got even tighter andIi felt every inch of his pulsating cock sliding through my pussy. I was super excited how creative he was with all the poses and I did something then what no one did, or at least in my imagination it was looking wholesome… I make him get out of my pussy and start sucking him whilst fucking and then i quickly get bac up in the riding position and enjoy it while holding my firm jumping tits in my hands! He also grabbed them a few times and then I came hardcore, my pussy and body was shaking and I felt that he was gonna cum soon too, so I quickly replaced my pussy with my mouth and sucked him off until he came! Honestly I dreamed about riding his cock and letting him cum inside me, but as you see it did not happen, on the other hand I tasted his cum with my mouth and it made me more happy! Now as a real woman I have all the types of pleasure opened to me and I wanna become as professional as the pornstars and I have all time in the world to fulfil my dirty thoughts. Thanks again for letting me do this defloration.com! Collapse
Hi, I am Gwyneth from Moscow. It has been over two years since I have come to the University here right after my high school. From the small lazy town near the city, suddenly I was exposed to the big city. My story is perhaps the story of many girls around the world. I am suddenly 18, an adult, yet I do not know what to do with my life. Perhaps, now I am a bit more aware of where I want to go. My father is an engineer and my mother a teacher. Both my father and I love reading and I grew up among books. From my mother I also learned... Read more >>> cooking, embroidery and knitting. It has been the dream of my father that I get into technical education so I am fulfilling his wish at the moment. But in my heart of hearts I want to do something very creative, something different. When I was very young, my father was building a bridge in the mountains. We, my mother and I, accompanied him and stayed in a camp. That was the first time I saw my father showing affection towards my mother. I was shocked when I saw him kissing her! My parents are very affectionate but they are not very demonstrative so I was surprised to see the change come over them when they are on holiday. It is because of them that I believe in love and it is also because of them I long for someone to hold me, to make love to me. I was encouraged to dance, swim, play tennis, go in for gymnastics but studies were always a priority. In school, I belonged to a group of five girls. The Five Avengers we used to call ourselves. We were involved in number of environmental projects to plant trees, fight against pollution and cruelty to animals and so on. Even though I appear shy, if I get started on any injustice done to animals, you will see my real self. I can fight hard for the rights of animals. I am on many Internet groups that fight against animal cruelty. It was while surfing the Internet that I came across a website that described masturbation. I was in high school then. I was too shy to talk with my friends about it and decided to discover my body by myself. I still remember that day very clearly when I touched my body for the first time. I rushed back home, locked my room. With hesitant hands, I lifted my tee-shirt and slipped my hand underneath. My fingers timidly slipped inside my bra and touched my innocent nipples. It was as if an electric shock went through my body. As my fingers grew familiar with my teenage tits, I looked around and slowly slipped off my shirt and then my bra. I could not even look at myself in the mirror that day. But I was excited and there was a new vibrancy in me. I went ahead with sports practice and homework, but my mind was on my body and my newly discovered pleasure. That night, took a long bath. Soaking in the water, my fingers reached down my navel, and reached my untouched vulva. My fingers hesitantly explored the layers, separated the lips and went inside. It was like entering a whole new world. Under the soapy water, my finger slipped up and down, discovered new sites of pleasure. My other hand was no longer unfamiliar with my teenage boobs and caressed them, squeezed them. I spread my legs wide, leaned against the tub and got completely lost as I rubbed by tight virgin clit and innocent boobs. I came almost immediately and it was a delicious pleasure. I felt so good. At the same time I felt guilty too. This was something that may be wrong. I did not know how to talk with my friends In Five Avengers about this. But by a coincident, one of us, Ana, who had an older boyfriend brought out the topic of sex. Her boyfriend and she had gone on a date and had ‘made out’. She then went ahead to describe in detail. They had gone to a night club and while they were sitting and sipping a drink, he casually put his arm around her and touched her boobs. She leaned against him and he slipped his hand inside. There was a purple light inside the nightclub and everyone was busy with themselves and no one paid much attention to Ana and her boyfriend. He slipped another hand under her dress and then she giggled as she spoke to us. “He touched me down there and I was so scared,” she said. We did not utter a word, digesting everything she said. I was eager to hear anything that she had to say. He rubbed her pussy over her panties and then made her sit on his thigh. She rubbed up and down against him and had an orgasm right there, in front of everyone! As she saw our shocked faces, she said, “What? Did you never have an orgasm? I touch myself all the time.” I got my chance and asked the group whether it is ok to touch ourselves. Everyone was clear on this issue. Masturbation was totally safe and there was nothing to feel guilty about. It seemed everyone did it and there wasn’t any need to tell parents either. I got a lot of ‘inside information’ that day! It was after that that I learned to look at myself without embarrassment, my body, my teenage tits with the pink nipples, my tight virgin clit, my navel, everything… I love myself! I stand in front of the mirror, critically looking at myself. I touch my blossoming boobs with sensitive nipples gazing at myself. I relax in the evening, touching my virgin pussy, playing with the lips, making them swell with my fingers, flicking up and down, teasing my nipple, forgetting the whole world till I came on my fingers, wet. After I joined the University, boys eye me all the time and I have had a string of admirers but in this case I do not want to rush. I know the person I lose my virginity to must be someone I respect. It was going t be the most important event of my life and not just a frivolous occasion. Most of my friends here have boyfriends and we do go out to party but I am usually with a friend and we watch others amuse themselves. A few weeks ago we went to a fashion show organized in our city. I feel in love with the minks and the dresses that the models wore, the way they walked, their head held high. It is after this that I have looked at myself seriously in the mirror. Can I become a model? Can I? I know there would be a lot of hard work involved. Maybe I could go to Paris. Maybe I will meet my dream man there. I can easily get rid of my glasses if asked but till then I prefer to hide behind them. I visited a couple of agencies near our campus. And in one, got the details of defloration.com. Yes, I was already 18 and I was still a virgin so the conditions were right. I would get the opportunity to get rid of my shyness and become familiar with the camera. I wrote at an email sharing my details. A week ago, I got a call back. I was so excited. It is time to grow up and throw away some of this awkwardness. I fulfilled their two conditions. I did not share these doubts with my parents. This was my decision and this is something I really want to do and did not want to hear even a word of doubt or hesitation. Will I be ok? Will the photographer like me? Traveling in a bus, I reached the studio in the afternoon. I had taken care to look good but was very nervous. As it happened, I did quite well. Initially it was awkward but I was soon at ease. I found it quite comfortable to talk to Sergey, to fondle my teenage tits while talking with him. I do not know how I became so free. When I was asked to pose with a guitar I did not know what to do but tried my best. But as I began to touch myself, suddenly the image of an unknown man came to my mind, his hands squeezing my tender boobs and licking my virgin juicy pussy. I closed my eyes and forgot all about the camera. I became just a girl who was touching her virgin clit all by herself and coming with a big orgasm. I even managed to arouse Sergey it seems! His pants had a huge tent at the end of the video. Maybe I return again, who knows? At the moment, adieu and happy viewing! Collapse
Hi, my name is Nika. I`m from Kiev. I`m 18 years old and I`m still a virgin. I kept my virginity because my mom has been protecting me from guys since I was a kid. I understand her. But now it can`t stop me anymore. My mom said me that before I decide to have sex, I have to introduce her to this guy. I remember one very awkward scene in my life. I came from school, locked myself in my room, and I started to watch erotic video on my computer. My hand was in my underpants and I was... Read more >>> masturbating. I was doing it really often. I didn't notice Mom went into the room and was looking what i was doing... She wasn`t embarrassed, but on the contrary said: thats better, then with the guy, daughter, trust me. She gave me a smile and went out... Honestly I don't understand why it's better. Maybe she meant I wouldn't get pregnant this way. I decided to pose for two reasons. The first is money and the second is that I feel a craving for sex... I want to break up with my virginity, and only my mother is my only obstacle. Collapse
Hi everyone, my name is Annet, I’m 18 years old and I’m a very open minded brunette teenage girl with big tits. My parents are both teachers and as a family we are very polite, well read. They were working in the politics their whole lives and wanted only the best for me. I was forced to study hard and had may to much after school classes at home as well, I had to attend skating practice every weekend and of course ballet school. I was a talkative child and did not hesitate in making friends which loved very much, hopefully not for being the politicians daughter. I hated staying at home and making polite conversations with my parents. I love being outdoors and used to spend most of my holidays riding bikes with my friends, and then... Read more >>> when I was 16 I got my first two cars from my parents and lake house with it. The ballet school I was attending was the most famous school in Moscow. Our teacher was very famous and there was a waiting list to get into his classes. Parents of those who got admitted were thrilled. Of course I got in with just one call, and that me have almost no friends there, but at the end you try to be best and compete against each other. Every time the school got over, I didn’t had to run for my after-school dance program, because my driver was waiting for me right outside the school.. Our teacher was excellent but a very harsh at his teaching methods like a person who still was in Soviet Union in his mind and was that strict. He made us repeat over and over again till our legs ached and we couldn’t think of anything but laying down in a special relaying pool right there at the school. My parents were very happy to see me following a routine, even though I wanted to run away every single time from there. Our teacher has finally retired and we got another replacement, gosh… I was hoping to get our old teacher back, this one was a real pervert and way older then the other teacher. He also started a new massage therapy session after class. Girls were called to his locker room. We were asked to remove our clothes and lie down on the benches. I felt very awkward the first time as it was the first time I was naked in front of a grown-up person. He said that his massages are healing for the muscles and will make them stronger. My teenage breasts were already big at that age and that first day I tried to cover them but he took my hands off and made me lay down straight on a bench. Then he sat and kept on looking at them non stop, and it made him look like real weirdo! My chest and hands were massaged. He would then take my legs and rub them from feet upwards, also while lifting my leg up and bending it which would make sense to massage the thighs better, but no, his slid down to my pussy and for some reason it got wet… I was very ashamed, stood up and ran away. Hearing me speaking to other girls in the class about this, few more girls said the same thing. We decided to tell our parents. I cannot forget the look on my parents’ faces. At first they did not believe but later realised I was telling the truth. In shock, our parents called in some favours and the director of the academy was kicked immediately! My ballet classes went on but I could not forget the feeling I had when he touched my virgin pussy. I felt guilty but started looking at myself in the mirror and posing. Time by time also masturbating the same way he was doing his “massage” on me. I had many amazing orgasms! In time I found out about this cool studio called Defloration, got in touch with them and came here to pose and to prove virginity as well as tell them this interesting story of my only sexual life time period. Collapse
A virgin sexoholic. Zoya! That’s my name. I love to play with myself, I love to entice you. Am I erotic or what? You judge for yourself! I am 18 now. Still a virgin and sizzling hot. I burn myself when I touch my body…what will happen to you? See my video at defloration.com to judge for yourself. My story is not a very happy one. I was born in a suburb near St. Petersburg. My father had passed away when I was six years old and it was my mother who brought me and my brother up. She worked as a cleaning lady in the school we studied in. She would leave home while it was still dark and I would fix breakfast for my brother and myself and... Read more >>> then help him dress for school. At school, we hardly looked at each other. Maybe because she had to work hard, my mother was always in a bad mood and never had time. There were a few uncles who used to come over and take her out for dinner and movies. Our routine was fixed. By 7.30, dinner was over and we would be in bed. Someone would knock on the door and I would hear voices. We just had two room s in our home apart from the kitchen and bathroom. A bedroom shared by the three of us and a living room. Sometimes my mother would go out for a movie with the uncle who came. She would lock the door behind her and I wouldn’t even know when she came back in. At other times, they would be in the living room. There are many times when I saw my mother in a flimsy short night dress, making a drink for the visiting uncle. She would sit next to him and then his had would move up her thigh and then she would shut the door. Once when I was around 9, she caught me peeping and boxed my ears hard. That was her life, I had my own. My best friend and I touched each other for the first time in the shower at school after gymnastics. She was as bad or good as I was. We were not yet in our teens then. She did not remove her eyes from my face as she pushed herself to me and we lathered ourselves with soap and made each other wet everywhere. I used to masturbate at least twice a day and now Josephine joined me. We would often skip school for this. She would pinch my labia and rub her fingers over my virgin clit till I was moaning. As I arched my back, she would insert her fingers into me and keep vibrating till I came. Once, Josephine managed to get a big dildo from somewhere. We bunked school and sneaked back to our house. Josephine had a porn movie on her phone which she put on. We quickly stripped as we had the house to ourselves and while watching it, we tried the dildo on each other. I made her lay straight down and then opened her legs wide. As the dildo started, Josephine got very excited but I held her down and after playing around her pussy for some time, made her turn around and inserted it into her ass, vibrating all the time. Grabbing her tits, I squeezed them till she came. I was licking the dildo and pretending it was a cock when my mother suddenly came in and then it was a catastrophe! Josephine was chased out and my hair was roughly cut as short as she could. Tears were rolling down my cheeks as my hair fell around me. Kids teased me every day for months because of my hair! And I hated my mother! I hated her! As soon as I was 16 and I passed High School, I ran off from home. I did not know what I wanted to do but I knew I wanted to be on my own, doing my own things. I joined a beautician who paid me to work as an apprentice while teaching me so many things about massage, facials, and so on. Josephine’s cousin was studying in the University and I stayed with her in her accommodation. I fantasized about a man I saw once in the porn movies we saw…a man with a huge cock that I imagined inside me. I applied to defloration.com for this reason only. I love the erotica…I want to get more involved in it. As I am still a virgin and no me has touched me, I went in for the solo shoot… it was a fantastic experience! I loved to see how I made the photographer hard!! I can do more and have spoken to the producer… Watch out for me! Collapse
Let me introduce myself. I am Abel from Moscow. I am an 18-year-old virgin and I had the most precious experience in the world yesterday. I did not even know that I could feel such sensations. I had my first orgasm during my solo video shoot!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Defloration.com! I am the only girl in a family with three elder brothers. My dad owns a garage and my brothers are all professional motorcyclists. My mother is a full time home maker who is always busy with the house. None of my brothers are married and I really wish I had more female company in home while growing up... Read more >>>. I try to love motorcycles but somehow I am not very inclined towards machines. I love sewing and after school I joined a fashion designing course in Moscow. I stay with my family but am looking for an escape to the outside world. Growing up, I had both girls and boys as my friends in school but as Dad always needed a hand in the garage and mom in the house, I was always busy after school to go out and party. I am still a virgin at 18 while many of my friends I know have long lost their virginity. Losing my virginity never seemed important to me. Even sex has always been something that has never been important. In fact I started masturbating quite early but I had never had an orgasm! I could see the stunned expression on the producer’s face when I told him that during the shoot. I do know erotica though. I know I can turn man on. My teenage tits, though small, are pretty attractive in my eyes. They are very sensitive and I can feel my nipples getting erect when I feel them. I love going braless and enjoy the sensation of my dresses against my bare teenage boobs. I also love to touch my virgin pussy. I have shaved my teenage vagina clean as I do not like the feel of hair. Now sometimes when I am walking without any panties on, I can feel the lips of my virgin vagina rubbing against each other and I feel very erotic. There are days when I go to college too without any panties on. I just like the feeling of freedom this gives me…the touch of breeze against my virgin vagina. Because of growing up with my brothers, I feel very awkward when hanging out with girls. Even though I don’t have a boyfriend, I feel I would be more comfortable around a boy. However, boys like to see a girl who dresses up well and does make-up. In my fashion design course, I am showing a great deal of talent but I feel terribly shy when it comes to dressing myself up. I want to dress up stylishly like I see the models on TV wearing but not really confident about my body. One day we had organised a fashion show in college and I was selected as one of the models by our teacher. The thing I enjoyed the most was dressing and undressing backstage, where a few students were fitting things on to us. I loved it when my teacher’s hands touched my teenage boobs. In fact one of the dresses I put on had a very low neck and my teenage tits could be seen when I walked. I kind of enjoyed the feeling that everyone could see my body while at the same time I felt very awkward too. Yesterday, when I undressed for the shoot, I think I started off with uncertainty. Although I did not show it but I was trembling inside. When the producer said I had a good body, I felt thrilled. I could see him getting turned on by what he saw. This turned me on too. Somehow I found his voice so soothing that I lost my self-consciousness. As I lay on the bed and rubbed my pussy, I soon got lost in a sensual world. My body went through feelings I never imagined I could feel. The fact that someone was watching me touch myself was such an erotic thing! My back arched up on its own and strange shivers ran through me. My virgin pussy was absolutely wet with cum running down my fingers for the first time! I moaned in pleasure and I really did not want to wake up from this pleasure. My producer’s pants had a bulge when I finally opened my eyes. I did not want to get up and lay alone on the bed after the shoot, relishing my first orgasm. I feel I am now ready to take the next step and lose my virginity. Hope you enjoy my shoot! Collapse
Hi, my name is Jessica and I am no longer a virgin! I say that with great pride because I saved my virginity for my boyfriend and he was worth it. First, I tell you a little bit about me. When I was a child, you would have called me a "tom-boy". I was all girl, but I wasn't into frilly things or playing with dolls. I dressed like a boy in jeans and t-shirts and I loved playing outside chasing lizards and participating in sports. I didn't have many girl friends, but I had a lot of boy friends and I had so much more fun with the boys than I could have ever imagined with the girls. The summer I turned 12, everything went wrong. First, I began to menstruate. I was so ashamed. I did not want any of the boys I knew to know of my shame. I could not hide the bulky pads under my jeans and had to wear dresses when I had my period. The boys I played with, began to make fun of me and the girls I never had played with made fun of me also. I grew six inches taller that summer, too; so tall that my bones in my legs hurt and between that and cramps, I was in constant pain... Read more >>>. I spent many nights crying myself to sleep from a combination of the pain and the sadness. It was a very lonely summer and by the time we went back to school, my breasts had begun to develop and where most girls had little bee sting breasts, mine were full and heavy, leading to many taunts from cruel girls and nasty jeers from over-sexed boys. It was the longest and loneliest year of my life. Things did not get better for the rest of my school years. My body continued to betray me as it developed faster and bigger than the other girls. Their taunts destroyed my spirit and the boys would not leave me alone. Sure, I was asked out for dates a lot of times, but they did not want my company; they wanted to feel my breasts and for me to make them men. So, you can imagine my excitement when I was 17 when a innocent girl wanted to be my friend. Only she didn't really want to be my friend, she wanted the very same things the boys did. My mother was no help through all of this. She did nothing to comfort me or to give me advice. To be fair, I secretly thought that she was jealous of me. I was glad when I finally turned 18 and I was in my last year of school. I was determined that I would leave my family and school and seek out my own life in the city, a life I had hoped would not be as lonely as the one I was leaving behind. My first action, on my 18th birthday was to get a belly button ring. I had seen them in the flat bellies of my wealthier classmates and I thought they were so classy. My parents, of course, were against it. They don't believe in marking one's body, but my own body had betrayed me and I saw no harm in trying to make it more like the other popular girls. I had been saving my money for a year and found a tattoo shop within walking distance of the autobus line. I made the appointment for the very next day and so that I would not be detained, I climbed out my bedroom window very early in the morning and took the bus into the city. I stopped to eat breakfast, but my tummy was so nervous, I did not eat much. I arrived at the shop early and spent a few minutes pacing back and forth wondering if this were not such a good idea. Soon, a young man, peeked his head out the door to talk to me and when our eyes met, I felt butterflies in my tummy. His eyes held mine and pulled me to him. All I saw were his eyes. We spoke no words, I became lost not knowing where I was or what I was doing. The spell was broken when another customer tried to enter the store where our feet were firmly planted. I finally got a good look at him. He had highlighted spiked hair and enough scruff on his face to give him a bad boy look, but the twinkle in his eyes, well that was pure mischief and I wanted to know more about him; my body wanted to know so much more. He ushered me into the store and asked me to call him Ace. "Ace?" I questioned. "Yeah, just Ace" he replied and with the warmth of his voice tickling my ears, I knew that he was so much more. I told him that I wanted a belly button ring and his eyebrow cocked up and his eyes began to twinkle. I felt that winkle right down to my toes and then that feeling settled in my stomach and I could barely breathe. He helped me into a reclining position on his chair and went to lift my t-shirt up. I grabbed at the ends and stuttered "What are you, you doing?" "Relax, beautiful" he said, "I just need to prep the area." He called me "beautiful" my heart sang inside. No one has ever called me beautiful. Not my parents or other boys or anybody. I let him pull up my shirt and he stopped short of my breasts. His hand glided on my flat stomach and his caress was warm and gentle and I wished that he would continue northward to caress my breasts. I blushed at the thought and he caught my eye and it was as if we were both thinking the same thing. I started to feel moisture near my shaved virgin pussy and I was afraid that I had gotten my period. I jumped off the table and ran to the bathroom, leaving Ace stunned in my wake. In the bathroom, I stared at myself in the mirror and I almost didn't recognize myself. My face was flushed with what must have been desire and my nipples were pebbled and stretching the thin fabric of my t-shirt taut. I examined my pussy area for blood and my hand came away with a silky glistening fluid. I held my fingers to my nose expecting to smell blood, but instead, the smell was sweet and musky. Again I looked at my reflection in the mirror and I no longer saw an overdeveloped and clumsy teenager, but a woman that a handsome man with mischievous eyes called beautiful. I returned to the chair, bolded by my revelation and I pulled up my shirt enough to give him a peek of my breasts, but not enough that he would think I was easy. He let out a low whistle and before I knew it, he was done. We had our first date and kiss that day, my birthday, the day that changed everything. I was determined that Ace would become my boyfriend and that I would leave my family home and make my way in the city. I snuck out of the house to see Ace every chance possible and soon we realized that we were in love. He asked me to move in with him, but without a job, I could not support myself. Ace offered to take care of me, but we were not lovers, so I felt strange about accepting his hospitality. He may have been older and more experienced than I, but he was a gentleman and never pressed the issue. He seemed content with just kissing and petting; yet we both often left each other's company feeling frustrated and unfulfilled. A week later, I saw an ad in the paper for a modeling job, so I answered it and made an appointment. Maybe, I reasoned, if Ace saw me as beautiful, then maybe others would to. The photographer was very excited to see me and asked me to remove my clothes. I did so without hesitation as I was neither shy or a prude. He began to take pictures of me and when I spread my legs, he gasped! He couldn't believe I was a virgin! But he confirmed it and then he offered me a lot of money to pose for him. It was just what I needed to be able to support myself living with Ace, so I agreed. My photo shoot lasted several hours and I often caught the photographer blushing and then I noticed his obvious arousal. When we finished, he paid me and then told me that if I would agree to lose my virginity on camera to one of his porn stars, he would pay me much more money. I thought on this for a few days and I was torn between the intense need I had to be financially independent from Ace and my love for Ace. I wanted my first time to be special and while Ace was experienced, I really wanted Ace to be the one to take my innocence. But I needed the money and then I came up with a plan. I called the photographer and asked him how much he would pay me to lose my innocence with my boyfriend instead of his porn star. He agreed to pay me the same and he would pay Ace what he would have paid the actor. When Ace arrived home that evening, I excitedly told him what I had done and asked him to take my innocence on camera. He readily agreed and we were on location later that week ready to shoot. The photographer gave us a little storyline to follow, but outside of his guidance, we had free choice over what was to happen. We began in the indoor pool. It was the first time I had seen Ace completely naked. His cock was beautiful, hard and mottled with veins that stood out like a roadmap to pleasure. It was pointed towards me as if it were seeking my virgin pussy that would welcome it home. And then I saw, right on his left hip, the tattoo that marked him as "Ace". I fell in love with him all over again. His tattoo was sweet and badass at the same time; all Ace. All Mine. We frolicked in the water some and became familiar with each other's nakedness. He would grab hold of me and pull me to him and I would feel his cock pressing against my entrance, but I pulled back as I was afraid. Finally he swam to the steps and pulled me against him. I could feel his manhood against my butt, but it was his kisses and calm voice assuring me that he would be careful that put me at ease. Outside of the pool he licked my innocent pussy until I could feel the liquid draining down my thighs along with the rivulets of water as my body dried off and my core began to heat up. Now was the time to show my innocence and while Ace held my pussy lips wide open and the photographer filmed evidence of my virginity, I could feel the dew collecting around my bare lips. Once again, I caught the blush of the photographer and the evidence of his arousal, too and I felt a certain amount of pride that I could elicit such a reaction from a man. I no longer felt outcast or deformed, I felt loved by Ace and appreciated for my teen body by the photographer. Ace, stood me up and had me face the wall, we were the perfect fit for him to take me from behind without stress or awkward positioning. He positioned the head of his cock at my entrance and gave a little push that hurt. I could feel the head pulse with each heartbeat as he rubbed it from the beginning of my slit, all the way to my back hole. I feared he was going to take my virgin ass, so I tensed a little, and he felt it. It was as if he could read my mind, but he calmed me as he whispered little assurances into my ears. Distracted by his words and the featherlike kisses to my neck and shoulders I almost didn't feel him pushing as he breached my hymen. As his strong, hard dick tore through my innocence, I felt its heat and its presence burn through me like a wildfire. He stilled for a moment and then pushed himself even farther in as I screamed out both in pain and in pleasure and without pause, he continued his assault on my pussy, relentless, hard and unforgiving and soon that bite of pain turned into pleasure so raw; so eternal; so encompassing that everything else faded away; the photographer; the camera; the location and all that was left was blinding passion and love spiraling out of control until my orgasm snuck up and consumed us both in a cocoon of brilliant white light and multi-colored stars. We continued to make love in just about every position known to man and when we finished our day of filming, we were both spent and exhausted, but I felt safe and loved and cherished and was happy not just for the money, but that I could still earn the money and give my innocence to the man I loved. I have modeled several times for this same photographer and even lost my anal virginity on film with my boyfriend again. You can view the entire film (43 minutes) of losing my innocence, all my pictures and the video of me losing my anal virginity right here. Collapse
Hi, my name is Rita. I live in Moscow and I just turned 18. Today was a big day for me! It was not only the day someone saw me completely naked for the first time but I also got a huge proposal that could change my life. But first things first! Unlike other girls dreaming of boyfriends and sex, I grew up with the ambition of traveling around the world. Every day as I travelled to and from school, I would see gorgeous tourists roaming around. This fascinated me. They behaved with gay abundance, giggling, taking pictures and always dressed in beautiful clothes. I was the only child at home and both my parents were working. As I was alone at home very often, I asked my parents for a camera. Soon I got quite a reputation for myself as a photographer. Taking my cycle, I would go to the tourist spots, taking random pictures. My group of five friends came around to pose for me and sometimes we would go to Red Square and start posing, taking pictures of each other. We had great fun. It was only when I was 16 that I realized I looked good in photographs myself... Read more >>>. My very close friend, Alyona, was my secret photographer. I was extremely shy and did not want anyone else to know my secret. After some time when I had a collection, I put up a page with my photographs in VKontakte, which is similar to Facebook. I got a message immediately. It was a boy 5 years elder to me who lived quite nearby. He of course did not know it was me as I used another name. This was the first time I was actually talking to a boy as I was usually very shy. He said I was beautiful and asked me how old I was. When he heard I was still 16, he went quiet for a while. “Can I touch you?” he asked. Even though this was the first time someone said this to me, he did not have to tell me where he wanted to touch. The nipples of my round innocent boobs became inflamed and I could feel a wetness between my thighs. As I was sure he did not know who it was, I became bold. “Yes”, I said. He told me he is removing my top now and his fingers were slowly massaging my little tits. As I was alone, I actually removed my top and started touching my virgin breasts. They felt soft and warm in my hands. He said he was sucking my tits now and I uttered a cry of pleasure. He then said he is removing my pants. I did that at my end including my thongs. His mouth was moving down, he said…lower and lower… and I too moved my hand over my flat tummy, caressed the navel and moved lower. This was, believe it or not, the first time I was actually touching myself. He said he is putting his mouth between my legs and I felt a shiver go down my spine. I used to always like older men and now I loved the way he was taking charge. His tongue was rubbing my clit he said and my hand too started rubbing my labia, suddenly discovering a spot that make me feel sensational, my legs spread apart on the chair as I looked at the computer. He told me his cock was standing up straight and asked me to suck on it. As I have never seen a cock before, I used my imagination, became bold and continued telling him I was using both my mouth and my hands. For a while, there was silence and then he sent me a kiss. This was the beginning. I now began to touch my body regularly, masturbating seated on the bathroom floor. Always, I imagine a strong older man putting his mouth between my legs. I massaged my virgin pussy slowly with one hand while with the other I would touch my firm pert breasts. Suddenly as I continued, the rhythm would get faster and the lips would swell, getting wetter and wetter, my back would arch and I would come with a big rush. This was my big secret and I never told anyone else until now. My desire to travel the world still haunted me and I wanted nothing more. I kept wondering how I would make my dreams come true. My parents were both working and even though we were comfortable, I knew it was not enough for the travels I had imagined. Finding a job that paid well too was not easy for girls of our age. Sometimes, I would take pictures of tourists and earn pocket money that I saved. But I wanted to travel in style, stay in good places, meet beautiful people, take pictures…. One day, Alyona came running to me and pulled me aside. Rita, she said, there is a photographer who pays handsomely for photographs if you are good enough. You are so beautiful, I am sure he will be very pleased to get you as a model. I got very excited. I realized this was my chance to make it big! I took the number and called him that very evening. The first question he asked was how old I was. Hesitantly, I replied 18. Was I too old for him, I wondered…crossing my fingers! Perfect! He said. I will wait for you tomorrow. That night I couldn’t sleep, thinking of my adventures ahead. Life is beautiful. Next morning I was up at dawn, excited at this new phase of my life. I did not tell my parents as this was my personal choice and my life. I was 18 now, after all. I put on my favorite blue polka-dotted dress with my mother’s high heeled sandals. Looking at myself in the full length mirror, I got nervous. My shoulders appeared a bit plump. As my mother wasn’t there, I used her perfume to give me some confidence. I got up on a bus and at 10 o clock sharp I was at the door of his studio. As soon as he opened the door, I realized he liked what he saw and with a voice that sounded a little shaken, he beckoned me inside. I felt so awkward with my big bag but he soon put me at ease. I was asked to sit down on a couch near some Christmas decorations. Everything was so pretty and neat that I soon relaxed. Before I knew it, his voice mesmerized me and I was taking off my clothes, something I haven’t done in front of even my friends till now. As I started to take my dress off, my firm tits came out. I fumbled, more than a little bit nervous, when he called my name. I could see his cock straining against his pants but he carried on clicking. He had to adjust me for a pose and his hands brushed against my nipples, making me feel wetness. As I blushed, he took a picture. As I started posing on the comfortable chair, I grew more and more confident. His voice was seductive and as he asked me to touch myself, I did not feel like I was with a stranger. I rubbed my tits, looking at the tent in his pants that was becoming bigger. The slow massage at that spot inside the lips made me wetter and wetter, my head arching back. My legs parted widely, he came closer for close-up shots. His hands touched my labia, showing me how to spread the lips and show the camera. Suddenly, in between taking pictures, he asked me in an aroused voice if I heard of www.defloration.com. I liked the fact that despite the obvious arousal, he was so professional and kept his cool. He explained that if I gave up my virginity in front of the camera would be much better paid. Tommy was someone, he said, who was elder to me and knew how to give delicious pleasure and at the same time would be very gentle with me. I did not hesitate inside. My mind was set. I knew virginity is something precious for a girl and most kept it intact for the special one in their life. But I was different. I wished to fly…wished to see new lands…wished to touch the sky. This was something that would give me that opportunity and as I always fantasized a strong , older man would be in charge of my body, guiding me, helping me reach the ultimate pleasure. I grew excite instead but I tried to conceal my feelings as I know. I kept touching myself, looking boldly at the camera now, arousing not just myself but also the photographer. I imagined a strong stranger, warm beside me, rubbing the lips of my clit apart with his tongue, I imagined his cock beside my face, I imagined licking his manhood, rubbing his nads with my hands… as my rubbing increased I momentum, I forgot everything around me again, lost in my world of desire as I arched and came out wet. My body relaxed and I lay in pleasure for a while, dreaming of the huge proposal laid in front of me. Yes, I said, I am ready! Collapse
Hi. I am Little Picsa, I’m from Russia. I became 18 not so long ago. I am still a virgin. Today is my first modelling experience. I have a boyfriend, we have sex in a light form without penetration. I’m doing him blowjobs and he’s licking my pussy.. When his tongue is touching my hymen, my whole body is trembling and I imagine, how awesome it would be for his tongue to enter my pussy entirely.. Of course he wants to put his dick inside, and that happens every time, but I’m never letting him to do so. I’m afraid and sad to say goodbye to my virginity... Read more >>>. Now I got to know that I can earn some really good money if I show my hymen on camera here. Also I got offered to lose my virginity here with my boyfriend. Now I’m really thinking about it.. I’m really sure that he’ll agree to it, because all guys just dream about putting their huge sausage inside of us :-) I’m a really a fun type and love to chat and be social, so I think it’s time to do it... Collapse
I grew up in a very poor section of Moscow. The fair weather lasted too long and the winters lasted even longer. We were always cold; always hungry; always in need of something. Both of my parents worked very hard and still we suffered from great want. While we didn't have much, our lives were full of love and great passion. For entertainment we made up stories at night in the dark of our apartment because we could not always afford electricity. My mother was creative with scraps she would scrounge for that others had thrown away and we ate with great relish for the feast she would prepare. My mother was brilliant and she taught me how to read and while we could not afford instruments, she taught me everything she knew about the beauty of music. My father was also brilliant and he taught me of math and science. If it weren't so apparent of our great wants and needs, I probably would never have thought us to be poor, but there were great differences between me and the other children at school and the older I got, the more painful our poverty became. So, when I read about the woman who sold her virginity... Read more >>> at an online auction for about 7500 Euros, I knew I had found a way to support my family and pull us out from under such extreme poverty. I enlisted the help of a classmate who had a computer and set myself to find this auction where I could sell my virginity. I wasn't able to find the auction site, but I did find an ad for a photographer who I could sell my virgin photos and he would pay extra to film the loss of my virginity. I was desperate so I contacted him and thanks to a loan from my friend, I found myself on a bus headed for Budapest, Hungary. The travel gave me time to think upon my choice and by the time I had arrived at the studio, I had decided that this one time payment would help, but it would not remove us from such poverty. There were not a lot of opportunities for girls like me but if I could become a porn star, then I could provide for my family. I did not harbor any fantasy that my parents would be proud of my career choice, but I knew that they had such a hard life and they took such good care of me, that it was time that I take on their burden. I was upfront with the producer and the photographer about my desire to become a porn star and he assured me that he would do everything in his power to make my dream come true. The photographer took many pictures of me and then some solo videos. He processed them immediately and then sent them over to a modeling agency who was willing to sign me right away. But first we needed to film an audition tape showing me having sex with a man. The man would be Thomas Stone, a famous Hungarian Porn Star and he would take my virginity for the camera. I was very nervous. I had no experience with boys or men for that matter and here I was to allow a famous man who fucked women for money to take my innocence. When I met him, he was very kind. He gently caressed my skin and while the photographer was setting the lighting, he would steal a kiss here and touch me a little bit there and by the time we were ready to shoot the loss of my innocence, I was breathless with desire for him. His brown eyes speared me with his heated gaze as he began the process that would lead to the destruction of my virgin pussy and perhaps even more. His caress was gentle, but I could feel the heat pour off his body. He tasted of mint and smelled of spice and tobacco and as his hands and mouth moved closer to my virgin pussy lips, I could hear him sniff my arousal and I saw his eyes go wide with pleasure. He used his fingers in concert with his mouth to pull back the skin that covered my little nub and his strong tongue darted out to taste me. I felt tingles mixed with a little pain as his fingers worked faster and his tongue delved deeper and then the tingles coalesced into one giant ache that took my breathe away as I shattered and the muscles of my teen pussy quaked in response. He spun me around and without giving me a chance to breathe, he began again rubbing my nub with his fingers as he spread the wetness from my front all the way to the tiny pucker of my ass. He bit one butt cheek and then the next and then his tongue was upon that forbidden hole, flicking into me and back and forth as he spread my juices even farther into my ass. He could sense me tense and then just as quickly, he turned me back and set me down on the chaise. He unbuttoned his jeans and slowly revealed his massive cock to me. I could see his pulse running through the taught veins that covered the surface and as I watched in astonishment as it grew even larger and even harder than before. I tentatively reached for his cock and when I placed my hand around it, I heard his breath catch as it twitched in my hand. Tenderly, I took him in my mouth, careful not to scrape my teeth against the sensitive skin, and sucked, gently at first and then with more vigor as I heard him moan at the pleasure I was giving him. Neither of us spoke the other's language, but we understood each other's bodies completely. I felt him twitch more frequently in my mouth and his moans became louder. I may have been a virgin, but I had paid attention in biology class and I knew he must be getting close. I reluctantly released him from my grasp and I immediately felt the loss of his manhood from my mouth. It was as if my tongue no longer had use and my mouth was cooler from the absence of his heat. He gently pulled me up into what I would come to learn was the doggy pose and while I could sense his desire to enter me with a single strong thrust, he took great care to prepare me for his entrance. As he rubbed my lips with the large head of his cock, every once in a while he would stop and press against my hymen and when the pain would register in my voice through tiny gasps, he'd pull back and rub me again. each pause he would press a little harder and each press would cause another gasp to escape until those gasps became frantic moans as my heat was desperate to be filled with his. With one final press, he pulled me onto his cock as his firm head tore at my virgin hymen and I yelped in pain. His hand was quick to caress my back as he pulled me toward him and whispered in my ears what I felt to be words of comfort. He held me still as my tight pussy began to loosen around him and soon he began to thrust, slowly at first and then faster as our bodies began to move in concert, reaching for our own orgasms, as his cock searched for that pleasure button located in the depths of my body and as my pussy began to convulse around him, milking his cock, his moans of pleasure ringing strong in my ears and, well, and you will just have to watch my video to see what happened next. I am a porn star now. I work hard and I have been able to pull my family from the great poverty in which we lived for so long. I don't regret a single decision I made and am thankful for the strong start defloration.com and Thomas Stone gave me! Collapse
Most girls don’t know what they want to be. But I am not any other girl. I am hot. I am sizzling. I am bold. I have always wanted to be a model from ever since I was a little girl. But not just any model… I want to be the most erotic model… I want to be a porn star! I am 18 years old, a virgin but ready to turn your world upside down… are YOU ready for me? My name is Nara Mongolka and I come from Sochi, a beautiful seaside resort in Russia. Ever since I was a small child, I would run down to the beach as soon as school was over or in the morning after breakfast on weekends. My mother was the waitress in one of the restaurants near a beach. The owner, Alexei, was a distant relation of ours. My father had run away immediately after he knew my mom was pregnant and I do not know who he is or was... Read more >>>. My best and only friend in this world is Svetlana. She is the opposite of me. While I would lay down in various poses on the beach, she would read a book. She pretended not to see when sometimes I let my still unripe nipples appear over my bikini top in front of tourists. I would pretend my top came loose… sometimes I used to stand near a sun bathing couple, my bikini top slightly falling down as if unconscious of it and showing them my bare virgin tits… ready to be squeezed. From the corner of my eye, I could see that both the husband as well as the wife would be staring and I loved the attention. In the evening, at home, I would tell Svetlana to also become naked and hold a mirror, looking at me, while I would masturbate looking at the reflection of my glistening virgin nub. If she sometimes refused, I would tear off her dress and squeeze her breasts. She would also shave my virgin pussy for me in the bathroom, applying shaving foam. Her fingers couldn’t resist rubbing my tight clit once she had shaved me. She would then bring her head between my legs, spreading them wide. She would lick my clit, gently at first and then faster as she too got aroused, her round sweet breasts, brushing against my thighs and her wet vulva going up and down on my leg. I loved posing in the front of the mirror. I can stand in front of it for ages, posing erotically, imagining the many rich, handsome men who would gift me diamonds and rubies. I love my body. I love my pink nipples…love to stroke them and make them erect. I imagine stroking and making a man’s cock erect. It won’t be hard I think. I will massage it up and down with my beautiful hands, rubbing my developing boobs against his nuts. I will moan with pleasure when he puts his masculine tongue into my innocent pussy. As I look at the mirror and dream about all these, my fingers keep going up and down slowly in my trembling, virgin vagina. With one hand, I clutch my round breast and the other hand continued moving faster and faster as I moaned and finally cum. One day while waiting for my mother to finish her duty, Alexis beckoned me towards him. I was wearing a sweater with the picture of a horse over my left breast. As I reached near him, he rubbed his hand over my sweater, touching the horse, and said, ‘What a beautiful picture’! This was the first time a man’s hands had touched me, even if it was through the sweater. I enjoyed the feeling it gave me and I gave him a seductive smile. That evening, he came to our house with a hamper of goodies from the super market. My mother was astonished. While leaving, I accompanied him to the door, and he casually slid his hand inside my thin t-shirt. As usual, I was not wearing a bra and he squeezed my budding nipples hard, before leaving without a backward glance. I was so aroused that I gave an excuse to my mother and ran down to Svetlana’s house. I pulled her to her room and grabbed her dress off. I was already naked. As I lay on her bed, I made her make me cum. Rub me…lick me, I said. As her fingers rubbed my vulva faster and fast, my hands kept rubbing my ripening tits and I moaned and came suddenly with a rush. It was Svetlana who gave me the address of the studio. She was on the Internet and learnt about this photographer who was well connected with the defloration.com and could help in making me a big and famous model. The video will tell you how I performed but I know I impressed the photographer. His cock was almost bursting out. As I posed, I wished he would pull it out but he did not. I had to prove my virginity and I could proudly show him my pink intact hymen, just waiting for the right man. I lived my dream in this studio, posing provocatively…erotically… I am ready for more! I want to be a star! Collapse
My solo shoot gave me a new direction. I never imagined that I could take off my clothes in front of the camera but I could… erotic modeling is something that really turns me on. I got in touch with the producer in defloration.com and he suggested that as a first step I can lose my virginity in the studio under camera. I was stunned. Can I do it? I will have my body touched by a man for the first time…and it will be a stranger…and in front of others! It would need a lot of courage. I can pose erotically like an expert but I am ashamed to say that... Read more >>> I know zero about sex with a man. From what I have heard from my friends who are no longer virgins that there is a great deal of pain… Besides everything else, I was terrified about this. After a week of debating with myself, I decided to go in for it. The pain will be there but at least here, I will have a mature, experienced man with me who will know what to do, how to touch me, how to penetrate me. A date was given and immediately got a new hairstyle as I wanted to look a bit more mature! As soon as I arrived at the studio that day, my clothes were removed and an assistant looked me up and down, gave me a thumbs up and took me to the shower area. I was given a head to toe lathering. As her fingers rubbed soap over my teenage tits and virgin clit, I was tantalized beyond mercy…and I do not even think she realized. Out of the shower, moisturizer was rubbed in all over my body. I don’t know what all were applied on my face and skin and after it was over, I wore the clothes I got with me. I was ready, trembling and nervous, for the big adventure. As Sergey introduced me to Maxim, I was pleasantly surprised to see his gentle eyes and look, his warm smile. I knew I was safe with him. Before he came, I was very apprehensive of going ahead with a stranger but as we cuddled, I started to lose the shyness and to my amazement, actually started enjoying it. My body responded to his touches like a cat. My eyes could not believe it when he uncovered his cock! OMG! It was enormous and my mouth wasn’t big enough! As he nibbled on my tits, my body ached and I got so wet… My virgin hymen was ready and quivering for him to break in. Despite the pain, despite the fear, despite the soreness, I am very happy that I am now a woman, a virgin no more! My producer feels I have been strong and beautiful. Let’s hope you see more of me in future! Collapse
I love modeling, I love my body. I love the way my virgin nipples react when my hand moves up and rubs my tits. Hello, I am Polina. Welcome to my world. This is my escape, the imaginary paradise I escape to when I feel very low. I was nervous before my solo video but now I am so happy that I did it. I waited for so long for this and as soon as my 18th birthday was over, I went in for it! Even though my boyfriend hated it when I wanted to... Read more >>> model, I am all for it. I am 18 years old, a virgin from St. Petersburg, ready to take on the world. Many years ago, when I was 8 years old, my father ran away from home. We do not know why. My aunt tells me that he loved the sea and ran away to travel in a ship around the world. My mother does not speak about him at all. I have two younger brothers and as my mother really hates them, I did most of the bringing up. My mother was not working when my father deserted us. My youngest brother was just 1 year old. I was old enough to understand that things were not good. She did not have any qualifications and hadn’t worked anywhere even for a single day. But suddenly, things got better, my mother had a job and I looked after the house. It was only when I was 12, I realized that my mother worked in an escort agency. I still didn’t know exactly what it was that she did but her work was mostly in the evenings. She used to sleep late and by that time all three of us would be out of the house and in school. I always kept her meals ready for her. My mother took care of the shopping while I looked after the house. Now I of course know what an escort service is and what she must be doing but as she kept her home very separate from her work, it really did not affect us. Except for Uncle Alex. Uncle Alex is the ex-husband of her once best friend. He fancies he is in love with our mother and she encourages her. He often drops in while we are at school. I know that because I clean her room and know he’s been there. I do not ask any questions for I know she will just hit me on the head. I hated it when I first saw him with her. It was during my early teens. I came home early as my school had given a half day. I tiptoed past her home because I knew she would be sleeping and I heard some noise. A giggle. I couldn’t believe my ears. My mother was giggling. The door was slightly ajar and I sat on the floor and peeped in. My mother was lying on her bed, completely naked and a man had his head inside her pussy. She was pushing him against her and his hands were squeezing her boobs tight. As he got up, his cock was erect and I could see he was Uncle Alex. I gasped and my mother heard me. She immediately sprang from her bed, pulled my hair and gave me a tight slap. As I ran away I was crying hard. Later I stood naked in front of the mirror and tried to look at myself. It was very embarrassing. My teenage tits were just developing, my virgin pussy was just getting a bit hairy and I really could not look at myself. Closing my eyes, I touched myself, imagining the scene I had seen. I was also very confused about whether this was okay. When I was 15, I got a boyfriend. He was very good looking and all the girls were after him. I felt quite smug when he showed his interest in me but he seemed to be more interested in my body than in me. While surfing the net one day, I came across defloration.com. I couldn’t access it but it got me thinking. I spoke about it to my boyfriend and he hated it. I was just for him, he said. I was quite pleased about it then but later this attitude suffocated me and I did not also want to go the whole way with him then. After passing out from school, I broke up with him. I started work in an electronics shop. My boss was cool and also let me use his Internet. I was shocked when I saw his network open to defloration.com one day and I was amazed by the stories of the beautiful virgin girls. That night, I immediately wrote and sent an email from home. This was something I really wanted to do. Mainly for the money because my mother did not give me a single ruble for myself! I also want to be known and famous. When I got back the reply saying I was underage, I waited and as soon as I turned 18, I went to them. I did not tell anyone. I deserve something more from life and not just the money I earned but also the experience which I cherished. I want more of this life!! Collapse
Hi, I’m 18 years old, still a virgin and my name is Lisa Tutoha. I’m from Russia, Lipetsk. Came here today to the studio to prove my virginity and pose naked on camera as well as masturbate and show the world how I masturbate! My sexual life activity started soon as I turned 5 and maybe someone count it in, but this was my last year in the kindergarten and I really liked a boy there, who once came up to me while I was trying to fall asleep during lunchtime and kissed me on the lips and touched my tits, although I barely had them at all then… I didn’t know what was going on and especially got scared and creeped out once his tongue was inside my mouth and he was moving it there. So I screamed and he ran away, I told the teachers and reported him to his parents and he had to change kindergarten for his actions as it wasn’t acceptable. After this I wasn’t gonna date any boy at all... Read more >>> in my life, but this has changed as I started to go to school and around the third grade I met someone, someone new in class. This was after we came to school after our summer holidays and there were new people in the class joining us in the upcoming year. He was looking really handsome and cute and he was practicing hip hop dances, this is how I got introduced to dances and became a ballerina. I enjoyed my training and I was doing overtime in order to become the best in my town and my region, and perhaps one day in the whole of Russia. But time has passed, I began dating this boy, and I broke my leg… During this period of time I couldn’t move at all and it lasted forever to heal, he didn’t break up with me, on the other hand, he was almost living with me, not exactly living, but visiting me everyday and staying over night when my parents were travelling. So, this one night we were speaking and telling each other funny stories and some sexual ones as well. I decided to tell him how my first situation happened in kindergarten and how disgusting it was. He asked me, if it was the reason I never kissed him on the lips and I said and cried! He wiped my tears off and told me to close my eyes, I did, he kissed me slowly and touched my stomach with his hand. I began to enjoy it and asked him if he would know how to kiss with tongue, but very sexual and professional? He was excited to hear it and we began kissing abnormal, while only laying in our underwear, my this time I was no stranger to masturbations and my pussy got really wet, that was something new to me, I didn’t know I can get wet from kissing, but it was probably because I loved Vlad so much! He got hard and I could see on his face that he was feeling embarrassed and I grabbed his cock in my hand in his underwear and told him that he had the biggest and best cock ever and he even blushed for these compliments! We got rid of our underwear quickly, turned on some light erotic porn videos and tried to repeat some of it in the bed with one-another! This was really fun and we got orgasms, I even sucked him and he licked me and then we saw the pose of 69, but only after we came.. Then we looked at one-another smiling and said that there’s the whole night ahead of us to try everything there is to try except for sex, as we’re not adults yet. By the morning we both were feeling exhausted and decided to grow up together in our relationship till the day I’ll become 18 and then we can the step of sex and he can take my virginity away. The years passed on once I was 16 and super horny and my tits were bigger than my head and I developed love for sucking Vlad off every time. We started to try new locations, like school, college and outside in public and this made me wet and him stiff, I always also swallowed all his cock and literally drained all his stress out throughout his cock! Today, I became 18 and instead of losing my virginity with Vlad, I came to advertisement of the world's best porn site called defloration.com and I’m ready to show and prove my virginity naked on camera and show the world how horny I am and easy going for basically anything! Also to masturbate and show this video to my boyfriend to make him cum hard and not think of any other girl in the world! Once I came to the studio, took a shower and had a cup of champagne, I felt that with such attention, they might convince me to lose my virginity there too and it might not even be with my boyfriend, and honestly this thought wasn’t scaring me, even-though I promised him to do it on my 18th birthday. So I asked them and they told me sure and that they will pay a lot of money and I agreed, so you’ll be able to see that later on too! After this I just stripped naked and did my best to arouse the world, everyone who’s watching me doing all this today! Wait for me getting fucked hard for the first time and me sucking a random but cool and famous pornstar off and getting licked by him too! Collapse
Hello, Before I get too into my story, I want to thank all of you who have watched my video at defloration.com and for your support of this site. I am indebted to both Tommy and the producer and photographer at defloration.com for taking my virginity and providing me with a sound foundation for my career in the adult entertainment industry. I am now 22 years old and it has been an adventurous four years since Tommy took my virginity and I've had the extreme pleasure of working with Tommy again. He is a very, very nice man and even though most of our work is scripted,he manages to make the fuck amazing.... Read more >>> It wasn't like I had planned to become an adult film star. I thought when I was about 15, that I might want to be a model. Or even a regular actress. I enjoyed participating in school plays and when I was 14, I began developing into the woman I am today. I had always had a naturally slim figure because I was active in dance and enjoyed playing in the out doors instead of sitting at home watching the television or reading, though I did like to read romance novels that I hid between my mattress from my mother. I fantasized about all those strong and virile men taking my virginity and claiming me as their own and that led to many self masturbation sessions as I grew older and by the time I was close to 18, I knew that I wanted to be at least an erotic model, if not an actress. After all, if I wanted to be a mainstream model or actress, I would have to move to Hollywood, USA and that was simply out of the question. I knew if I were to become an erotic model or adult actress, I would need to lose my virginity and having no boyfriend at the moment, my options seemed quite limited save my buying a large dildo and shoving it up my pussy and tearing the hymen myself. But, having read so many romance novels, I wanted it to be special and something memorable and so I set out to find a resource for my defloration. I'd heard rumors at school of a very handsome man who was a professional at taking a girl's virginity and that you could get paid quite nicely for allowing them to film it. I contacted the producer, we met and I signed a contract and so, I returned, quite nervously a short time later, just after my 18th birthday. The producer was so nice and gave me so much helpful advice including setting me up with an agency that I still work with today. When I met Tommy, I was a little bit intimidated. He was a very large man, with these huge hands that when laced together, could completely encircle my tiny body. He was so tall, much taller than most of the boys I knew and he was fit and muscular, but not freakish. We began with our still shots and my goodness did he have a humongous cock! It was straight and thick and veiny and I was not only surprised to see it but I was also aroused by it. I couldn't see how he was going to get that thing in my pussy, but my pussy got wet and let me know it was willing to try! At that point, I didn't care how big it was, I just wanted to have that cock in my pussy! His eyes widened a bit in surprise and I think he could tell that I was aroused, anyhow, his surprise turned dark to a look of what my favorite authors would call lust and I loved that look on him. His big brown eyes were warm to begin with, but when they turned dark, you could see the flecks of gold surrounding his pupils turn to waves of dancing flames. That look and his scent of spice and a cigar perhaps along with the scent of his arousal was intoxicating. And I couldn't wait for him to take my virgin pussy in hand and to fuck me. We both were ready to get down to this defloration and neither of us needed much foreplay. I was as hot for him as it seemed he was for me. Before I knew it, he was trying to breach my hymen and it hurt like fucking hell when he finally broke through, all the way to the point his dick was becoming well acquainted with my womb. I had no idea that a cock like that would fit in me and reach to very most deep part of my pussy. And I loved it! The pain became a searing heat, warming my pussy and setting my insides on fire. He then began to move, slowly and gently at first, but I pushed back towards him and met him thrust for thrust as we met our rhythm and began to move as one. We switched positions and I rode him in the cowgirl position. In this manner I was in control and I loved the feeling that I had as my pussy rode his cock up and down and there were so many emotions going through my head and I began to feel my impending orgasm. I felt my toes begin to curl as all the muscles in my lower body began to tighten and clench and it became more difficult for Tommy's cock to move freely in my clenching pussy and then it was upon me and as I threw my head back and moaned in ecstasy I saw blinding white light with scattered blue and red stars as my pussy caught on fire. I felt my pussy pull against him even tighter and he was frustratingly trying to pull his cock from my pussy so he could release his hot sperm on my backside. His heat was incredible and yet, I was disappointed that he did not come in me, I soon craved the feeling of his heat coating my inner walls instead of cooling on my ass. But as I have learned the cum shot is more important than my desires. Holy Shit! That was amazing! My first time was nothing I could have possibly imagined and certainly far more satisfying than any romance novelist could have prepared for me. Lucky for me, I ended up at the same agency that represented Tommy and I've had the opportunity, no make that the incredible pleasure of being fucked by him again in front of the cameras. I certainly didn't grow up dreaming of being an erotic actress, but everything and everyone I've worked with has been amazing. I am a very, very lucky girl that Tommy was my first and that I have the opportunity to work with him again. I really am grateful to defloration.com, its producer and photographer and of course, to Tommy, for making my entree video into the business such a wonderful and magical experience. So, now that you know my story, visit me here at defloration.com to watch my video and see how the story unfolds. I know you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it. Collapse
Hello! I am Ava from St. Petersburg, Russia. I thought I had experienced a lot of embarrassment and sacrifice in my life but today was a really awkward day for me. It wasn’t the first time I masturbated but I lied as there was the most annoying female asking me all kinds of stupid questions. Did it give me pleasure? Hmmm. I probably got as much pleasure as I get by brushing my teeth but it did give me something to think about when I now touch my virgin pussy! But it made me suddenly excited and wanting to discover more! As most little girls in my city and country, I have the dream of becoming a ballerina... Read more >>> in a world renowned ballet company. But I am a little different. Why? Because my parents are both ballet dancers. They are often travelling around the globe from Paris to New York and even here in Russia. When I was very small I would dance in front of the TV with a CD of their latest performance on. Ballet was not just in my blood, it was my passion. It was all I ever cared for. I was enrolled in Madam Natalia’s sought after Academy when I was 10 years old and it was just rigorous practice and continuous ballet after that. We also had regular studies as well as French and piano lessons. If the first year was tough, it only became tougher after that. To be selected for the most popular ballets, a ballerina must not just be a good dancer but must have a great body as well. Every girl in the academy knew this. Once I noticed Madam Natalia looking at me sternly while I was doing a solo routine. After it was over, she called me to her office. Remove your leotard, she said to me. Raise your hands and go on pointe. I was younger then and haven’t yet performed. She ran her hands over my tits, lifted one of them, squeezed the other one tight. Does anything happen? She asked. I was too scared to nod. I was sure something is terribly wrong with my body. She then came from behind me and covered my innocent breasts with her hands. Then we danced. Suddenly she stopped and asked me to leave. That was the first time I got interested in my body. I stand in front of the mirror and pose naked many times a day. I sometimes dance naked as well. My tits are so bouncy sometimes that I hate them. Wish they were small and pert. But then I can’t change my body! As I spin, I wrap my fingers around the pink budding nipples as if a leading male dancer was holding me. Slowly, I sit myself down on the floor, my hands moving to my virgin clit, my eyes still closed. No one told me about masturbation but this is something probably everyone knows by instinct. I lay myself down on the floor, my ring finger rubbing the top edge of my pink virgin clitoris. As the lips swell, my fingers explore around my vulva. Is this the place when a man would stick his manhood into? I suddenly remember the touch of Madam’s hands on my breasts and I suddenly arch up and my fingers get wet. Of course we had a few boys at school but they were boys, not men. When they danced, I can see their cocks sticking out in their leotards but I was really not interested. I knew for me nothing but a man will do, an older man who would know what to do. This month, I am graduating from the Academy. Since the past year, I have become increasingly passionate about going to New York to join a dance company there. Not ballet but contemporary dance. I have spoken to my parents about this and they have reluctantly agreed. I have also gone and got a couple of tattoos done to spite Madam Natalia. God! I loved the look on her face that day when she suddenly saw the star on my waist just before lights out. She even called Vladimir, our director to take a look. Look at this girl, she slapped my butt. Vladimir rubbed his finger over the still raw tattoo, standing so close to me that I could feel his cock rubbing against my thigh. With his other hands, he gently rubbed my shoulder, the tips of my innocent tits almost standing at attention now under the tight t-shirt I was wearing. I will talk to her Madam, he said and Natalia went off in a huff. I was almost trembling by now. Are you scared, Ava, he asked softly, lifting my chin so that I looked up. His blue eyes looked deeply down at me. His cock was still rubbing against my thigh and suddenly his hand slid down to my soft virgin breasts. Where else do you have tattoos, Ava? He continued. I couldn’t answer as somehow I was frozen. I was either too scared or I was too excited. The corridor was dark but he pushed me slowly to a corner and kept rubbing his cock up and down my naked thigh. My innocent pussy was slowly getting wet and I thought my shorts would soon get wet. Valdimir’s cock was almost bursting out of his tight pants. I let out a soft moan and I got very aroused. He continued in a soft voice that was getting gruff now. “You know you won’t be selected for the ballet now, don’t you?” he said, his voice coming out In gasps. I was breathing very hard. He crushed me against him, my tits squeezed tight and kept moving up and down. My virgin clit was getting rubbed roughly and I bent backwards with him on top of me. The feeling was delicious. Suddenly with a shudder, I came and I uttered a soft moan. He took my hand and put it on his cock. As I rubbed it he grew bigger and bigger and then suddenly he pushed me and walked off! It was Madam Natalia who helped me out with the contacts in New York and she even spoke to a few people there. My dream will probably come true but I wanted some more exposure before I started working. I wanted to stand out in my dance auditions as a confident dancer. I was at home over last weekend when I turned 18. My parents had invited a lot of their friends and mine as a coming-of-age party. The girls of my age and I got talking and they all seemed so excited about a wonderful studio called defloration.com. A girl who just came in announced that a Russian lady in town was conducting screen tests for virgin 18-year-olds on their behalf. This seemed to be the perfect opportunity for me before I went away. I casually took the number and immediately called the lady the next day. You all saw what happened in the casting video. I was just so awkward! I am embarrassed at the way I behaved. I wanted to seem sophisticated and grown-up but ended up looking like exactly what I was – an inexperienced school girl! Despite everything, the casting lady gave me a lift in spirit when she enjoyed my tits. And the way she looked longingly at my tight virgin pussy, I know it was nice too. I also got a boost in self confidence by touching my virgin vulva and masturbating in front of a camera. I knew the way by the way she looked at my virgin pink pussy, she really wanted to get her fingers on it and on my soft innocent boobs. Well, I just hope I do much better in New York and that defloration.com does not think of me as a miserable failure. Collapse
When Greta came to our studio for the first time, she definitely refused to lose her virginity before our camera but later she agreed to make... Read more >>> it with her boyfriend and we've managed to shoot an amasing defloration video. We recommended him to take a Viagra pill but he refused it. And he managed to do a great job even without Viagra! Enjoy great hardcore photos and HD video! You can download it right now! Her untouched innocent pussy will blow your mind... Collapse
It was a cold day when I met Alexandre a week ago and it was the day my life changed. I was waiting the tables at a restaurant when this tall, blond man walked in. He kept looking me over and finally when he left, he handed me a hefty tip and a card. My winning ticket! Oh! By the way, I am Zopka, an 18-year-old virgin... Read more >>>. I am originally from a village near Moscow but I shifted to the big city after school to make something of my life. I was an orphan, having lost my parents at an early age. I grew up in an orphanage and then was sent to a foster home with 8 children in a village outside Moscow. I was sent to school and taken well care of but there was always the longing for love in me. I learned to love myself at an early age. Many children in our orphanage had a physical intimacy with each other. As my body started developing, it ached for something that I did not know. My teenage boobs yearned for someone to squeeze them…or bite them. But then I did not know. My virgin teenage pussy wanted to be touched. It was another cold day like the one in which I met Alexandre that I discovered my body. We were all huddled down in our cots at night. The heater had broken down and our supervisor asked us all to sleep near each other to keep warm. I had pretty Polina next to me and we hugged each other in the cold. Lights were switched off and suddenly I could feel Polina’s knee gently pushing my thighs apart. Her cold hands sliped up from under my frock to get some warmth. I wasn’t wearing anything underneath to cover my tiny teenage tits. As her fingers crept up and brushed against my nipples, she stopped. Her fingers started caressing my rosy pink nipples which was doing something starnge now. I had a pain in my virgin pussy and pushed it up against her knees. She knew what she was doing and started rubbing her knees against my hot virgin vagina. I did not have an orgasm that night but came pretty close. Polina left the orphanage soon but I now knew what my body wanted. Little by little, I discovered my special areas. I knew where I should touch myself, with what I can touch myself and how. After shifting to the foster home, I saw a shower for the first time. I soon learnt how to adjust the water stream to give me pleasure. I was very weary of boys though. Somehow I knew I had to wait for the special moment. We had a number of priests coming to talk to us, both in the orphanage and in the foster home. They spoke to us about the evils lurking in every corner and how to protect ourselves. Once, however, I could see the eyes of one father roaming over my teenage chest. I had put on a old t-shirt that day that had become very tight. My teenage budding tits were pushing against it. I rather enjoyed his eyes looking at them and arched my body forward. My virgin pussy burned in anticipation of pleasure. Anyway I did know that I had to avoid sex with someone I was not serious with. Frankly, I did not want to have intimacy with any of the boys I met. They were all very immature and foolish. I am sure they would not know anything about giving me pleasure. In front of others, I was the perfect girl, well behaved, demure and I know how to keep my thoughts to myself. We were all home schooled but as soon as I was 18, I came away to Moscow to find out what to do with my life. I did not know much about modelling although 2-3 people had explained to me that I could do well in this field. I also do not know much about money but know that I want to live well. My foster parents knew the restaurant owner and I started work here to begin with. The day after I got Alexandre’s card, I called him. I did not know why he had given it to me but I wanted to say Yes to everything. I got a big surprise when he said he had work for me. I almost jumped in delight. He told me about defloaration.com and I was immediately interested. Of course, I want to make a name for myself and money was always welcome. This would give me an exposure to modelling as well as that I would know what to do with my life. I said a big YES! It was one of the most fantastic experiences for me. I got an erotic high out of the experience apart from money. I was so proud of my virginity and I now had a chance to also lose my virginity and become a woman in a special way, if the producer agrees, of course! Wishing Defloration.com all the best and a big thank you from my side for the experience! Collapse
My name is Galinka. I'm 18 years old and I'm ready to prove my virginity. Why do I wanna do this? First of all for my boyfriend. I really like him, we have a serious relationship. I don't surrender to him, and he is always laughing when I tell him I'm a virgin. He doesn't believe me. The video I’ll make at the casting is a proof. My boyfriend is very cool, and I find him perfect. I always wanted to meet a guy, smart, determined, with whom I’ll never be bored. I had short relationships with the boys before, I was only kissing with them and nothing else. Victor, my boyfriend, he's very intelligent and discreet. Once I was... Read more >>> taking a shower, he came into the bathroom quietly to take his phone. He was there for five minutes and was secretly watching me. I pretended I didn't notice... But the fact he was there watching me really excited me. Maybe one minute more, and I would call him to join me. But I held back and he left the room. Later this day when I was alone in my bed, I was vividly representing in my head the scene as I'm in the shower with him. I was touching my pussy and it was very wet. That time I've experienced the strongest orgasm I’ve ever had... I really wanna try real sex and I'm ripe for it. I even have creeps on my body when I think about it... I think we're gonna be totally fine. Collapse
...It was a hot summer day and she was wearing a short skirt with no panties. She was in her parents apartment and was on her hands and knees... Read more >>> washing the kitchen floor. She was alone with her fat boyfriend. She was shocked when he suddenly jumped on her back and held her with his hands. She tried to get him off but he was very strong and growled at her. Then she felt something wet and hot poking at her pussy. She wiggled her ass to stop him and then she felt it slip into her anus. He started pumping her very fast. As she told me the story, she blushed and admitted to me that it was a pleasant feeling. She knew what he was doing, because she had already seen this on video. After a minute she felt something hot squirt inside her. After her boyfriend got off of her, she stayed in that position for a few minutes while he licked her pussy. As a result of this shocking experience, she remained a virgin until now. She is OK now and was very willing to lose her virginity before my camera. Collapse
The criminal grandfather and the virgin granddaughter. Hi, my name is Anna Sanglante. I’m already 20 years old, yet still a virgin. Well, it is a though story that has happened to me in my childhood and ever since then I’m not speaking to any men, not seeking any attention from them. So, my story starts with when I was around ten years old or even ten to thirteen, I can’t remember the exact age, because I have almost erased this moment out of my life. But, I still can’t fully get away from it. One evening, a wonderful evening, as it started anyways, I had a dinner with my parents and my grandfather who was over at our place, and then my mother stayed in the kitchen washing dishes and my father went to his room for some business calls... Read more >>>. I was in the living room alone watching tv. My grandfather was sneaking up and watching me beside the door and I thought he was just looking at me, as he’s getting older and wants to spend more time with me. But, as it turned out, I was completely wrong about it. So I was just sitting there and minding my own business, he came close to me and sit down on the couch beside me. Then suddenly his hand got around my neck and landed on the shoulder. It was still all right until this moment, because he was my grandfather and I really loved him and loved spending time with him. I did not realize that his intentions were completely wrong about this evening. His other hand landed on my tights… I was getting a little bit nervous and I had no idea what was going on and it felt completely wrong and very uncomfortable and disgusting. Everything has escalated too quickly and I had to hit him and run away. I stayed quiet though after this and I haven’t told anyone what was going on that evening. Until the day when I decided to visit my grandmother that was around a month after this event has happened. Once I asked her what was my grandfather trying to do, she explained to me that he tried to rape me. I got really scared and asked her not to tell anyone. She then called my parents, and told them what he was trying to do with me. Right away the next evening my parents came over to her house, and took me home. After sometime my grandparents got divorced, because of what he was trying to do with me. This event has changed my life completely in the worst possible way. Even before that I was a very closed up child and very antisocial and enjoyed being alone. But once this happened, my trust towards men has completely gone. In the interview I was asked if I know what was going on with him nowadays, and yes I do know because I hear my parents talking about it a lot, when I heard is that he moved to some village after him and my grandmother he got divorced. He found himself a new woman there and living his best life without us in it. But even before they got divorced and even before everything has happened between me and him or while I should say he didn’t manage to rape me but he was about to. Before all that he was already seven times at least in prison, I have no idea for what reasons. This is says really a lot about him. His criminal name under which he was known, which I found out about really unintentionally, was Miha Bazuka. I looked it up in the Internet and there are a lot of bad stories about him, this has proved why he was getting at me that night and tried to rape me. Well anyways let’s get away from this! So as I said I was a very closed up girl and I don’t even remember exactly when I even had my first kiss but I think it was the one I was 19 years old. I can’t even remember how was it because I got drunk on a party, it was a house party of some classmate. I mean it must’ve been good otherwise I wouldn’t even probably remember that I had a kiss. Also once in the ninth grade, me and my sister decided to travel to a sanatorium for some health treatments. And the first day I saw guy he was blonde and tall and looking very handsome and I really really liked him. But then again I was very afraid to make the first move, sadly there was another girl there who is looking almost exactly like me and acting like me. So she took the opportunity after seeing that I want to act first and she went to him and they ended up being together. This is another story of my life after which I completely decided not to have any reliance on men. And never fall in love ever again with any men… Because one night I saw them dancing and I’m very thankful that it was dark out there because nobody could see me crying. Although it might not be so bad, because ever since my childhood I was noticing that I’m also liking women and around them I was getting very horny and excited. Same feeling I never got with men on the other hand. It would be my real pleasure to once in my lifetime to try lesbian sex. It would be really interesting and it would bring probably some new exciting life changes into my as I think boring and unnecessary life! But even if I meet anyone ever in my life, sex wouldn’t be an important part of it, I really just want to have a kid and live my life. Returning back to when I said I like girls and women, in school or no, in college I really liked my classmates also some teachers and professors. It was probably the best feeling I was getting when you were speaking about sexual experience or anything close to it. In school specially in elementary school when I was just entering the first grade I was a very modest girl a very quiet one and this had a huge impact on my life, because no one in the class liked me for these reasons everyone was hating at me no one was speaking to me nor wanted to be friends with me. This had a huge impact on my psychological part of growing up. There was a girl who was in the beginning my friend, because she was also very modest and in many ways was like me. But she turned me into a person who wanted to commit suicide and not only her but also homeroom teacher who at one point or speaking to my mother and saying that’s me being so modest will eventually make me wanna commit a suicide. So whenever I had classes with him I actually felt like committing a suicide until further grades when he wasn’t our homeroom teacher anymore. Hopefully today on the casting everything that bothers me will eventually be gone, and I can start feeling more opened up and more happy about life and how I react to certain things! Also I really want to experience something new in life and I know for a fact that this interview will do that for me! Collapse
She came to us only 2 days past her 18th birthday. As I slowly parted her legs I saw her plump virgin pussy lips. She shivered with fear and... Read more >>> excitement from the touch of my hands on her inner thighs. She had never let a boy see or touch her virgin pussy. I carefully parted her pink lips and saw her intact hymen. I had to suppress my strong desire to use a finger or my tongue between her lips to bring her to a climax. The thought of her losing her virginity had so strongly aroused this inexperienced girl that I knew that she could not resist me, but we had signed a contract... Collapse
She came to our studio just after turning 18. She agreed to pose in the nude for us, and do a solo video where she showed us her hymen, proving... Read more >>> her virginity. Then we convinced her to lose her virginity to our professional actor, Tommy.
Below you can see the screenshots from the video. Collapse
Tommy slowly and gently spread her legs and was the first man to see her hymen.
We decided to take her virginity with her in the doggy position. From our experience, this is the best position for her defloration. It is... Read more >>> less painful for the girl, and more pleasant for the man. Anastasia was fascinated by watching Tommy ejaculate. Today was the first day of this virgin's sexual life, and we captured it all on video. You can download the full length video right now.
A comment from our member:
Anastasia is a "classic" beauty. She has a beautiful face. She should be a model. I believe that in your conversation, she talked about modeling. Her breasts are perfect. Her legs are perfect. I made some screen grabs and included them. They are similar to the still photos you posted. The "story" that you told with both videos is excellent. The continuity is great. It was a love story and very emotional and erotic. It was the best that you have done so far. I am very surprised how quickly she learned about how to suck his penis so fast. And the way she moved while sitting on him was very erotic. I loved it. I loved every second of it. Collapse
Hi, my name is Rebecca Brown and until just a few days ago, I was a virgin. I have wanted to be a porn actress since I saw my first porn video three years ago at my schoolmate's house. There were four of us girls hanging out after classes and enjoying the beers we had snuck from the refrigerator. We all became a little bit drunk and we started playing some sexy games. One of the girls had found a stash of her brother's porn DVDs, so we put one on the television, tuned the lights down low and began to watch. It was The Defloration of Tamara Uromy. It was so fucking hot! My panties flooded with heat... Read more >>> watching as the actor Tommy began to caress and pet her breasts and I marveled at how her breasts responded by swelling and the nipples becoming hard and I so wanted to feel what she was experiencing, so i began to pull and tug at my breasts and the sensation was exciting and forbidden. As the video progressed, I could hear the quiet moans of my schoolmates and looked around to see them all playing with their tits and when Tommy began to finger her and rub out her first orgasm, we all followed along. By the time the video was over, some had orgasmed, but I had not. The feeling was too strange and foreign and my feelings scared me. We also checked with mirrors to make sure we were all still virgins. I came away from that video with one desire and one desire only and that was to be a porn star too , like Tommy, so one day, he would fuck me like he did the virgin in the movie. From that point until I turned 18, I became obsessed with Tommy and watched every clip I could find, over and over. I masturbated to them many times, but still I could not give over to the strange way it felt when I would tug at my nipples or finger my pussy. My girlfriends talked constantly about orgasms and of boyfriends and of losing their virginity, but I remained true to my dream of having Tommy take my virginity. The day of my 18th birthday dawned bright and early with my family waking me up with lots of hugs and presents and I'm sure they thought my excitement had to do with my birthday, but really it was for my excitement of being of age to become a porn star and lose my virginity to Tommy. That afternoon, I went to the biggest erotic modeling agency in Budapest and applied for an agent to represent me. They had me take off my clothes in front of the agent and then a photographer started taking pictures of me. I did not like being nude in front of these strange men and they had me bend over and spread my ass cheeks and then they brought the camera so close to my pussy and then they touched my pussy lips and one man even fingered me and then spread lube on my lips "to make them fresh and dewy" he said. Then another man came in, dropped his pants and told me to suck on his dick. I thought I did not want to do this. I wanted Tommy. My mind was so confused as I quickly dressed and started to yell at these men. They were so confused at my attitude. And I was so confused at them wanting me to do things without pay. They finally discovered my secret, that I was a virgin. But instead of sending me packing, they sent me to defloration.com for my photos and defloration. The photographer at defloration.com, was kind and gentle with me. He took amazing pictures of me. He made me feel beautiful and sexy and when the time came for my virginity to be taken, I was ready and excited to meet Tommy. But Tommy wasn't available to do this for me. Yes, I was disappointed, but had heard and seen Renato, so the switch was okay for me. I was very nervous, with my palms sweating and my heart racing, but I would soon loose my virginity to a porn star and be on my way to becoming one. I was looking forward to all the movies and money I would make and being able to leave my home and become independent. But, I was unprepared for the feelings that my body would have. Renato was gentle and respectful, but I fought him and my feelings all the way. I refused to give into the pleasure my body was feeling and I was so ashamed that I could not look at him. I stubbornly refused to allow my orgasm to happen and I clamped down on his hot and way too large cock as he stroked in and out of my pussy. This was not what I had expected and fantasized all these years! I was even sure at some point that if this is what it meant to be a porn star, I wanted no part of it. I spend so much time of my defloration thinking in my head and fighting the feelings of my body, that I had an unexpected orgasm as Renato stroked faster and faster, hitting my clit with the base of his penis harder and harder until we both came, in indescribable pleasure as he pumped his seed into me starting another orgasm to build in me with the final thrusts of his cock. I was shocked that I had given myself over to the pleasure I had tried so hard to deny myself and Renato, and shocked that the moment he pulled away from me I wanted him again. I went home that evening, disappointed and yearning for another chance with Renato. I had not expected to hear from producer again, but in a few days he called and asked me to come back. I've made more videos for defloration.com and photographs, too. You can see everything by becoming a member today. Collapse
Hello, my name is Anna and I lost my virginity to Renato at defloration.com. Before meeting Renato I was a virgin in every sense of the word. I had never had a man kiss me before, I had never felt a man's hands on my body before and I had never experienced so much pleasure in the span of an hour as I did with Renato. I come from a small town in Russia. Everything there is stuck in the past; from the clothes, to the music to antiquated traditions, we have no sights on the future, we are mired in the days of old. We see no reason to change and we expect others to change to our way of thinking or they are easily outcast. I grew up in this town, accepting of the past and never wanting to change anything until I found a romance novel in the library. It was hidden I am sure to keep from impressionable eyes, but my eyes found it and the picture of the very large man with a flowing mane of hair on the cover with eyes of green and hair of spun gold. A young woman in a beautiful flowing dress was held tightly in his arms and her eyes held untold tales of passion. The cover drew me in and as I began to read of the scandalous behavior, I knew that I would have to continue to hide the book in the library and return often to continue to read it, had I taken it home, I would have been punished for my transgressions. I learned of love and sex in that book and of being free to choose who you fall in love with. I learned of sex outside of marriage and of passion I did not see in any of our citizens. In my heart, I wanted everything these people were free to have and I was no longer content to the future that was laid out in the past by my family.... Read more >>> I had heard through whispered gossip of the services of defloration.com and I anonymously sent them an e-mail from a fake address at the library. I needed for them to make me not a virgin anymore and I needed to sell them my virginity so that I could afford to travel to the studios and to be able to escape my fate once I returned home as a woman and no longer a virgin. You see, when I was 16, my hand in marriage was made to a friend of my father's. He was as old as my father and even uglier. He was short and had a large stomach. His face and balding head were always oily and he looked upon me as if he were a starving man. He smelled of too much cheap cologne and his breath smelled of cheap tobacco and booze. His breath was hot and his body gave off a suffocating heat. I was made to sit with him at many meals and at church as he made great efforts to clasp my hand with his sweaty palms. He nauseated me and the closer I got to becoming 18, the worse his offenses became and the more I dreaded my birthday. One evening at dinner, he announced to everyone his plans on taking my virginity and how wonderful it shall be that no man had ever touched me except for him. I blushed scarlet at such a frank discussion in front of my family and when he announced that he would like to take my ass before I turned 18 and we wed, I knew I had to do something to escape this horrible fate. But while being humiliated that night, I learned one thing, that it was my virginity that made me a prize and I was determined to remove that prize so that I would be free of this arranged marriage and free to live and love how I wanted. So, I made arrangements to arrive at the studios just a few days after my 18th birthday and to let a professional porn star take what mattered most to that vile man. On my 18th birthday, my parents threw a big party for me and my intended husband. Much alcohol was consumed and several men accosted me and tried to take my virginity. They were interrupted by my best girlfriends who knew of my plan and I was spared the humiliation of being raped on my birthday. The next day I was on the bus headed for Budapest and the taking of my virginity. I was very nervous at first, I had been told how much it would hurt, especially with a big dick, but the pain was of little consequence to what my future held if I returned to my village a virgin. The photographer spoke Russian and he served as an interpreter between Renato and me. He made me feel very comfortable by explaining everything that would happen to me. He told me that I had the power, that even though I had signed a contract and money had been forwarded to me for my trip, that I could say stop at any time and it would be over. When I met Renato, he was glorious perfection. I could not imagine that such a handsome man would want to fuck me. So, I became even more nervous. He gentled me with his beautiful voice and his warm eyes. He caressed me with fingers as gentle as an angel's wings as he began to introduce me to great pleasure. So many emotions were swirling in my brain as my body began to register these new and foreign sensations and at times they became so intense, that I had to stop and let myself process them before we could move on. I had hoped he would have a small dick and when I saw the size of his, my eyes grew wide and my mouth dropped in sheer fright. But Renato assured me that his dick was not so big and that it would fit in my innocent pussy. When he impaled himself on me, I cried out in shock from the pain. He dared not move and then soon, my body began to adjust to his entrance and soon, I was feeling nothing but pleasure as he took me in many different positions. At one point, we took a slight breather from fucking and he taught me how to suck him. I tasted my juices on him and at first I wasn't sure about that, but when I began to taste him, mixed with my essence, I became intoxicated with lust and everything from that point on changed. I was empowered and bolded. I was not only giving pleasure to this man, my body was taking it from him. Each orgasm grew larger and more potent until the time when we came together and the earth not only moved, the cosmos shifted on its axis and I ceased to be and Renato ceased to be and we became one. I never wanted to leave Budapest and return home after that experience. My little village held nothing more for me, save heartache and imprisonment in a place that refused to embrace the future. But now, I had sold my virginity. I was no longer an asset to my father's friend and no longer welcomed in my family because of my betrayal. Funny how they never saw that marrying me off to an old man that I did not love or want to marry was not a betrayal of me. It no longer mattered. I was free. I had some starting money from selling my virginity and I was on my way to a life lived for me. I had been liberated from a future of heartache and boredom and now, I live a better life. It isn't always easy, but it is always better. Thank you Renato and defloration.com for everything! Collapse
She asked us not to mention where she lived. She is a very beautiful and polite teen aged girl. This is her first time posing before the camera... Read more >>> in the nude. We are sure that you will love seeing her unshaven pubic hair. It has been a year since we photographed her and she is still a virgin. Sorry guys, she said that she is waiting until she meets the man that she will marry. Sign up now to download her beautiful HQ pictures and HD video from our members' section. Like our other virgins, she was shot exclusively for our website. Collapse
I am Anna and I am a ballerina in Prague. I have been studying dance since I was two years old. I can remember playing dress up i my mother's tutu's as she was a ballerina too and her mother before her. My mother would affix her tutu to my little body and turn the phonograph on with classical dance music. At first, we moved together through the music and danced as one. As I got older, she began to teach me barre exercises and we practiced them over and over until they were perfect. When I was five, she began to teach me the steps of famous ballet pieces she had performed and by the time I was seven, my bones and my muscles became strong enough so that I could dance en pointe. I then began to have formal teachers and my father worked extra jobs and my mother took in laundry to clean for the rich people in town to afford my lessons. I ate, breathed and slept ballet. No opportunity was left unturned and my parent's sacrifice was all for me to become a prima ballerina with the conservatory. At 11, I left my family home and entered formal study. Since then, my life has been hard study, both in academics as well as dance. I had no time for friends or boyfriends... Read more >>> or the fun things I have read about that other teens so freely do. I had just returned back to Prague from celebrating my 18th birthday with my parents. It was good to see them again and I miss my mother and our times dancing together. My life is all about perfecting my craft now and as serious I must be about my craft, I have allowed myself one indulgence and that is to secretly attend a gymnastics class with some of my classmates. When we entered the gymnasium last month, the conductress was excited and gathered all us girls around. She first dismissed everyone who was not 18. When the room had cleared, there were just a few of us left. Then she had us all stand in a line and asked us to remove all extra clothing. We were all puzzled and spoke in hushed whispers as to what was going to be done with us. Were we too old? Not fit enough? Had it been found out that we were ballerinas from the conservatory and would be dismissed from our one indulgence? The conductress continued her eliminations until there were just a few of us left. She then gathered us around and explained that a very famous Russian photographer was coming to film us going our routines and practice. She said it would be very good money, but we would be nude. I blushed at the thought of a strange man seeing me naked as well as performing naked with my classmates. This was something new and strange to me as I had never seen anyone naked before and no one save my mother when I was a little child had seen me naked. We had to make our choice to participate immediately and some girls declined, but the money was so tempting. It was significant for my station and would make for a good savings for me and no one would know of my shame and what I did for money. The studio was closed to the public that day and the few of us willing to do this arrived together, huddled more for protection than to keep the chill out of the cold studio. We were given thin robes and sent to stations where men and women would do our hair and makeup. At one point, they had each of us remove our robes and our skin was thoroughly checked for blemishes or marks and if something would show on camera, then it would be covered up with makeup. It was the first time my body had been scrutinized by a male and my breasts grew taught from the cold or from his featherlike touch, I did not know. Finished with our hair and makeup, we entered the room and were instructed to begin with some warm-ups. There were special lights and cameras all around the studio and a man was down on his haunches in the corner of the room adjusting the lens on a camera as we all began to stretch. As I bent over to loosen my leg muscles, I felt a cold draft of air blow across my pussy and the sensation startled me and excited me. I continued to work and when I turned around, the photographer had stood and was approaching us. I was rooted to the spot. I had never seen such a creature before. He was tall, but not imposing. He was strong and fit, but not intimidating. But it was the way he moved that had me entranced. His movements were sure and practiced and it was with a certain leonine grace that he moved through the studio, like a lion sure of his place in the pride and like a hunter sure of his prey. The camera he held had to be heavy, but he hoisted it as if it weighed nothing. And his hands, fluid in their movement, his fingers long and graceful as if he were playing a Stradivarius as he positioned his camera and moved another girl into position. I was transfixed. He approached me and gently stroked my hair behind my ear and spoke to me. His voice was as fluid as his movements, etched with concern and care and smooth as the finest cognac; warm and assuring. I blushed at what he was saying to me though neither of us spoke the language of the others. But it was his eyes that spoke to me, brown and warm like melted chocolate with flames of gold dancing around the black of his iris. I blushed again for what reason, I did not know, but as I began my routine, he followed me. His eyes would often connect with mine and as we continued, the camera disappeared and it was just the two of us moving through space and time and I lost all inhibition. I did a split, then rolled my body onto my back, keeping my legs wide open. My trimmed pussy hair was glistening and as the cool air blew across my wet lips, a bolt of electricity blew through me, tightening my nipples. I heard him gasp and his eyes burned with a look I had not seen before. His eyes tantalized me and I felt heat rush from my blushing face straight to my drenched pussy. This I did not understand, I was confused and ashamed, though I knew not why. Soon, the exercise was over and the photographer began to pack up his equipment. The other girls returned to get dressed, but I stayed in the corner watching him, the thin robe I wore barely covering my heated body. He motioned for my conductress, who was able to translate what he was saying to me. He wanted to confirm that I was a virgin and I assured him that I was, but my word was not enough. He had me spread my legs and then he spread my pussy lips wide. His touch was hot and burning, yet gentle and welcome. My conductress explained that he wanted to do a private session with me and that I would be paid an obscene amount of money. To be honest, the money would secure my future outside of the conservatory, but it was my curiosity of the man that led me to say yes. The next day, I returned to the studio and more lights and cameras were set up and after my hair and makeup had been done, I put on my leg warmers and a dance skirt, but the rest of me was naked. The photographer approached me, almost hesitantly, and as he gently placed a wayward curl behind my ear I heard him whisper that I was beautiful, so beautiful in English and that I understood. He motioned for me to dance but first I needed to warm up. Somehow he communicated to me that he wanted to see my pussy and and I became emboldened by his fascination with it. His movements were different that day interrupted by his having to adjust his trousers. Curious, I looked upon him and saw movement in his pants and I was curious as to what was there. He caught me looking at him and he blushed a bright scarlet red, but the look in his eyes drew me into him. He motioned that he wanted me to stroke my pussy by taking my hand and rubbing my fingers across my wet curls, but I recoiled in horror! My eyes grew wide and fearful and I began to sob. He did my best to comfort me and pulled me into his lap and it was then I knew what it was in his pants, it was his arousal for me. I scampered away from him and flew to the window to get the air I desperately needed to breathe and as I threw open the windows I did not care that I was naked or that it was cold, the emotions warring inside of me burning me to the core. This is what my mother had spent years warning me about; the evils of sex and the dirty minds of men who thought only with their penis. I needed to leave, to escape this certain death and to clear my mind, though what my body was feeling about these sensations and this man was in direct conflict with what I had been taught. I knew he wanted me to bring myself to an orgasm for him and for his camera, but did he not understand that an orgasm would be a certain death for me because I was a virgin and because I had been taught of the evils of men and their selfish desires that would ruin me? As I ran from the room, desperately trying to escape these uncertain feelings, I looked back. I shouldn't have looked back, but I did. I saw the hurt and sadness in his eyes from my reaction to him and felt compelled to go to him and my desire to comfort him and ease his sadness was greater than my fear of certain death. I ran my finger from his furrowed brow to his firm red lips and I gave him a kiss on the corner of his mouth. I pulled back away from him and took one last look at his eyes as he let me go. I barely took the time to get completely dressed as I flew from the building and threw myself into the first doorway I could find, my heart beating fast against my chest as the tears began to fall. Had my fears cost me greatly? What horrible things he must think of me, spoiled and immature? I found out the following week when I received my pay as promised and a kind note from him, written in my native language. I spent a week thinking of his proposition and in a short time, you will be able to view my response. Collapse
Our latest virgin is a pretty country girl with long light brown hair. She was quite pleasant to work with, but she did not know how to pose... Read more >>> for the camera. She came to our studio, still a virgin so we had to take her. When I took off her panties, I saw the red blush on her cheeks. She was very shy and awkward, but let me do what I wanted. I spread her pussy lips and became the first man to see the small hole in her hymen. My dick got hard and I was filled with lust. I wanted to test her sexual response. I probed her entrance with my tongue, lightly licking her cherry. She shivered with excitement and I could not stop myself. I licked harder and probed deeper with my tongue, but not tearing anything. She groaned and grabbed my head, lifting her pussy to give me better access. Within two minutes she came... it was incredible. Let me tell you a little secret. She has already happily lost her virginity with our actor Tommy. During her first sexual intercourse with him she came four times! You will see this on our High Definition Video! Collapse
Hi, my name is Nicole Birdman and I am living my dream of being an erotic model. My virginity is quite prized in modeling, and I've done well to keep it; but to be honest, I almost lost my prized innocence in the days before I shot the video for defloration.com. I may be a virgin, but I am no innocent. I like to watch porn at night before I go to bed and I masturbate regularly. I read erotic romance novels and I dream of the alpha male characters taking me roughly and fucking the living daylights out of me. As I pass by boys and men on the street, I assign them massive cocks and pass the time by imagining them breaching my virgin pussy. For a virgin, I am certainly most horny!... Read more >>> I have a vibrator that I hide under my mattress and if I weren't so afraid of breaking my hymen, I'd have a gigantic thrusting dildo, too. But my most favorite place to masturbate, is the shower. I love how the hot water slides down my body and slides off my legs and puddles on the floor. I love how slippery my shower gel makes my skin as I rub my hands all over my body and my nipples begin to pebble as I imagine a handsome man paying my body the same attention. I spend extra care when cleaning my shaved pussy, my hands glide through my folds and it begins to tingle deep in my belly and my hand automatically rises to pinch and roll my nipples between my fingers. As both of my hands are busy making love to my body, I build my dream man in my mind. He is tall, dark and very handsome. His eyes are a caramel color and are deep and filled with lust for my teenage virgin body. His strong arms pull me close to him and his cock lands heavily between my breasts. I envision the droplets of pre-cum spilling off his cock onto my chest and as I pull my breasts together, I imagine him rubbing his cock between my breasts until his breathing becomes erratic and his seed explodes from him in long streams of pure white. I imagine his salty and sweet taste as I lick him clean and soon, from my hands alone, I am coming. My knees are weak as I lean against the wall of the shower, but I am not done. I adjust the nozzle on the shower head to a thick pulsating stream and I aim it right at my virgin pussy. I dial up the massage strength as far as it will go and I seat myself on the shower floor. I aim the pulsating stream direct to my clit and as my orgasm begins to build, I imagine the large cock of my lover pounding into me over and over. I move the nozzle back and forth, ever so often grazing my asshole and soon my legs are quaking with the strength of my orgasm as I envision fireworks exploding in my brain. As I lay boneless propped against the shower wall, the warm water soothes me as I come down from my orgasm. Soon, I am dried off and dressed and ready for bed. That is when I watch videos from my porn collection. I favor Thomas Stone, Renato and Sabby, they all come close to my ideal lover and with the help of my hidden vibrator, I come again and again until my aching clit is finally satisfied and sleep envelops me as I dream of lovers and rough and carnal sex. I end everyday with a shower and many orgasms and I look forward to the day that I do lose my precious innocence and give in to the wonderful passion and orgasms that real vaginal penetration shall bring as well as giving up my ass to whomever desires it. Until recently, I was alone in my fantasies. But a few weeks before I posed for my solo video, I discovered that I wasn't alone. I'd had a feeling of being watched for a while, but I just chalked that up to my vivid fantasies. I should have trusted my instincts, because I did have a visitor, and interloper to my fantasies, my very own older brother. My brother is six years older than I am, a real man. He works hard and he is very handsome. But he has been watching me. I wasn't sure how I felt about that at first, I was confused, this was not acceptable or was it? I have read books about stepbrothers and other taboo sex stories, but while being tales of forbidden sex, they were rather titillating. I started inserting my brother into the pictures of my imaginary lovers and my fantasy hotness quotient doubled. With my fantasies fueling my actions, I began to play to him while I masturbated. Perhaps he thought I was performing for an imaginary audience, but in truth, he became my only audience. The more I knew he was watching, the more I masturbated. The more I masturbated the more he watched. And the bolder we both became. At first, he spied upon me through a small crack in the door, but eventually, the crack widened as his boldness grew. Soon, I could tell that he was stroking his cock and within days, I caught my first sight of his cock as he stroked himself through the ever widening crack in the door. He was long and very thick. There was a roadmap of veins covering its heft and I imagined what pleasure those ripples would bring to my pussy. I watched as he stroked himself from base to tip, swirling his hand around the tip before making its return trip back down its considerable length. The more he stroked, the larger he became and when I imagined him to be fully erect, his own hand barely was able to contain its girth. This went on for several days until in great boldness I called his name as I came in the shower. His hand dropped from his beautiful cock and I motioned him into the bathroom. He hesitated at first, then checked to make sure there were no witnesses to his perversion and entered the shower with me. He came into the shower and pulled close to me and in his movement, as in my fantasies, his cock landed heavily against my chest and snuggled into the cleft between my breasts. I felt the intense heat that rolled off of him and I relished in the sweet fragrance that his arousal made. Our eyes locked upon each others and we stared into the depths of our souls as our hands roamed all over each other's bodies. His hands clasped my pussy and his deft fingers drew lazy circles around my clit and when he tried to breach my virgin pussy with his thick fingers, I pulled back and shook my head. He understood and pulled me back close again continuing his onslaught on my most sensitive parts, taking care to show my peach hole attention as I showed it with the shower head. The fact that while he had been watching, he'd been paying attention blew my mind as I instinctively pushed my breasts together and he began to thrust between them. Soon, I began to feel the tell-tale signs of my impending orgasm and I threw my head back as his name escaped my mouth on a whisper. He was still circling my clit as I slowly came down from my first real orgasm and as his thrusts through my breasts became more erratic, he stilled quickly and as he swore, great streams of cum flew all over my breasts and covered them most spectacularly, just as I had fantasized. As I liked myself clean and enjoyed the taste of my brother, he pulled me even closer and my mouth watered at the thought of taking his pulsing head into my mouth. When we finally parted, we were flush with the aftermath of our orgasms and our embarrassment at our uncontrolled passion. So far, this has happened only once, but the memories of our shower together are now the cornerstone of my fantasies. I no longer have to dream up a book boyfriend for my masturbation sessions, though I still watch my porn, but the reality of a man taking me to orgasmic heights as I pleasure him equally is far superior to any written fantasy that I could ever imagine. I still must keep my innocence as it is a priceless commodity for me and I hope to secure my future with my virginity. When I can no longer profit from my purity, then I shall sell my virginity, perhaps to Tommy Stone and his producer, but I know that when that is done, my brother will be most willing to serve as the reality of future fantasies. Collapse
Hey there, I am Lenochka Chernova from Penza region of Russia. I grew up wild and free in this beautiful region that is beautiful but very boring!!! You may have by now seen my pictures. Am I not beautiful? I love my body, love my tits and my tight virgin cunt. This was my birthday gift to myself when I turned 18. Will you believe me when I tell you I am so shy I stammer when I meet new people? No? Well, it’s true. Come, read my story… My father is a peasant who is also an alcoholic. My mother works at a local bar. I am the eldest daughter and have to look after my two younger sisters, both of them too studious for their own good. My mother sleeps late as she returns home after midnight sometimes. Breakfast is therefore my duty. Bloody Hell, I hate getting up early to make breakfast but I do it as I hate getting boxed by my father even more. I have had my ears boxed so many times it isn’t funny. One time he dragged me out of the house without any clothes on, while I tried to cover my boobs and pussy with my hands. Why? Because I was getting dressed too slow. And my mother? She either does not hear or see anything... Read more >>>! I and my three best friends play truant from school most of the time. After my morning duties, I am free as a bird until supper time when again it has to be hot on the table in time. We lay naked in the grass, sometimes with a bikini on and most often without a stitch. There is no greater excitement than the feel of grass rubbing against my bare virgin clit. Alina is the most travelled amongst us. She has often been to Moscow and even to Munich once. She has many magazines with beautiful pictures that she gives me. I lay down in the sun, looking at these pictures, the beautiful girls and I too long to be there. Alina was the one who had taught us to pleasure ourselves. She would make me lay down flat and take her finger up and down my innocent vulva, faster and faster and would slap my bottom when I lifted it up in excitement and then both of us would cum at the same time. These are my two and only friends. In front of the rest of the world, I am awkward and shy and hence, still a virgin. If you met me in the street and asked me my name, I would blush and stammer but would not be able to tell my own name. This is why I found it very surprising when our local photographer came and met me a month back. I was alone, lying in the grass with no clothes on as usual. He came and stood on top of me and said a friend of his was looking for someone like me to pose as a model in those beautiful magazines. I was so shocked I forgot to be shy. Me?! A model?! Seriously?! Come and meet me after you turn 18, he said. Alina was extremely jealous of me as I packed my bag to travel to Moscow. The photographer not only gave me the ticket but also a hefty fee half of which I gave my Dad. I made another discovery. I lose my shyness in front of the camera. It is as if the world ceases to exist. My virginity which I took for granted is also very highly priced it seems and I had no hesitation showing my unbroken hymen to you. Maybe one day, I too will be there in the glossy magazines Alini buys. Collapse
Hello, I'm back with positive attitude and ready to say goodbye to my virginity specially with such a porn star as Oliver, he is handsome, tall and has big dick, exactly the way I wanted him to be. He was also wearing a suit and looked like a guy from such porn movies. I couldn’t be more happier, even though I might not show this excitement on my face. Im more of an emotionless girl. I was really worried on the inside at the same time, because it’s not everyday that you lose your virginity.. When Oliver came in and sat down next to me, I was really overthinking it and couldn’t do anything with myself, until he touched my body and I knew then that I will capture the best moment of my life on camera with the man... Read more >>> in the world. My doubts have disappeared. He slowly took my clothes off and asked me if I have ever seen a dick in my life, I said only in the videos and photos, he then unzipped his pants and took it out, it was huge! He took my hand and placed it on it and told me stoke it and then suck it without my hands and I really went deep in him easily, maybe because of high expectations to satisfy us both when I was chasing him from their database.. We laid in the bed for sometime and I stroke his penis while making out completely naked, both of us. He told me to get ready and inserted his big dick inside my tight little pussy, it hurt me a lot, not like I imagined it, I mean it was less painful! Then we both fucked a bit and sadly he had to take it out and check my hymen and he didn’t continue to fuck me afterwards, so non of us came and that wasn’t satisfying. But now I’m a real woman and I have the world waiting for me for all the possible sexual adventures! Collapse
My name is Anna. I am a virgin. I study in Paris, France. I’ve just turned 18. I voluntarily agreed that the moment of loosing my virginity will be photographed and videotaped. I am not a model and this the first time I am getting undressed before the camera. Maybe, it is stupid that I agreed but I need some money... Read more >>>... You wouldn’t believe it. She was laughing like mad when I was spreading her pussy lips to see her hymen and it was happening every time I touched her pussy. What a cheery girl! Or maybe she was so nervous that had to hide it laughing? She told me she was staying in her father’s truck very often, going for long trips with him. Her father is a trucker. Once she woke up (she had a special sleeping berth behind the seats), and heard some gasps and moans. The blinds were drawn and her father was sure she was sleeping, as it was a late night after all. Through a small hole in the blinds Anna saw a terrible sight. She saw a woman bouncing her ass up and down some thick sausage which was between her father’s legs. Petrified she could hardly move and continued watching that woman willingly impaling herself on that thick hard sausage. After a moment she realized it was her father’s cock. She was totally shocked by that sight, still couldn’t take her eyes off. She said it was the first time she felt her pussy was soaked and very hot. It was also the fist time she learned the basics of masturbation. She told us she was very ashamed, but she dreamt that she also impaled herself on her father’s thick dick… She was very jealous of him. Here the virgin’s story ends, but you can see her right now on our website! She will insert a tampon through her hymen, slowly and gently! But the most arousing and astounding moment was when her hymen yielded slowly to the pressure of her dildo and finally broke off, coloring swollen over-aroused vagina with purple blood. We videotaped and photographed all this for you! Watch it right now! Act of defloration! Collapse
Nicollet had read an advertisement I had placed in a local paper and one day, she just showed up at our studios. Normally, a girl will contact me through e-mail, send me some pictures and we will carry on an e-mail conversation that may result in her as a featured virgin on our site. Sometimes we get referrals from adult entertainment agents about girls who want to get into the porn industry and since they are virgins, the agency sends them to me for possible inclusion on our site. A girl has to start somewhere when she wants to become a porn star and since being a virgin is not something a girl can remain on her quest to become a star, we get first crack at their virginity. I'm sure you've recognized some of your favorite porn girls who have go on to become HUGE porn stars. Defloration.com is the best place to get started and I am sure you will agree, the ONLY place to get started... Read more >>>... So, back in the early days of our studios, the girls usually deflowered themselves with a dildo I had provided (a new one for each girl, of course) while I filmed them. One day I was working on editing a video when the front door bell rang. I had no appointments that day, so I was curious as to who was ringing my bell. I peeked through the window and before me stood a young girl, nervously looking back and forth, obviously wondering if anyone would see her standing on our doorstep and immediately know why she was there. So, I quickly opened the door and ushered her into the safety of my studio, away from prying eyes. She was beautiful and had the most gorgeous skin and natural blush I had ever seen. Her shoulder length hair glistened with health and vitality and she wore lipgloss as if her lips were kissed by the dew of a spring morning. She was, exquisite and my cock was paying close attention. I quickly hid my tightening and tenting pants behind my desk and we began our conversation. We did not speak each other's native language, and our knowledge of English was rudimentary at best, but I gathered that she had read a local ad and was responding to the ad. She confessed that she was a virgin, and if there every was an innocent woman, she was it. In fact, she did not appear to be of legal age, 18. And she seemed to be concerned with being under 18 as well. As much as it pained me to do so, I told her we could not work together until she was 18 and that if she were still a virgin at that time, to return to my studio and I would love to film her losing her virginity for my camera. As much as my cock would have loved to see her naked at that very moment, he is as respectful as I am, and disappointed as it was, I simply could not agree to do pictures of any sort until she turned 18. As I explained before, our communication was a little difficult because neither of us spoke each other's language and we both had limited proficiency in English. While I was trying to get an idea as to when she would turn 18, she kept giving me different dates. I kept repeating my questions about her birthday and even though I re-phrased the same question, her answers kept changing. Frustrated I asked to see her ID and it was then I discovered that not only was she 18, but she had been 18 for two weeks! My cock took quick notice of that fact and when I told her we could film that very day, her eyes began to sparkle and glow and the bigger she smiled, the larger my cock became. As I stepped out from behind the desk, she immediately noticed the tent in my pants and with a gleam to her smile, she dropped her head slightly and licked her lips. I could already envision her soft, wet lips around my cock as she sucked me to oblivion. Oh! I do love my virgins! Normally, I would have called in a make-up artist to do her hair and makeup, but Nicollet was a natural beauty and she really needed nothing in the way of makeup and she had nicely styled her own hair and as she passed by me to make her way to the filming set, I could smell a faint whiff of gardenia and roses, nothing overpowering, but just enough to make my dick even harder. This was definitely going to be a most difficult shoot trying to keep my cock in check while doing her photos the justice they and she deserved. The first part of the shooting went well. We were becoming more comfortable with each other and she was getting used to the camera and slowly removing her clothes and it was just so natural and easy that soon, we were conversing about other things like her friends, her activities and her dreams for her future. Most girls come to me for the money, another set of girls come to me to get into the adult entertainment business and another set come to me so that they will have a special record of one of the most important events in a girl's life, the loss of her virginity. At the point where we were to begin filming her masturbation scene and defloration scene, I handed her a large dildo, full of veins and one with a good heft and thickness. While I couldn't very well do the job on my own while filming her, she did deserve a nicely sized replica of a cock and I pulled out my very best dildo for her use. She was cautious in taking it from me. She looked it over, ran her hands over the thick veins, felt its weight and a broad smile came over her face. She began to play with it and I grabbed my camera to catch every second of what was to become. She was masturbating herself and the passion etched on her face was more than enough for me and being the man I am, my cock had a mind of its own and had started dancing in my pants. This girl was going to be the death of me! After a while I told her it was time for her to push that dildo in and lose her virginity. Her eyes grew wide as it was obviously fun for her to play with the toy, but shoving that thing up her pussy, well, that was another thing entirely. But, even though she was glistening wet all over her shaved pussy, she tried to insert the dildo, but stopped short at the first sign of any pain. After a few minutes, she was reduced to tears. I didn't understand why she was crying so hard and I tried my best to comfort her but she was unconsolable. I tried my best to convey to her that it was okay, that I would still pay her for her time and for her showing my camera her virgin pussy, but even that did not appease her. I tried my best to communicate with her, but the more I tried, the harder she cried. And she was beautiful when she cried. Christ! She was just beautiful. I wanted to pull her close, love on her and take her virginity myself so that her first experience would be the very best, but I am a professional and no matter what ideas my dick has with regards to my virgins, I remain chaste with all of them. Eventually, her sobbing began to slow and those irritating hiccups a girl gets from breathing too fast had set in. She was trying to dry her eyes while the hiccups continued and finally they slowed down enough for her to begin to explain why she was so upset. It turned out that she had come to me not to be a porn star, not for the money and definitely not for a memento of the loss of her virginity. No, she came to me to lose her virginity because she and her two best girlfriends had made a pact that by the time that week was over, all three of them would no longer be virgins. The other two girls had already met their goal, one with her boyfriend and the other with a random guy; for as beautiful as Nicollet was, she was too shy to be able to get a boy to have sex with her in the time frame to meet her end of the pact. And that was how she ended up on my doorstep. I still didn't understand why she was so upset. She was here in my studio, she still had a few days to finish her pact and in her hand was the proud dildo who would take her virginity. I failed to see the problem at first, but then I discovered that it wasn't anything more serious than she just could not bring herself to cause herself the pain of inserting that dildo. Even though I would have much rather taken her virginity with my eager dick, I told her that I would take care of the situation and insert the dildo myself. I sent her off to the bathroom to compose herself and clean herself up and while she was doing that, I was busy lighting the room and setting the camera on my tripod for the best view. That's a lot of equipment to get ready and when she emerged from the bathroom, the twinkle had returned to her eyes and she blushed when she saw that my erection was just as magnificent as ever. She laid back down and took the dildo from my hands and began to masturbate as before. Soon her pussy was gleaming and dripping and as she handed over the dildo, she communicated to me with her eyes that she trusted me in that moment to take her virginity and that I would do my best not to hurt her. As I began to rub the dildo up and down her virgin pussy lips, I stopped and started to insert the dildo into her virgin pussy. When I confirmed her pussy, I knew that it would be tight, but I wasn't prepared for exactly how tight Nicollet was. She was tighter to get into than the White House. I kept trying though, even taking a break and adding some lube would not get that dildo to even stretch her maiden hood much less break through it. I was starting to get exacerbated with my failure that I even grabbed that dildo with both hands and I pushed with all my might and still couldn't get her hymen to break to let the dildo in to tear through her virginal membrane. After what seemed like forever, I finally got that dildo into her tight little pussy and her pussy complied with my camera and provided some nice blood shots and a great view of her tight and glistening pussy lips. I had never worked so hard in my life to get that girl deflowered and I didn't even get to use my then complaining dick. Nicollet lost her virginity just in time to make her pact deadline, I got some amazing pictures and video that you can still see today in our 2002 archive. Defloration Studios has done many more defloration videos since then and will continue to bring you more exciting defloration videos than ever as we continue to grow, but Nicollet remains to me a virgin that I had the pleasure of deflowering, even though my dick didn't get to do the job. She's a nice memory for me and I hope as you watch her video and view her pictures that she will be a nice memory for you. Collapse
Hello, My name is Mirella and I am just 18. Since I was a little girl, I wanted to be a model. I would dress up in my mother's gowns and pretend I was in a beauty pageant, complete with flowers I had picked from the garden and a tiara that was once part of a child's costume. I pictured in my mind walking down that runway to take my award. I perfected that pageant walk and that pageant wave and of course, I was most talented at blowing kisses to my adoring fans... Read more >>>. As I entered my early teen years, I watched as Kylie Jenner began her modeling career and her Kardashian sisters as they shook the fashion world off its axis with their progressive and provocative fashion line. I devoured any magazine that featured Kim Kardashian and copied some of her designs as I made replica's of her fashions on my grandmother's sewing machine. I copied Kylie Jenner's makeup and grew my hair to be long and silky like hers. Now, it almost reaches my ass and to take care of it takes hours of dedication every week, but it is worth it as I consider it my crowning glory. When I was 17, I auditioned for a modeling agency and was accepted as a client. My dream was to become a Kardashian, well, a Hungarian version of a Kardashian. But i wanted the fame and attention that was lavished on them by their adoring fans, myself included. As soon as I turned 18, my agent told me that I could make a lot of money by posing nude. I had never posed nude before, well, not really, but for the last year, I have spent warm summer evening splayed out on my bed, in full naked display for the pleasure of my neighbor and for the fantasy of myself. The neighbor next door is a young business man. I first caught his eye as he caught mine, while I was sunbathing in my yard and he was working in his yard. He caught my eye when he stripped off his shirt soaked with sweat to reveal a finely toned abdomen with a seriously cut "V" that led to a happy trail of hair pointing the way to his cock that created quite the bulge in his shorts that almost poked out of the hem around his fit and toned legs. His skin glistened with sweat and his hair had lightened from time spent in the sun. His skin almost glowed from its time in the sun and without realizing it, I was staring at him, licking my lips and the thought of what he could do to me with that package in his pants. He caught me starting at him as he lazily looked me over from top to toe and back up again, resting his eyes on my breasts. Our eyes finally met and his eyes were giant pools of green emeralds that reflected the rays of the sun. As our eyes locked on each other, I sat up straight in my chair and reached behind me as I leisurely unfastened my bikini top and removed it so he could feast his eyes on my perky, upturned, firm and full breasts. At first I thought I was quite imagining things, but that impressive bulge in his shorts became even more impressive as it thickened and grew in length until the head of his cock poked out from the hem of his shorts and I could see the droplets of pre-cum form at the bulbous head of his cock and glisten in the sun. I suppose I should have been ashamed, stripping for my neighbor and enjoying the sight of his growing cock in broad daylight. But I wasn't. I was aroused and I felt myself getting wet. He grasped the head of his cock which had poked even further out from the hem of his shorts and rubbed those glistening drops around its head which was expanding (as if that was even possible) and becoming red and angry looking. My eyes never left his body and seeing nobody else around, I shimmied out of my bikini bottoms so that I was completely naked and I started to rub my clit. At first I rubbed slowly and as my neighbor dropped his shorts to the ground and made known to me just exactly how impressive his erection had become, I felt my shaved pussy lips start to swell and my fingers began to pick up speed as my wetness grew and I began to moan. At this point, I cared nothing for the possibility of being caught. My pussy was throbbing at the sight of him stroking his cock and I imagined how it would feel to have something that large in my virgin pussy. Our moans became louder as we chased our releases and at almost the same moment, we both climaxed, his cock shooting out long streams of cum as I threw my head back and practically screamed my orgasm. As I brought my head back down, my neighbor casually picked up his shorts and shirt and strode back into his home as if nothing had just occurred, much less the hardest and longest orgasm I'd had since I discovered my nub of pleasure several years earlier. I didn't see him again for a few days until late one hot summer's evening. I had returned from a party with friends and I was hot and sticky from a night of dancing. I took my shower, wrapped a towel around me to dry and I walked into my darkened bedroom. As I opened the window, I noticed a small light in the window of my neighbor's home. I'd never noticed it before, but the windows of my bedroom looked out across the windows of my bedroom. He caught me staring at him through our open windows and he stopped short and dropped the towel from around his waist. He was still slightly wet from his shower and as I watched his cock grow as he stared at me, I dropped my towel. We stood there transfixed for a few moments and then, just as in the garden, he began to stroke himself as I began to stroke myself and as he reached his orgasm, this time, his cum flew out the window into the yard and I could smell the scent of sex and of him hanging in the milk breeze of that hot summer night. Since then, we have had many mutual masturbation escapades at night from our beds that look over each other. We have never spoken and yet, we continue to pleasure each other without the touch of the other. When the weather turns cold, our windows remain closed, but I'm sure I can hear him growl his release each night as I release my orgasm. My agent sent me out for my first nude assignment last week. I was introduced to the photographer who was insistent with my agent and me that I must be a virgin or I would not be suitable for the job. I was no virgin to my orgasm and I had never had my mouth on a man or a boy and no one had ever touched me, so, while my dirty mind was no longer a virgin, my pussy was and that was all that mattered. I was a little nervous at first, in fact, aside from my display of my body to my neighbor, posing nude was a little scary at first. Then, the photographer asked me about my fantasies and then offered me more money to masturbate for him on camera. That was easy. I'd been masturbating for my neighbor for almost a year by now, certainly I could replicate my fantasy for his camera! I laid down on the bed and began to think of my neighbor and soon my pussy was dripping and I feared that I would drench the bed as my orgasm took over and I cried out in pleasure. When I was done, I excused myself to the bathroom to clean myself up and while I was wiping my wet and swollen pussy, I felt the beginning of a new orgasm and I could not resist, so while sitting on the toilet, I made myself come again. I'm sure the photographer heard me as when I returned to the set, he had a cuter blush on his face. He knew exactly what I was doing in there! As I dressed to return home, he told me how I could make even more money by selling him my virginity. He mentioned Thomas Stone and as any young girl in Hungary, I knew exactly who he was talking about. Who wouldn't want their virginity to be taken by Thomas Stone! So, I eagerly agreed and returned home to my neighbor and our mutual orgasms until the day, Thomas Stone would take my virginity. Collapse
My name is Marfa and I was a virgin. But, here’s the thing; I’m married. Yes, married. And, yes, still a virgin. At my 18 birthday party there was a lot of drinking. My father had invited some of his friends as well as many of my friends. We had good food, good music, lots of dancing and my friends were very generous with their gifts to me. The party lasted many hours and it seemed as if every man at the party wanted to get into my pants... Read more >>>. ]They would kiss me and grab my ass or they would kiss me and then pull my large form breasts out of my dress to kiss them or to play with my nipples. By the early morning hours, I was tired of all these games the men were playing and even though it was my party, I left it to go outside and swing on the tire that was hanging from the old tree in our backyard. I spent a lifetime playing on this tire dreaming of growing up and what my future would be like. I was so lost in my head that I did not notice the large man that had come up behind me. I recognized him as one of my father’s friends. Like my father, he was a trucker and spent many long hours on the road away from his family. This man was quite large, perhaps at least 6 and one half feet. But he was also quite rotund with thick fingers and a large belly from drinking too much beer. There was hair all over him and his hair was long and unkempt just like his beard. I found him disgusting. My father arrived soon after and I was thankful for his intrusion, this large unknown man was staring to creep me out his stare was so intense. My father was not there to save me, as it turns out my father was there to announce to me that I would be marrying this friend of his. I gasped in shock at my father’s declaration as he made it very clear that all the arrangements had been made and as soon as the magistrate’s office opened in the morning, we would be married. My father’s word was law and I had no choice but to go through with this marriage. Our marriage ceremony was unremarkable. Simple and efficient and soon I was a married woman to a fat, overbearing lecherous man who made my skin crawl. My father treated us to breakfast and I was forced to sit next to my new husband who I came to discover was 30 years my senior. His breath reeked of garlic and stale booze and he smelled of something vile. My stomach turned at the thought of becoming intimate with this man and the disdain must have been evident as my father made a snide remark to me insinuating that I should be grateful that his friend was willing to take me on as his wife. In school, i was quite popular and while the opportunities for young women in Russia are limited to being married and breeding stock for Russian children and well, nothing. Many of my friends were already married, most, almost immediately after turning 18 and to older men who were willing to make a wife and release the girl’s father from any further responsibility. Some girls were fortunate to marry handsome and successful men, others like me were forced into servitude disguised as a maraige. I spoke only when spoken to that day. It wasn’t as much me being a compliant bride, but it was more from that I didn’t have anything to say; well I didn’t have anything nice to say and as my husband and my father continued to stuff their faces with food, there was nothing more that I would have liked to have done but run away as fast as I could screaming of bloody murder! Soon, they began to drink and I was slowly dying of boredom. That monster would grab my breast and palm it in his hand while grunting vile words to my father. My father did nothing but laugh at me. The more they drank, the worse their behavior became but at least it was postponing my wedding night which I would gladly have avoided as long as possible. But it appeared that my life was cursed and their talk took towards lewd looks and gestures as my father bid me well and warned me to behave with my new husband. We went to what would be my new home. My husband was repulsive enough to begin with; his home mirrored the filth that surrounded his body. It would take a gallon of petrol and a match or two to make that hovel livable, but planning the cleanup was at least partially distracting from my new husband tearing my clothes off until I was naked and throwing me on our marital bed which I quite imagined had never been changed. He threw himself on top of me and forced my legs apart. He growled in drunken approval and grabbed my breast pulling my nipple into his mouth before shoving his fat, dirty fingers into my pussy. I thought I was going to be sick, he so repulsed me and the pain from his clumsy fingers trying to do God knows what to me was increasing and then as quickly as he had begun his onslaught, he stopped. And then I recognized that he had passed out cold on top of me, his weight crushing me into the mattress. I don’t know how long it took me to extricate myself from underneath him, but I finally freed myself and covered in sweat and the stench of him, I took a shower being extra gentle of my bruised and bleeding pussy. My life was fucked. I slept that night on the couch and when the monster woke up, it earned me a slap across my face for daring to not sleep with him. I got the full on lecture as to my place i the home and how I was there to serve him. He pulled me roughly to him and kissed me hard, the smell of his breath making me retch in revulsion. That earned me another hand across my face and as the tears began to flow, he hit me once again just for good measure. He made it quite clear that he was my master and I was his slave; the problem was he was not some incredibly sexy Dom and I was no submissive like in the romance novels I loved to escape to. My new husband informed me that he was leaving me for three weeks and that our home would need to be spotless and he would expect a well cooked meal waiting for him upon his return. He left immediately, he left me alone and left me with no money. I would have to figure out how I was going to survive with no money, no job and no family support and I had three weeks to do so. I called my girlfriend and she came over with a good bottle of wine. We drank ourselves silly and as we both complained about our marriages, we turned to watch some porn. We first went to xvideos to see what was out there and we saw some previews for defloration.com. The lead actor was very handsome and nicely equipped. We signed up for a membership and we began to watch the videos of girls losing their virginity to a porn star. My friend joked that it was too bad we weren’t still virgins as we could both use a fat paycheck. I fell silent at her joke and she picked up on my silence. “What?” she hissed, “he didn’t fuck you last night?” Breathless I explained that he fingered me, but fell asleep before we could consummate our marriage. My girlfriend shrieked in excitement and before I knew it, I was flat on my back on the couch, my legs spread wide and my panties were pulled to the side! I tried to protest and push her off of me, but she would not be deterred from her task. I was still a virgin, my hymen was intact. Sure, there were some cuts on my pussy lips, but she was sure that I qualified as a virgin and she immediately sent off an email to defloratioin.com offering my services as a virgin. The next morning I woke up to a flurry of activity as my girlfriend had heard back from the producer, she’d sent him a photo of me and we were booked on the first flight out to Budapest in just a few short hours. We were on our way to Budapest, to sell my virginity to the camera and to get fucked by a real man, not the poor excuse I had for a husband who had abandoned me without money or resources. This was going to be interesting. Collapse
When the lights went on and the camera started filming, everything seemed to disappear. It was nothing short of magical. Here I was, ready to be deflowered by this extremely handsome man. I knew he was quite a bit older than I, but his heart, it was his heart that beat young. I could tell from his warm eyes that he revered this occasion in my life as if he respected the task I had accepted. My heart continued to war with my senses knowing that this was the only option I had to save my family. I could not return to my home a failure, yet for me to lose my virginity in this manner was a personal failure. My parents would not approve of what I was going to do. My heart beat fast, partially from Tommy’s heated gaze and partially from the sacrifice that I was to make. Tommy began with light touches and shy kisses. These were unexpected little treats like a chocolate after a celebratory meal... Read more >>>. His warm tongue seemed to melt against my skin and I felt a stirring deep in my core that was not unwelcome, but was very different than what I had expected. His brown eyes locked onto mine and it was as if he knew my darkest secrets. Flecks of gold began to sparkle in his eyes as he gave me a shy, yet knowing smile. And then he pulled me to his lips and kissed me. I had not expected kisses. I don’t really know what I expected. Other than he was going to fuck me. I expected pain and I expected that he would not take the time that a lover would. I was resigned to this; it would be quick and over before I knew it, a bad memory to be covered by the freedom from stress that the ever increasing medical bills were causing my family. I would shoot this scene and then be back on my way home, to never speak of this shame I would bring upon my family. He kissed me again, this time prying my lips apart with his tongue. And then he kissed me again, pulling me closer and kissing me with more passion than I had ever expected from him or any other lover I might have in the future. And then, I tasted him. He tasted of caramel and fine tobacco, and of some unknown spice and soon our tongues began a dance that I felt tear through my body all the way down to my toes and back up again. The more we kissed, the more passion grew between us. There was electricity flowing through our bodies and where we touched it erupted into sparks that lit flames in my body I had no idea existed. My breath was becoming ragged and I felt myself becoming damp, and worried that perhaps I had peed myself from sheer nervousness or fright. He broke our kiss and looked me dead in the eyes and I saw his lids lower partway as he took a breath and then he pulled me to his mouth again and soon we became a tangle of body parts and tongues and my head started spinning and I felt as if I were to pass out. “Stop!” I yelled. Sergey had told me that I could stop if I did not feel well and I was not feeling well at all. It was difficult to breathe and my skin was hyperaware with every touch he made on my body; my heart was beating erratically and I was afraid that I would die of combustion. True to his word, Tommy stopped. Sergey stopped the cameras and gave me a break. I sat down on my heels and tried to calmly drink some water, but Tommy did not stop with the gentle touches or the stolen kisses. He kept constant contact with me, either through touch or through a gentle kiss. His touches and kisses were not unwelcome, they calmed me and while the feelings I was experiencing were confusing, Tommy calmed me. I really wished I had brought my mother with me. At least I would have someone I could talk to, someone who would understand me, but that could not be since I was here, in Budapest, all alone, to sell my virginity. It took me 10 minutes to calm down enough to continue on. Tommy laid me gently back on the bed, adjusting my dress for my comfort and tucking a wayward strand of hair behind my ear. We could not communicate as we did not speak the same language, but his eyes continued to be warm and welcoming and again he calmed me. He languidly drug his hand up and down the outside of my leg and then raised my dress so he could see my shaven pussy. He broke into a smile and he adjusted himself in his pants. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see his hardness grow and elongate and I became anxious to see what his cock would look like. I’d never seen one up close, only on the TV. I wondered what it would feel like and how it would feel against my skin, but Tommy was focusing his activities on my pleasure. He started to kiss my stomach and my hands shot up reflexively to push him away, but he persisted until her reached the top of my pussy. He inhaled deeply and he could smell my arousal! I was so embarrassed, but it seemed to please him and he continued. He spread my legs wide and set to licking my tender and rapidly swelling pussy lips. Is this what happened? Were my lips supposed to swell like this? Was I too wet? So many questions were swirling through my brain and as I would start to think, it would hit me like a Cobra strikes at its victim what I was doing and my heart would stop and I would freeze in terror. But then Tommy would grab my hand and rub small circles on it with his thumb and he murmured against my pussy and the vibration his deep voice made as he softly spoke shot new jolts of electricity through my body and my body relaxed again ready to accept the pleasure Tommy was bringing to my body. Soon, Tommy was licking and sucking me as if he were trying to draw my soul out of my body through that small hole in my hymen and the harder he sucked and the faster his tongue vibrated against my nub of pleasure the dizzier I became and when I felt his tongue enter my virgin pussy, my back arched off the bed and I was sure that I would pass out and die from such pleasure, so again, I yelled “Stop!” and again Tommy stopped, his eyes wide with the fear of the possibility that he had hurt me. Again, all these emotions and sensations were swirling through my brain and my heart and I could not breathe. I also feared that I was disappointing the producer and I thought he might become so frustrated with me that he would send me home without completing my contract. But that was not the case. Sergey tried to convince me that these were normal feelings of pleasure, but I could not see it possible that there should be so many sensations and feelings associated with a sexual act. After all, if it were this pleasurable for everyone, people would gladly spend their days fucking and not working, right? And then the thought of how much pleasure he was bringing to me was not the normal and was something wrong with me because I felt so much pleasure? Sergey decided that Tommy should not try to pleasure me for a while, to give my head and my heart a chance to catch up and that I should try to pleasure Tommy through Oral Sex.I blushed deeply at the humiliation I was anticipating by putting Tommy’s member into my mouth. Certainly, oral sex was the trick of prostitutes and the guise of whores hiding in dark corners hoping to earn enough money to purchase some alcohol or illegal drugs, was it not? But Sergey said that by learning to pleasure Tommy with my mouth was a normal thing and that it would make his erection stronger which would make my defloration easier. Tommy unbuckled his belt and popped open a few buttons at the top of his jeans and when he pulled down his jeans, this gigantic pink hose popped up and into my face. Certainly, my red face was so apparent and I could barely imagine fitting that thing into my mouth, much less into that minuscule hole that Sergey told me was my hymen. I was hesitant to take it in hand, so Tommy gathered my hands in his and helped me to rub his cock in a way that would please him and giving me the confidence I needed to explore his “member” as Sergey called it. Tommy’s cock was not quite what I expected it to be, though to be honest, I am really not sure what I had expected it to be. It was very hot and very heavy in my tiny hands. His balls gave off even more heat and as I rolled them around in my hands, I noticed that the hotter they grew, the heavier they grew. I knew from biology class that his sperm was located in the balls and I giggled a little as I imagined his body loading his balls with the sperm he would release when he had an orgasm. His cock was very, very hard and very long and very thick. My mother always exclaimed how long and delicate my fingers were, but I was unable to wrap a single hand around his cock. It was also very smooth and the skin was very soft, almost as if it were covered by the fine fuzz one finds on a fresh peach. His cock was lined with veins and I could feel the beat of his heart through them. When I put it in my mouth, a tiny bit of sperm escaped through the tiny hole at the end and as I tasted it, I inhaled and got a whiff of the musky scent that must be the scent of his arousal. At first I crinkled my nose as the smell, yet as I continued to work his cock in and out of my mouth, I noticed that my mouth began to water and began to lubricate his cock and the more my mouth watered, the more of his scent I wanted to inhale. And the more I sucked and licked, the more sperm he released into my mouth, drop by delicious drop, salty, sweet and earthy like an expensive mushroom that all the gourmands talk about. Just telling this to Franchesca as she listens to me go on about my experience has my mouth watering again for the taste of Tommy. And there is more to tell, much more, but Franchesca needs to leave now and I need to return to my hotel room and soon, I shall be back with more of my story because this is not the regular virgin secrets that you are used to being told. My story is much more different than the others and so much more detailed, that we simply must continue in another day. You have seen my solo video and soon I shall finish my story and you shall be ready to view my defloration video, so come back soon, because the story does not end with my defloration video and I cannot wait to share with you what happened next. Collapse
Hello. My name is Mirelle and I am the latest girl to lose her virginity to Tommy Stone and the cameras at Defloration.com. By now, I'm sure you've seen the video and read all about it from Tommy's point of view, and I've tried to be silent, but his description came no where near the accuracy of what really took place and I have to tell you the truth, the whole truth; every last single second that incredible cock of his was in my pussy. All my friends know about Tommy and his incredible skill at deflowering virgins... Read more >>>. It is difficult to be anywhere in Eastern Europe and not know of The Virgin Whisperer. Quite simply, Thomas Stone and his magnificent cock are what legends are made of and the reality of him, it does not disappoint. I had been planning since I had first seen one of his Defloration videos that he would take my virginity. I was nothing short of obsessed over Tommy taking my virginity; it was what I desired, what I dreamt for and what I planned for. I watched every single video I could get my hands on and thank to my older brother's subscription to the site Defloration.com I had full and complete access to every virgin Tommy had ever taken. And, the second I turned 18, I contacted the producer and told him I was willing to sell my virginity to the cameras. I did not mention my obsession with Tommy for fear that he would have assigned me to Renato or another Tudor in the stable. For me, it was Tommy or nothing. I don't know what I would have done had the producer rejected me, or perhaps discovered that Tommy was my plan after all; but I kept positive thoughts going, I was always prompt in answering correspondence and attending meetings. I flirted appropriately with the producer and before I knew it, I was signing paperwork and was scheduled to lose my virginity to Tommy, the following week. All was going to plan and I went to bed every night, rubbing one out to thoughts of Tommy Stone's hard, throbbing cock breaking through my tight virgin pussy and masking me a woman. That is until the day before. The day before was a beautiful day in Budapest; warm, but beautiful. I woke up and laid there for a few moments as I eagerly recounted in my mind what tomorrow would bring. I'd planned this Defloration for almost 2 years; my mind hanging on every word and every movement that Tommy had made as he deflowered countless virgins. I'd spent two years dreaming of how his cock would fit in my pussy and how it would feel to have an orgasm under his expert hand. I wondered how hot his cock would feel in my body and how it would feel as he reached his orgasm. And, I shot out of my bed and barely made it to the toilet before I tossed the contents of my stomach. As I breathed rapidly, trying to prevent further emptying of my stomach, I wiped my hand up over my head, smoothing my hair down onto my sweaty brow and shook from the breeze coming across my sweaty body. The day I had planned for;th day I had waited for was finally here and I was fucking scared! I've always been brave and bold, daring even. But now, reality was crashing all around me and I suddenly realized the enormity of losing my virginity to Tommy Stone; The Virgin Whisperer. As I let the water from the shower sluice over my body my hands followed its root towards the drain over my nipples and down further to my pussy. My fingers pinched my nipples and rolled them until they were hard and pebbled and the lazy ache between my legs began to burn and demand its release as I continued to pleasure myself. I pictured Tommy in my head and the familiar tightening of my pussy started clenching, seeking Tommy's missing cock, and I came hard against the edge of the shower. I was just barely sated, the fantasy of Tommy's cock was barely hitting the target the closer it came to my Defloration. But one thing was for certain; I was no longer afraid or nervous, I was ready. I showed up that morning wearing my tightest white jeans and the sexiest thong I owned. I entered the shooting location with great confidence, met with the photographer, took my top off and let my boobs fly free. The slight breeze and the sight of Tommy off to the side, set me on edge and my nipples reacted and began to pearl to their hard points. I confidently strode over to Tommy to introduce myself and when I took his hand in mine to shake it in greeting, I felt the thrum of his essence pass from him to me and all my confidence disappeared and I was rendered speechless. I was suddenly aware of my nakedness and became very, very shy and mute, not at all like the saucy confidante ready to give her virginity over to her dream star. In fact, about the only thing I was capable of doing was flipping the producer the bird as I signed over the paperwork just before we started filming. The start of things barely registered on my consciousness. I was aware of Tommy's kisses and how his hands felt on my body; his fingers were warm and his skin was soft, but at the same time was rugged as if he did his own work around the house. When he finally revealed that majestic cock of his; the object of my long term lust and affection, I wasn't quite sure what I expected. It was hard, hot and his heart beat through the veins that added dimension to it. The heft of it was a surprise. I'd blown a couple of boys in school, even the most virginal of girls had, but I'd never felt or held a cock so heavy in my hands before. And the skin was the softest skin I'd ever felt making my baby brother's bottom seem like sandpaper. I was entranced by it all and intimidated by it all as I slowly put that wide, lush head of it in my mouth. I could feel the beat of his heart as it pulsed against my tongue and my mouth began to water and his cum began to seep. My nose was right there where I could smell his masculinity and that smell combined with his cologne shot desperate need to my pussy and I couldn't wait any longer to have him inside of me and I guess the feeling was mutual because he could no longer wait to be balls deep in my hot, tight, virginal pussy. He convinced me that doggy style was the best way to accomplish the task at hand and in retrospect, it was. It just burned like a mother----ER! Shit, I was not expecting that! Yes, I've seen the girls cry in the videos, but honestly, I could not see how it could possibly HURT THAT MUCH! But it did; he ore right through that membrane and then he stopped and allowed me to have a moment to adjust to his size. While he held still, I could feel my pussy expand and form around his cock. I was aware of how very full I felt, as if there was no room in my pussy for anything, much less a condom. How those girls do DP was beyond me at that moment! Soon, he pulled out and showed my newly destroyed hymen and my pussy filled with cool air. I didn't like the empty feeling, I wanted him back in my pussy and I wanted to feel the heat of his cock as it slid back and forth seeking it orgasm and bringing me to mine. It was still a little painful as he began to pound into me; but every stroke, every hit of his pubic bone against mine took away pain and began to infuse my body with the most pleasurable of sensations, far more pleasure than I had ever brought to myself. And then we changed positions and within a few strokes, I could feel the change and any pain or discomfort that I had been feeling was completely gone and it was all about pleasure for both Tommy and I. His cock slid in and out of me and each thrust showed me how silky his cock was. I could feel his heat as the sides of his cock slid against the walls of my pussy. I could feel as his head touched against my cervix which set off fireworks of pleasure that coated my pussy. I could feel his cock as it would jump in my pussy and I could tell he was getting close; hell, my pussy was getting close, clenching and unclenching against his cock and then I felt it, the beginning of an orgasm unlike anything I had ever felt before and as my body let go and climbed that mountain of pleasure, he pulled out and blew his sperm clear across the lounge and onto my shoulder. I'd never seen Tommy spray his baby butter so far before! And he was quite taken aback by the power of his orgasm. My pussy was still quaking with pleasure while I inspected the remnants of his pleasure and the camera's stopped rolling; leaving Tommy and I to bask, alone in our orgasms. I never knew it could be this good, or I might not have waited until I turned 18; but if I had, it would not have been Tommy who brought me such pleasure. Our session was over now. Unless I went into the business, there would not be any more Tommy for me; I'd just have to find some special boys in my neighborhood because, now that I have lost my virginity, I am going to take every opportunity to have sex again. I loved everything we did. Including when Tommy popped his thumb into my asshole. OMFG! That was a fucking incredible sensation; I felt full, very full and it was the most erotic and yet luxurious all at the same time; my nerve endings were firing at rates I could not comprehend and that I did not want to stop. So, sadly, for now, those feelings make me desirous of finding out just how very good they can be and maybe, just maybe, you will see the scene where I get to fully entertain those other amazing feelings. Until then, I have been very well fucked; I enjoyed it immensely and I can't wait for more. Collapse
Not all the girls are ready to loose their virginity in front of a camera! Watch the virgin girls getting oil massage right here, in the highest... Read more >>> resolution. What you are about to see in the following videos will blow your mind away. Collapse
Hi! My name is Alice, just yesterday I turned 18 years old. I decided to come to my first casting of this kind that I would pose absolutely naked, because posing and modeling business is my long-standing dream. In fact, a few years ago, I began to slowly manage my dream. So, in addition to studying at a regular school, I went to a modeling school. There, at the modeling school, I was taught how to correctly pose and how to behave in front of the camera. Despite the fact that I really enjoyed studying at a modeling school, participating in fashion shows and acting for advertising youth clothes, this was for me too little. I understood that I could achieve much more. After all, I have great characteristics to become a real professional and very popular model... Read more >>>. But all the small offers of part-time work and small little-known fashion shows did not satisfy me. Firstly, I did not see the possibility of career growth for myself there, and secondly, I was paid up to funny little money. And real models get a lot more and can afford a good and beautiful life. So, disappointed in my future with the modeling agency, I decided to take everything into my own hands and found a site defloration.com on the Internet. I must say that I had no shadow of doubt whether I should fly here and participate in the casting. I was absolutely sure it was a great idea. And in addition, this is an invaluable posing experience that will help to get rid of even the smallest fear of the camera and become even more confident. That's why I'm here today! So it happened that I'm still a virgin. And this means that together with the brilliant figure and my young age, I am ideal for participating in today's casting. I am not afraid and my knees are not shaking with fear, I feel quite comfortable and confident. After all, I learned to be a real model for a long time. Of course, today is something new and unusual for me, but it only pleases me, and not scares me at all. By the way, I flew to the casting on a huge plane. Until today, I only flew on a plane twice in my life when I was a child. But today's flight was just beautiful, even though I slept almost all the time of the flight. I didn't sleep enough before I went to the airport, but that's not surprising. As you can easily guess, I had a big party yesterday to celebrate my eighteenth birthday! It was very cool, all my friends came to congratulate me and spend this beautiful evening with me. We had fun, we had white wine and a sea of champagne. And then everyone jumped into the pool and poured water from water pistols. It must have been my best birthday and the best party I've ever seen! After the party, I practically failed to sleep, because we had fun until the morning, and in the morning I already had to go to the airport to fly to the casting. I think it's very symbolic and cool. After such a cool party, I, already mature and adult, go to an important and interesting job. On the way to the airport, I felt tired, but I was looking forward to something very interesting. I felt like this day would be great for me. When all the passengers took their seats on the plane, I felt the butterflies in my stomach from waiting for the plane to take off. In my opinion, airplanes are very romantic. Just imagine a huge iron winged car speeding up and soaring into the sky, like a large bird with wide wings. Just amazing! I sat near the window and could watch the plane gain speed and dissect the pink dawn clouds. After the plane took off, I broke away from the beautiful view of the clouds behind the window glass and saw that the man sitting next to me was looking directly at me. At first I felt uncomfortable with his look, but soon this awkwardness passed. I noted that the man was young and beautiful. He had a folding tightened body, ivory skin and blonde hair. And his eyes were as beautiful as the bottomless blue sea. In the end, I was even a little glad that I attracted his attention. After all, every girl likes when beautiful men pay attention to her. So, we had a conversation with him. I found out he was on a business trip and doing his own business. It was interesting, I was always attracted to men who independently achieved something and who could tell interesting and fun about their work. Then, a little later, I accidentally dozed off. I was incredibly tired, a short dream was just necessary for me to work at full strength and be a casting professional. But I fell asleep completely by chance, because I was passionate about talking to a man nearby. But my eyes closed against my will and a light dream covered me with my head. About half an hour later, I opened my eyes again and found that my head was lying on the shoulder of the blue-eyed man all this time of my sleep. I startled my head off his shoulder and apologized for disturbing him. But he very gently and affectionately smiled at me and said that everything is fine and I can continue to rest on his shoulder, he has nothing against it. He smiled again with the most gentle smile I have ever seen. And I couldn't help but smile back at him. I put my head on his shoulder again, getting a little more comfortable and moving my knees to him a little. Then I felt his touch on my hair. He was gently caressing me on the head and slipped his cheek to my hair, as if he were going to take a nap too. I didn't mind, on the contrary, I was starting to like this innocent flirt on a flying plane. And then... something happened that excited me. I felt him put his hand on my knee... butterflies began to fly in my stomach again, and my cheeks poured over with a blush. I tried my best not to show him how much I liked it. His hand lying on my young knee was something very important to me. I can say that this was the first event in my life that made my pussy get wet. I tried not to move and enjoy these minutes of such a little intimate situation with this man. It was an amazing feeling which i have never had before. I wanted more from him, but unfortunately our plane started landing. Who knows, maybe after this I will think one more time about losing my virginity on a casting. Collapse
Hello, I am Anna Redofed from Ukraine. I come from a large and happy family but unfortunately we are very poor. My father works on the land of another and my mother stitches at home. I have five sisters and a brother, who is the youngest. Two of my elder sisters have been married. I have another sister elder to me and one younger to me at home. As our cottage is very small, we were familiar with what happens between a man and a woman from childhood. Sometimes when our father came home after work, tired and sweaty, he would pull my mother from behind and they would rush off into their bedroom. Sometimes, the door would be left unlocked and I and my sisters would peep through the door. As my father pulled off my mother’s clothes, we too would get a thrill. She loved getting her breasts sucked by him and we too would rub our budding breasts in pleasure. As his cock stood straight, we would gasp, and as he rammed it into her, we too would feel the wetness between our legs. She would sometimes suck on his cock, making it big and I too dreamt of doing that one day with my husband, who would surely be much older, with a moustache and who would suck my virgin tits like my father did to my mother... Read more >>>. Later, in our room, where all of us slept together, we would take turns to pose naked on the bed. As I lay down, not a shred of clothing on my body, one of my sisters would blindfold me. I always heard them giggling as they lick my tiny pert breasts. They always made fun of my budding tits and called them bee stings. Even my younger sister was more developed than me. This was all in fun and this was how we got our simple pleasures at home. Outside, we walked eyes down on the road and we know we will never have a date until our parents arrange a boy for us. I was delivering clothes that my mother had stitched to her client one day when I bumped into a man. He almost gasped. He walked along with me and told me that a friend of his was a photographer who would love to have me model for him. He would pay generously too. I took the address hesitantly. Returning home, I pulled my elder sister into our room and showed the card to her. Her eyes grew wide when she heard how much money I would get. There was no question of saying no. She said she will come with me and as the man had assured that it would be done privately, I was confident. Both of us reached the studio in time the next day. I was awestruck with the big and beautiful room that was arranged for me, full of soft toys. I was given a big, pink rabbit that I loved. The photographer wanted to see my breasts and my sister gently beckoned me to remove my top. To my embarrassment, my virgin nipples were tight and straight. I could see the photographer getting aroused. My sister rubbed my back and I soon was at ease. As the camera clicked me from all angles, I was asked to reveal my intact hymen. I rubbed my clit with my fingers and as the lips were separated, my virginity was revealed for all of you to see! Collapse
When Anna contacted our studio wanting to do a shoot for us, there was no doubt that we were greatly intrigued. She was just about to turn 18 and had long thought about shooting a pornographic video. The beauty was just five years old when she viewed her first pornographic video and by the time that she reached puberty sexual thoughts had taken over much of her life. She was just the kind of sexy blonde that any man would desire. Interestingly enough, despite a sexual passion that had been stirring in her for thirteen years, Anna had never allowed a boy to take away her innocence. She had thought about it a great deal. When she was 11 she was introduced to masturbation in a class on sexuality and spent that afternoon seeing how much pleasure she could bring to herself. She went into her room and sat in her very comfortable chair, imagining the things that had been talked about in class. The images she had seen six years earlier came back to her mind and soon she found herself sliding her hand into her pants and enjoying the feeling of her fingers sliding over her innocent pussy... Read more >>>. In just a few minutes she reached an orgasm for the first time, but it would not be the last. The feeling was so incredible that she spent many an afternoon…an evening, and morning, and night enjoying the way she could pleasure herself. Each time she caressed her body she watched videos online and soon found the idea of shooting her own video to be too good to be true. On many occasions she watched videos and imagined that she was the woman being caressed, fondled, licked, kissed and, yes, fucked. The thoughts brought her pleasure beyond belief, and after turning 17, she knew that she was just a year from living out her ultimate fantasy. For Anna, she had a special wish that she hoped for. Not only did she want to be captured on video enjoying her body, but she thought it would be amazing to lose her virginity as well. The thought of this sexy, alluring blonde letting her virgin pussy be taken for the first time for the whole world to see was an opportunity that we simply could not let get away. As excited as she was by this opportunity, we were equally so, and there is no doubt that during her casting video that Anna did not disappoint in the least. Collapse
Hi, I am Anna Palatka from Russia. You must have already seen my casting video earlier where I explored my innocent pussy in front of you. It was such a beautiful experience for me that when I was asked if I wanted to give away my virginity in front of the camera, I eagerly said yes! This isn’t something dirty for me but a very rich experience…this is the first time a man is touching me… the first time I will see a man’s cock and be able to touch it… Come, be part of my adventure! I have lived a very loving life with my parents. My father is a... Read more >>> senior doctor and remains busy and I am very close to my mother. She has raised me to be an independent girl and lets me make my own decisions not just about what to wear and study but also about sex. I am confused about life in general…. About my future… about what I want to do. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew I wanted a job which was not ordinary. I want to travel, meet exotic people, stay in luxurious places. When a few acquaintances told me about defloration.com, I was eager to give it a try. I knew I might have to pose without clothing and I was prepared for that. I am a very practical girl but with a lot of romantic thoughts. Maybe this was where my future lay. How will I know if I do not try it out? I sent email after email, asking them to consider me as a model. They finally replied back in a beautiful letter with two conditions: one, I had to be a virgin…and two, I had to be 18 years old. Well, I was definitely a virgin but 18 years?? At that time, I still had two weeks to go! Eagerly counting the days on my fingers, I reached the “defloration.com” studio the day after I turned 18. You must have seen my video and I too got to see my unbroken hymen for the first time. When I rubbed my innocent pussy and massaged my budding breasts in front of the camera for your eyes, I did not have to imagine anything really… it was the most arousing sensation. I love my pert mango-like tits… love stroking them and I enjoyed revealing them on camera. Enjoyed the pleasure of wetness as I removed my panties in front of someone for the first time. Enjoyed that rush of power and pleasure I felt when I touched the lips of my tight clit and saw Sergey also getting aroused. But he is truly a gem of a person! When he asked me my opinion about Tommy Stone breaking my virgin hymen with his cock, I was ready to go with the idea. I would really enjoy having an experienced man to have sex with for the first time in my life, rather than a fumbling boy of my own age. I know it would be a most pleasurable experience for me. I had learnt about sex long ago when I saw a porn video by mistake in kindergarten. Those images of men ejaculating their white serum over a woman lying in bed have stayed with me… and when my fingers began exploring my virgin body for the first time in middle school, I achieved my first orgasm and love the sensation of wetness running from my virgin clit down between my thighs. I have always enjoyed masturbating in the shower. I imagine a tender older man rubbing his cock against my freshly shaven virgin pussy, while my fingers touched my clit gently at first and then rubbing it faster and faster, the tightness of the virgin vulva soon becoming wet as I cum quick and hard. I cum again and again, imagining that man of my dreams sucking my pert innocent tits, squeezing them while my fingers move up and down, giving pleasure to myself. Using the showerhead was a trick I learnt by accident when the water once touched the exact spot near my vulva, making the most delicious vibrations. Since then, whenever I could, I aim the nozzle of water straight at the edge of my untouched pussy, the vibrating water stream sent shivers of enjoyment through my clit while I kept squeezing my pert tits, teasing them and then suddenly cum…. The wetness of my pussy merging with the wetness of the shower water. As I entered the studio the day after my casting, I was more shy than nervous. I was at ease with Sergey but when Tommy entered, with the sweetest smile on his face, I couldn’t help blushing. As I kept talking, I noticed his fingers rubbed my thigh, probably to make me feel at ease but it was getting me more and more aroused. I just wanted to get on and this really embarrassed me. Am I a bad girl for feeling this way? I don’t know but any virgin girl in presence of Tommy would probably feel the same. He helped me remove my favorite pink sweater that I have put on for comfort. His lips brushed against the nipples. As he gently lay me down and sucked my small developing boobs, I gave a gasp. As his fingers went down, down and down…I felt I was about to cum before anything happened! How embarrassing will that be! But he was not helping.. in fact as his finger slid up and down my clit, I felt my panties getting wet and he removed them. His lips touched me near the navel and as he continued moving down, his tongue reaching my clit, I realized he was going to let his tongue lick my vulva! Can this be normal? I have never heard any of my girl friends telling me that men can put their heads between your thighs and make you feel crazy! This must be some Hungarian kinky stuff!!! But, no, Sergey reassured me again that men can really do this kind of magic with their tongues and whatever Tommy does is very much ‘normal’. As he went slower with me, lying down behind me, teasing my innocent buds, making me moan and finally as his finger moved with speed against my virginal clitoris, making the lips of my vulva swell, I came with a rush. With two of his expert fingers, he then separated the lips to show the world my red cherry, ripe for him to pick… I was ready to explore his cock now and as my hand found it and brought it out of his pants, I was amazed to see it. The first time I am not just seeing but also touching a man’s dick. I put my lips over his manhood, moving my mouth up and down, sucking on it, touching a man’s balls for the first time. He was excited… I could make this out from the sounds of arousal that came out of his mouth. The cock was huge and so stiff!! I could not imagine this ‘thing’ penetrating me, going inside, tearing apart my hymen and making me a woman. Was I scared? Yes, now I was really scared. But this is something that has to happen and after having kept my virginity intact for so long, it was time to give it up. I left myself to his expert knowledge and he lay sideways with me, his erect penis gently moving in my virgin vagina. I know he was being as gentle as he could, his hands over my newly adult boobs. I was getting greatly aroused but the pain overshadowed everything at that moment. As Tommy’s pace increased, I clenched my fingers to reduce the effect of the pain and finally there was a kind of blackness as his stiff cock tore apart my hymen. As he continued moving in and down, I came with a tenderness. I was finally a woman. We did it one more time with me on top of him. His huge cock easily sliding inside me. As my recently ruptured vagina moved up and down, I noticed my breasts bobbing up and down and wanted him to suck on them. He pulled me towards me, licked my pick nipples and we both moved in and out until I came again. As in the video I had seen as a little kid, I wanted to see a man cum in real. I moved my fingers up and removing, rubbing his foreskin up and down, making him now moan. I sucked on his cock, making it all the more tight, kept moving and finally his white milk spilled over my fingers. One day, I know, a man’s white liquid will be released inside me, forming a baby, but not now… For now, I am thrilled that I lost my virginity here on the sets of defloration.com, to a wonderful and masculine man like Tommy stone. I will treasure this moment forever. Collapse